A Taiwanese girl Yuwen comes to a village of Fukushima to study abroad. She thinks falling-in-love is a stupid thing and the land is unusually dry as Yuwen's heart because of no rains. Yuwen struggles to speak Japanese but learns Japan culture and relationships from her host family and neighbors. As she opens her heart little by little, rain falls on the small village after a long time.
★ 女神接班人姚愛寗,繼《共犯》後首挑大樑主演日本電影
★看不見的少女,永不退色的思念;結合戀愛與奇幻,不可思議的氛圍 「我不相信戀愛。」
「人的感情說變就變。」 郁文(姚愛寗 飾)從台灣到福島天榮村高中做交換學生,寄居在吉川釀酒第三代涼太(和田聰宏 飾)家中,初來乍到的郁文因為語言隔閡感到疏離,也開始懷疑自己來到日本的初衷。某日,在上學途中的稻田小徑,她遇見了穿著紅色外套的謎樣女子百合(福田麻由子 飾)。兩個女孩同樣寂寞、也同樣聰慧,奇妙的是她們雖然口說不同的語言,卻可以互相理解。郁文和常常一起聊天打氣的百合成為莫逆之交,才知曉原來百合是涼太以前的戀人。她漸漸察覺百合內心深處的遺憾,決心一起在「最後一日」到來之前,說出埋藏已久的祕密…… 郁文、百合、涼太、前偶像歌手涼太的同學彩子、因父母欠債逃到這個村的少年、經營照相館的百合父親、村中流浪漢、郁文的同班同學光孝(柳俊太郎 飾)與香織(遠藤新菜 飾),在這個透明又寂寥的鄉村,懷抱心事的人們對於彼此的情感,交織成最難遺忘的青春之詩。
A Taiwanese girl Yuwen comes to a village of Fukushima to study abroad. She thinks falling-in-love is a stupid thing and the land is unusually dry as Yuwen's heart because of no rains. Yuwen struggles to speak Japanese but learns Japan culture and relationships from her host family and neighbors. As she opens her heart little by little, rain falls on the small village after a long time.