Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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Harry Potter's unfortunate summer away from his friends continues when he returns to school and an ancient prophecy seems to be coming true as a mysterious presence stalks the corridors at Hogwarts, leaving its victims paralyzed.

  • Harry Potter 2
  • Harry Potter Year 2


Hogwarts is back in session.

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Harry Potter Franchise

88 8 Evan_

Harry Potter, with the help of his close friends and allies, face off against the most powerful wizard of all time, Voldemort.

Wizarding World

2 10 BlackSpirits

Wizarding World

2 11 alosh

..أفلام & مسلسلات..


1 8 Subscriber-2346302

The Wizarding World

1 11 jamesalaska


1 133 hib6498

My Movies

1 248 ZeroOaths

Just a list of movies I own

Wizarding World

1 11 Dorian Nessuno

The Wizarding World (previously known as J. K. Rowling's Wizarding World) is a fantasy media franchise and shared fictional universe centred on a series of films, based on the Harry Potter novel series by J. K. Rowling.

Wizarding World

1 12 vincent2n

The Wizarding World (previously known as J. K. Rowling's Wizarding World) is a fantasy media franchise and shared fictional universe centred on the Harry Potter novel series by J. K. Rowling.

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