Will Shaw, affarista di Wall Street, deve salvare i genitori al centro di un pericolosissimo gioco di spie.
Испания, море, яхта — отпуск с поднадоевшей молодому Уиллу Шоу компанией родственников… Никто не мог предположить, что уже через несколько часов палуба яхты обагрится кровью, а члены семьи Шоу станут заложниками в руках неизвестных. В поисках родных Уилл невольно узнает о государственном заговоре и раскрывает тайны своего отца. У парня всего несколько часов, чтобы спасти семью и страну от гибели.
Will Shaw, un étudiant américain, part en Espagne rejoindre sa famille pour une croisière pendant les vacances. Mais à son arrivée, il découvre un bateau vide et des traces de sang. Il est contacté par une mystérieuse organisation qui lui apprend que son père est en réalité un agent de la CIA. Celui-ci a disparu avec des documents importants. Will dispose de quelques jours pour le retrouver s’il veut sauver le reste de sa famille.
Will Shaw (Henry Cavill) owns a consultancy business in San Francisco about to go into insolvency, reluctantly visiting his family in Spain for a holiday. He is met there by his father, Martin Shaw (Bruce Willis), an advisor for the U.S. government, who he has a tense relationship with. Will's preoccupation with his phone results in a sailing accident where Will leaps to save his brother's (Rafi Gavron) girlfriend Dara (Emma Hamilton (actress)) from being hit by the yacht's boom but she hits her head on a winch. Martin grabs Will's phone and throws it into the ocean. Will swims to town to fetch medical supplies and to cool down. When he returns, he can no longer find his family in the yacht. Will goes to the police and they lead him to Zahir (Roschdy Zem), who knows where Will's family is. Will senses something is amiss, and attempts to escape in a police car. Martin appears, and aids Will by beating the officers.
Will Shaw vive para o trabalho. Mesmo de férias na Espanha, não consegue se afastar das obrigações. Quando sua mãe e seu irmão são sequestrados, ele descobre que seu pai é da CIA e precisa ajudar a recuperar uma maleta, se quiser rever sua família.
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Português - Portugal
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Português - Brasil