覚醒したオルデラを再び封印するため、ヒカルとアルマ、さらにパワーアップした人造メカウデを手に入れたカガミも加わり、力を合わせて攻撃を開始! カガミとその兄ナオヒトの過去、そして全ての事件の黒幕の正体がついに明らかに…!?
In order to seal away Ordela, who had awakened once more, Hikaru and Alma work alongside Kagami, who had acquired an even more powerful human-made Mecha-Ude, and begin their attack! The truth comes to light about Kagami and his older brother Naohito as well as the one who is actually pulling the strings behind all these incidents...
Hikaru et Alma s’attaquent à Ordela. Armé d’un mécabras évolué, Jun viendra lui porter assistance. Toutefois, le danger rôde toujours, d’autant plus que Jun a compris qui tirait les ficelles et compte bien régler ses comptes.
Lo scontro contro Ordela continua e Hikaru e Alma si ritrovano a collaborare con Jun. La verità sulla famiglia Kagami inizia a venire a galla, ma in realtà c'è qualcun altro che ha ordito tutta la trama da tempi lontani...