Marie is a teenage girl living a semi-criminal life with her friends on the streets of Paris. Her mother, Élisa, suffering from poverty, abandoned by her husband and estranged from her parents, had tried to kill her when she was very young and subsequently committed suicide, while her father has never been part of her life. One day she decides to find and take revenge on her father for not helping her when she was a child. When she finds him she realises that she cannot kill her own father, at least not before he has had the chance to explain.
Marie a dix-sept ans et s'enfuie d'un foyer de la DDASS avec ses amis Solange et Ahmed. Vivant de larcins et usant de sa séduction pour parvenir à ses fins, Marie survit avec le poids du suicide de sa mère dont elle tient son père inconnu pour responsable. Elle décide finalement de retrouver la trace de son géniteur afin d'assouvir sa vengeance.