Felix Weingartens Eltern Miriam und Paul trennen sich, einvernehmlich, wie sie nie vergessen zu betonen. Aus Gründen der Fairness entscheiden sie sich, ihren einzigen Sohn gerecht zu teilen: Eine Woche bei der Mutter. Eine Woche beim Vater. Was für seine Eltern zunächst eine salomonische Lösung ist, bedeutet für Felix die totale Orientierungslosigkeit. Während sich seine Familie halbiert, verdoppelt sich seine materielle Existenz.
Felix Weingarten's parents separate amicably - like they don't forget to emphasize - and for the reason of fairness they decide to share just also their common only son: One week at the mother, one week at the father. For his parents it's a judgment of Solomon, for Felix it means the total disorientation. While his family halves, his material existence doubles. He lives in a very confuse-organized everyday life with two toy rooms, two beds, two tooth-brushes - but Felix lives nevertheless in hope, that the quarrel of all, which releases between his parents "week for week" in the everyday life, the family can reunite.