Home / Series / Babar / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 12496
  • Created February 4, 2008
  • Modified December 21, 2024
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S03E01 The Celesteville Enquirer
March 31, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E02 Special Delivery
June 3, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E03 To Tell or Not to Tell
June 10, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E04 The Coin
June 17, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E05 My Dinner with Rataxes
June 25, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E06 Fathers and Sons
July 3, 1990
S03E07 Witches Potion
July 10, 1990
S03E08 A Tale of Two Siblings
July 31, 1990
S03E09 A Charmed Life
September 4, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E10 Uncle Arthur and the Pirates
October 5, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E11 The Unsalted Sea Serpent
December 20, 1990
Treehouse TV
S03E12 Ghost for a Day
January 3, 1989
Treehouse TV
S03E13 Boys Will Be Boys
season finale
December 29, 1990
Treehouse TV

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