In the distant future, a small waste-collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a space journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind.

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4 23 smaugtheterrible

all of the pixar movies

Mi colección

1 246 Panquecoso12

Una selección de películas.

Disney & Pixar & Blue Sky

1 123 alosh

..أفلام & مسلسلات..

Pixar - Collection

1 30 E. Monroe

Pixar Animation Studios Collection of Movies, better known as Pixar, is a computer animation film studio that is a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios and owned by The Walt Disney Company based in Emeryville, United States.

Pixar Franchise

1 25 mathribeiro04

Pixar (Disney)

WALL·E Collection

1 2 vincent2n

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