The Lone Rider Ambushed

Tom Cameron, The Lone Rider is an exact double for the just-released outlaw, Keno Harris, who was responsible for a $100,000 robbery, in which the money was never recovered. Tom has the Sheriff re-jail Keno on a trumped-up charge, while he joins up with Keno's old gang in the hopes they will lead him to the money, but his plan has a couple of flaws; none of the gang knows where the money is and now expect the just-arrived "Keno" to lead them to it for their split; and Keno's girl, Linda, begins to grow suspicious of Cameron, as he is nowhere near as "friendly" as Keno used to be, and Linda is clearly a girl willing to be "friendly." Plus, this Keno can sing, which Keno couldn't do before he went to jail. Clearly, a situation the poet Burns had in mind when musing about mice and men. Then, the real Keno shows up and complicates things a bit, especially when he and Tom "swap" places to the extent that the gang eventually - it's complicated - get after the real Keno, thinking he is the .

  • Trapped in the Badlands
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