Steve chce po Herbertovi, aby mu ve školní počítačové databázi upravil známky. Andreu porazí auto a ujede. David, Donna, Brandon a Nikki účinkují v televizní pořadu o AIDS. Donna si chce s farářem promluvit o svém vztahu k Davidovi. Brenda potkává v Los Angeles Ricka, kterému v Paříži tvrdila, že je Francouzska. Dylanovi neuznají výsledky ze zkoušek a Dylan odmítne zkoušky opakovat. Dylan a Brenda se rozcházejí.
Donna und David kommen sich näher, aber Donna stoppt ihren Freund immer kurz bevor sie miteinander schlafen. David ist frustriert. Donna wendet sich schließlich an einen Priester und trifft eine weitreichende Entscheidung. Auch Dylans und Brendas Beziehung steht auf der Kippe, als ihr Pariser Schwarm Rick auftaucht und Brenda erfährt, dass auch Dylan während ihres Urlaubs mit jemand anderem geflirtet hat. Steve beschließt unterdessen, seinen Generalschlüssel für die Schule zu benutzen.
Brenda runs into Rick at a video store, as he has transferred to UCLA. She goes out with him and continues to pretend that she is French. He is understanding when she finally reveals the truth. The SAT review board accuses Dylan of paying someone to take his test. He annoys Brenda by refusing to re-take the test. After Dylan confesses that he had a summer fling, Brenda suggests that they take a break from their relationship. He immediately visits Kelly to ask her out, and they kiss passionately. Steve learns that he tanked his SAT, and convinces computer expert Herbert to help him access the school's grade bank. They use the legacy key to break in, but have to flee when the security breach is detected. Brandon, Nikki, Donna and David are interviewed by Rosie O'Donnell at a televised AIDS benefit. Donna seeks her priest's advice about pre-marital sex. She tells David that she wants to wait at least another year. Andrea suffers two broken legs when she is struck by a hit-and-run driver. Music: 'I Wanna Love You' by Jade, 'Time to Be Lovers' by Michael McDonald and Chaka Khan, 'Needles and Pins' by the Searchers.
Brenda se pose des questions sur sa vie sexuelle et demande conseil à un prêtre. Steve rate ses examens et, avec Herbert, pirate l'ordinateur de l'école. Andrea est renversée par un chauffard...
Brenda incontra per caso Rick, la sua cotta di Parigi, ed esce con lui di nascosto da Dylan. Brenda fa però l'indignata quando anche Dylan le confessa di aver avuto una cotta estiva. Andrea viene investita da un pirata della strada che non si ferma a soccorrerla. Nikki ha i biglietti per una serata televisiva di beneficenza sull'AIDS e lei e Brandon vengono intervistati in TV da Rosie O'Donnell. David e Donna parlano di copulare per la prima volta mentre Steve mette a rischio la sua istruzione quando decide di usare la chiave della scuola. Kelly decide di allontanarsi dai suoi amici e di concentrarsi su sé stessa ma Dylan la sorprende con una proposta che cambierà le loro vite per sempre.
Brenda se encuentra con Rick, el chico que conoció en París. Donna acude a la Iglesia y allí habla de sexo con el Padre Chris. Dylan sigue con su relación con Kelly, y además obtiene unas excelentes calificaciones en el SAT, lo que hace que le traten de tramposo y le obliguen a rehacer el ejercicio, lo que lo enfurece. Nikki consigue algunas entradas para asistir al popular programa de Rosie O'Donnell en el que se hablará sobre el sida, al programa la acompañan Brandon, David y Donna. Andrea sufre un grave accidente cuando un coche la atropella y se da a la fuga.