Koniec szkoły to najszczęśliwszy dzień w roku dla Mikołajka i paczki jego oddanych przyjaciół. Wystarczy spakować walizki i można ruszać w wymarzoną wakacyjną podróż. A ta zaprowadzi bohatera w sam środek malowniczej Bretanii. Od partyjki golfa w urokliwym pensjonacie, przez rejs do Wyspy Mgieł, na harcerskim obozie skończywszy – wszędzie, gdzie pojawi się Mikołajek, czeka go moc niezapomnianych przygód.
C’est la fin de l’année scolaire. Le moment tant attendu des vacances est arrivé.
Le petit Nicolas, ses parents et Mémé prennent la route en direction de la mer, et s’installent pour quelques temps à l’Hôtel Beau-Rivage. Sur la plage, Nicolas se fait vite de nouveaux copains : il y a Blaise, qui n’est pas en vacances parce qu’il vit ici, Fructueux, qui aime tout, même le poisson, Djodjo, qui ne parle pas comme eux parce qu'il est anglais, Crépin, qui pleure tout le temps, et Côme, qui veut toujours avoir raison et c’est très énervant. Mais Nicolas fait aussi la connaissance d’Isabelle, une petite fille qui le regarde tout le temps avec de grands yeux ronds et inquiétants, et à laquelle il croit que ses parents veulent le marier de force. Les quiproquos s'accumulent, et les bêtises commencent. Une chose est sûre : ce sera, pour tout le monde, des vacances inoubliables…
Ao final do ano letivo, Nicolau viaja com seus pais e sua avó para o litoral, onde eles devem aproveitar ao máximo as férias de verão. Mas nem mesmo a praia é capaz de fazer o garoto esquecer Mary Jane, a menina com quem quer se casar. Para tentar se distrair, Nicolau faz novos amigos e por acaso conhece Isabelle. Para complicar ainda mais sua situação e deixá-lo dividido, agora ele acha que Isabelle será sua futura esposa.
Учебный год наконец подошел к концу, и наступили долгожданные каникулы. Малыш Николя с родителями и бабушкой отправляется к морю в отель «Красивый берег». У Николя в распоряжении море, отель, лес, друзья, семья, смотритель пляжа и тренер по плаванию — словом, все, чтобы каникулы выдались по-настоящему запоминающимися. Не тратя времени даром, Николя сразу же обзаводится новыми друзьями, среди которых: Бен — он не на каникулах, он местный; обжора Фредди — ест все подряд; Джоки — он англичанин, поэтому говорит с смешным акцентом; плакса Криспин, у которого вечно глаза на мокром месте, и зануда Кристофер — он всегда прав и поэтому жутко бесит. Кроме того, Николя знакомится с Элизабет, которая не отходит от Николя ни на шаг. «Какая милая парочка! Я уже слышу будущий звон свадебных колоколов!» — шутят взрослые. Николя в панике! К счастью, верные друзья приходят ему на выручку и… тут начинаются настоящие проблемы.
Nicholas spends his summer vacation with his parents and Grandma at the seaside. He quickly makes new friends, including the boy Blaise who lives in the area, the English pupil Djodjo, the gourmand Fructueux, the righteous Côme and the crybaby Crépin. But just when Nicholas believes he's got everything under control, Isabelle appears. He doesn't understand why she cares so much about him until he becomes suspicious that his parents are trying to set her up as his wife-to-be. The boy consults his friends about the looming threat to his "true love", marrying Marie-Edwige. His friends offer advice and plot to separate Isabelle and Nicholas. They tell him that he must tarnish his family's reputation in front of Isabelle's parents, which happens by circumstance (Granny wanting to go to the casino). Nicholas and his friends even contemplate putting vipers on their beds, to get them out of there. After a close encounter with the viper, they switch to a dirty trick, literally. The boys connect the water supply and sewage line in the shower. Isabelle walks in on him guarding her door as the boys do the job. He gets frightened and bolts, only to find Isabelle behind him on the other side. She then walks up to him in an enclosed space and gives him Marie-Edwige's bracelet (which Nicholas lost a few days ago). The two then start chatting and get to know each other well. His interest for Isabelle grows. When the boys find out, they are unhappy and disappointed. But, Isabelle shows what she could do and becomes their friend. But, Isabelle's mother's shower incident forces them to almost leave. The boys now sabotage to extend the stay. Isabelle even takes the chequebook from the coat, which forces them to stay. But, Isabelle's father thinks it is Nicholas dad who stole (due to Nick's aforementioned lie about the family). One day on the beach, a very loud and obnoxious movie producer from Italy is filming a movie on the beach, angering the vacationers. In a fit of anger, Nicolas's
Ao final do ano letivo, Nicolau viaja com seus pais e sua avó para o litoral, onde eles devem aproveitar ao máximo as férias de verão. Mas nem mesmo a praia é capaz de fazer o garoto esquecer Mary Jane, a menina com quem quer se casar. Para tentar se distrair, Nicolau faz novos amigos e por acaso conhece Isabelle. Para complicar ainda mais sua situação e deixá-lo dividido, agora ele acha que Isabelle será sua futura esposa.
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