The Strength of the Weak

Pauline D'Arcy just emerging from girlhood, meets and is attracted by a man many years her senior whom she knows by the name of Abbott. Abbott fascinates the inexperienced girl and makes her his mistress. Endowed with a keen desire for knowledge, Pauline has yielded herself, partly influenced by his promises that she shall have an education. He has promised to send her to the University, assist her to establish herself in a literary career, and then marry her. Pauline, accordingly enters a university for women. She becomes a favorite and develops her literary talent so that as graduation approaches, she has already completed a novel founded on her own experience. It is accepted and published anonymously, quickly becomes a "best seller" and everyone is eager to learn the identity of the author. The success of her book has made her financially independent and when, on her graduation day, Abbott proposes to take her away with him, she rebels and begs him to go his way and let her go hers


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