En pappa har mördat en annan man. Polisen är honom på spåren och hans dotter kommer att omhändertas. Hon är meningen med hans liv, och han är trots sina brister hennes allt. Ovilliga att ge upp sin frihet packar de bilen och ger sig av i gryningen.
The police are pursuing a man wanted for murder. If the man is arrested his daughter will be placed in foster care. To stay free they escape into the wilderness. Faro refers to a Portuguese city that the father once visited.
The police are pursuing a man wanted for murder. If the man is arrested his daughter will be placed in foster care. To stay free they escape into the wilderness. Faro refers to a Portuguese city that the father once visited.
The police are pursuing a man wanted for murder. If the man is arrested his daughter will be placed in foster care. To stay free they escape into the wilderness. Faro refers to a Portuguese city that the father once visited.
The police are pursuing a man wanted for murder. If the man is arrested his daughter will be placed in foster care. To stay free they escape into the wilderness. Faro refers to a Portuguese city that the father once visited.
En far har myrdet en anden mand og politiet er på sporet af ham. Hans datter, som er hans øjesten, skal som følge af dette fjernes fra hjemmet. Faderen og datteren pakker bilen og begiver sig tidligt om morgenen ud på en planløs flugt fra politiet og de sociale myndigheder.
The police are pursuing a man wanted for murder. If the man is arrested his daughter will be placed in foster care. To stay free they escape into the wilderness. Faro refers to a Portuguese city that the father once visited.
ελληνική γλώσσα