Ernesto Picciafuoco, painter and illustrator of children's tales, is a part of a very important but impoverished family, which wants to regain its stature by having a member canonized. ns. The late mother of the protagonist seems to be the only true religious person in the weak and stupid family. Two of the young rebels are now in the 40s and are completely detached from the hypocrisy of religion. One of them pretends to be very religious, to get back his job. The other, the protagonist, is uncertain, beset by moral doubts, mainly because of his young son who could learn the hypocrisy from him.
Ernesto, peintre reconnu et athée convaincu, apprend que sa famille a décidé de faire canoniser sa mère. Tous vont le pousser à participer aux démarches auprès de l'épiscopat pour finaliser l'entreprise, le plongeant dans une grande perplexité.