Every five years, an exhilarating race called Redline is held, and the universe's most anticipated competition has only one rule: that there are none. Racers are pushed to their absolute limit—a feeling that daredevil driver JP knows all too well. Having just qualified to participate in Redline, he is eager to battle against the other highly skilled drivers, particularly the beautiful rising star and the only other human that qualified, Sonoshee McLaren.
But this year's Redline may be far more dangerous than usual—it has been announced to take place on the planet Roboworld with its trigger-happy military and criminals who look to turn the race to their own advantage. However, the potential danger doesn't stop the racers; in fact, it only adds to the thrill. Relying solely on his vehicle's speed, JP prepares for the event to come, aiming to take first place in the biggest race of his life.
Red Line - die höchste Klasse interstellarer Weltraumrennen und der Traum eines jeden Geschwindigkeitsfreaks. JP befindet sich gerade im Rennen der Yellow Line, der zweithöchsten Motorenklasse und liefert sich ein hitziges Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen mit seinen Kontrahenten. Es fliegen die Raketen und explodieren die Reifen, bis schließlich der Gewinner der Yellow Line feststeht. Doch brisante Meldungen machen ihre Runde in den Nachrichten. Das legendäre Red Line Rennen soll auf Roboplanet, einem überaus feindlichen und gefährlichen Ort, stattfinden. Die dortige Obrigkeit hat den Red Line Veranstaltern den Krieg erklärt und zögert auch nicht, gewaltsam ihren Planeten vor den Racern zu schützen. Ob und wie die Red Line nun stattfindet und wie sich JP darin schlagen wird bleibt abzuwarten.
JP, un pilota senza soldi, è costretto a vivere truccando ogni corsa a cui partecipa. Il suo look rétro e i molti incidenti gli procurano il sostegno dei fan di tutta la galassia, nonostante la scarsità delle sue vittorie. Quando arriva il momento di scegliere i nomi dei partecipanti alla Redline, la corsa dove tutto è permesso, JP si vede qualificato a sorpresa grazie al voto del pubblico.
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