The FBI targets a Muslim community in Newburgh, New York and arrests four men in 2009 during a sting operation, claiming they tried to help a Pakistani business man, who was working with the FBI, with terrorist attacks.
Entre 2008 e 2009, em uma comunidade muçulmana da cidade de Newburgh, em Nova York, quatro homens são abordados por um paquistanês sobre colocar uma bomba em duas sinagogas no Bronx. Antes que eles se envolvessem completamente, descobrem que o líder da ação era um agente do FBI disfarçado e são condenados a 25 anos de prisão. O caso, conhecido como a Operação Sting, foi considerado uma vitória nacional na guerra contra o terrorismo. Este documentário busca esclarecer, através de filmagens e depoimentos, se os homens são realmente culpados, se foram incriminados por algo que não fizeram ou se foram atraídos pelas agências do governo a agir como criminosos.
The FBI targets a Muslim community in Newburgh, New York and arrests four men in 2009 during a sting operation, claiming they tried to help a Pakistani business man, who was working with the FBI, with terrorist attacks.
The FBI targets a Muslim community in Newburgh, New York and arrests four men in 2009 during a sting operation, claiming they tried to help a Pakistani business man, who was working with the FBI, with terrorist attacks.
The FBI targets a Muslim community in Newburgh, New York and arrests four men in 2009 during a sting operation, claiming they tried to help a Pakistani business man, who was working with the FBI, with terrorist attacks.
The FBI targets a Muslim community in Newburgh, New York and arrests four men in 2009 during a sting operation, claiming they tried to help a Pakistani business man, who was working with the FBI, with terrorist attacks.
The FBI targets a Muslim community in Newburgh, New York and arrests four men in 2009 during a sting operation, claiming they tried to help a Pakistani business man, who was working with the FBI, with terrorist attacks.
Osm let po osudném 11. září 2001 se čtveřice pouličních zločinců, kteří neměli násilnickou minulost ani politické vazby a pocházeli z chudého newyorského města Newburgh, kde má většinové zastoupení obyvatelstvo afroamerického původu, nechala zatáhnout pákistánským informátorem FBI do pečlivě naplánovaného komplotu s cílem vyhodit do vzduchu židovské synagogy v bohaté newyorské čtvrti Riverdale a sestřelit zásobovací letadla americké armády raketami Stinger.
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