喜劇の名手・三谷幸喜が監督・脚本を担当、政治の世界を舞台に、支持率低迷にあえぐ総理大臣が記憶喪失に陥ったことから始まるドタバタ群像劇を綴る。中井貴一が、傲慢で利己的、国民からも家族からも総スカンを食らう“史上最悪の総理大臣”役で主演。記憶とともに、政治のイロハも過去のしがらみも忘れた主人公は誠実な人間、誠実な政治家として生まれ変わろうとするが? 切れ者の秘書役のディーン・フジオカや総理夫人役の石田ゆり子をはじめ、草刈正雄、佐藤浩市、小池栄子ら実力派俳優たちの演技合戦も見もの。
Keisuke Kuroda (Kiichi Nakai) wakes up in a hospital bed and he is unable to remember who he is. He sneaks out of the hospital and happens to see the news on TV. He becomes shocked. Keisuke Kuroda realizes he is the prime minister of Japan, but his approval rating is the lowest in history. During a recent speech, he was hit by a rock thrown by a citizen. This caused Keisuke Kuroda to lose his memory. A man, who seems like Keisuke Kuroda's subordinate, takes him to the official residence of the prime minister. The only people aware that Keisuke Kuroda lost his memory are his three secretaries, one of whom is Isaka (Dean Fujioka). Keisuke Kuroda hides his memory loss from everyone else including his wife Satoko (Yuriko Ishida). He thinks about making changes to the country.