À quelques semaines du combat de boxe qui pourrait l'élever au rang de champion du monde, Sébastien, ivre derrière le volant à la suite de retrouvailles bien arrosées avec son ami boxeur Danny, frappe accidentellement un cycliste. Craignant pour sa réputation, le jeune homme refuse de porter secours à la victime, malgré les supplications de Danny qui, interrogé plus tard par la police, s'incrimine afin d'éviter la prison à son ami. Hanté par l'accident, Sébastien perd son combat. Cinq ans plus tard, Danny est sacré champion du monde. Son ancien ami, qui vit dans la misère, n'a plus qu'un désir: l'affronter dans le ring afin de lui prouver sa supériorité.
-Sébastien Messier and Danny Demers have been friends forever. They've shared all sorts of things, including boxing. After an absence of a year and a half, Danny returns to Montreal (in Canada). He is at the lowest point, nothing awaits him. Sébastien, on the contrary, is on his way. He's preparing for the fight of his life, for the title of world champion. The reunion of the two friends is emotional, full of memories and promises. Until a dramatic event shatters their paths - Blinded by ambition, Sebastian has lost the essential. He's adrift. It's the desire to measure up to Danny that makes him want to get on with his life. At first, Sebastian believes he only has to get back into shape to prove his superiority. But then the ghosts of the past reappear. He then finds the courage to face his demons until he gives Danny the ultimate proof of his friendship.