Bella est la femme du pianicte Carl Krasner qui, après un fâcheux accident, s'est vu privé de sa main droite. Ruiné au jeu, il décide de feindre une escrocerie à l'assurance en faisant le mort.
A pianist 's hand was injured in a car crash and he had to give up on a brilliant career ;he wants his sister to become as great a musician as he used to be and she rehearses all day ,much to his wife's displeasure who's fed up with this all-day concert . The ex-artist gambles all his fortune away in the casino;completely broke,he will "die" ,so his wife can collect his life insurance money;after diving ,he will not come back up to the surface,another boat will take him in . But things do not happen according to plan: is the would be drowned person alive or dead?
Un pianista pierde la mano derecha en un accidente. Arruinado en el juego, decide fingir su propia muerte para cobrar el seguro.
Português - Portugal