A lonely ski resort manager seems to have an eerily strong impact on all the ladies around him. He is not notably handsome nor even particularly pleasant person, but for some inexplicable reason every female guest who enters his chalet seems to be willing to do whatever he wants, including having sex right next to their passed-out husbands. In fact, even his own sister-in-law can't resist his mystifying charms and quite literally throws herself at him. After a customer's husband in fatally injured in a skiing accident, he decides to make his move and proceeds to rape and kidnap the woman, imprisoning her in a wooden box located in his own personal torture dungeon.
- Captured for Sex 4
- Woman in a Box 2
在某滑雪场附近经营小旅馆中年男子小西邦彦(中西良太 饰),妻子与人私奔,他与单恋自己的妻妹一美(河村みゆき 饰)合理支撑旅馆的运营。在一美看来,姐夫是一个善良老实的好男人,与人私奔的姐姐才不可原谅。而邦彦心中又隐藏着一美所不知道的阴暗一面,失去妻子的他向有夫之妇展开疯狂报复,获将她们囚禁在逼仄的木制箱子中,极尽凌辱;或在烂醉如泥的男客面前侵犯他们的妻子。
某天,邦彦外出途中偶然看见正在雪原中赏景的山岸夫妇,他偷偷将夫妇的汽车轮胎扎破,随之将毫无戒备的两人带回旅馆。次日滑雪时,山岸纯(小原孝士 饰)落入邦彦设下的圈套,身受重伤。随后邦彦将魔爪伸向了美丽成熟的少妇山岸博子(長坂しほり 饰)……