Die Architektin Nora will mit ihrem neuen Freund, dem erfolgreichen Anwalt Tobias Becker, einen geruhsamen Urlaub verbringen. In den Ferien auf Kreta soll Tobias, der mit Kindern nicht so gut kann, auch einen Draht zu Noras Tochter Julia und dem kleinen Ben finden. Doch die beiden Kids können Tobias nicht riechen, und es kommt noch dicker: Aufgrund einer ärgerlichen Doppelbelegung müssen Nora und Tobias sich das traumhafte Ferienhaus mit der Event-Managerin Marion und deren geschiedenem Mann Tobi teilen, denn beide Familien haben unter dem Namen Becker gebucht.
The successful Berlin lawyer Tobias Becker wants to marry the widowed architect Nora Merz. There is only one catch: Tobias can't talk to Nora's teenage daughter Julia, and he can't get in touch with her little straggler Ben either. So that Tobias can grow into his future father role, Nora - amid heavy murmuring from the kids - booked a holiday in Crete in the dreamy holiday home with a pool and a sea view. The attractive event manager Marion Becker is also ripe for the island. As every year, she wants to spend the summer vacation with her divorced husband Tobi and their son Philip in Crete - and as stress-free as possible. Unfortunately, both families have booked under the name "Tobias Becker", and so there is an embarrassing double occupancy of the holiday home. For the same reason, Becker and Becker clashed at the airport and at the car rental company and learned to really "love" each other