This program is devoted to puppet animation by The Brothers Quay, based on stories by the Polish writer Bruno Shulz. The program opens with a prologue by performance artist Laurie Anderson, who introduces Shulz's work. She converses with a small computer-altered version of herself, and then reads some of Shulz's writing. "Street of Crocodiles" is set in a dark mechanical world-within-a-world inhabited by porcelain puppets, some with open, hollow heads; dusty, dirty machinery parts; animated screws and pins; and, occasionally, a piece of raw, red meat amidst the sepia, monochromatic tones of this industrial microcosm. This is followed by short segments from another work by The Brothers Quay featuring a similar style of animated puppetry, entitled "The Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer -- Prague's Alchemist of Film." Segments are entitled "Metaphysical Playroom: A Tactile Experiment" and "The Migration of Forms."