Steve vykonává veřejné práce v domově důchodců, kde se seznámí se Saulem, který má alsheimera. Dylan je předvolán k soudu za řízení pod vlivem drog. Jesse ho obhajuje. Andrea se znovu setkává s Peterem a zjišťuje, že je ženatý. Připravuje se otevírání klubu „Po setmění“. Ray tam má hrát, ale má trému.
Steve kommt um seine Sozialstunden im Altenheim herum. Er entschließt sich trotzdem, dort zu arbeiten, als er Saul Howard kennen lernt. Der berühmte Schauspieler ist an Alzheimer erkrankt. Die beiden freunden sich an und Steve merkt, dass er vieles von dem alten Mann lernen kann. Währenddessen treffen sich Andrea und Peter wieder im Waschsalon.
Steve succeeds in eluding his community service assignment at a retirement home but reconsiders after encountering Saul Howard, a famous actor who worked on Samantha's sitcom. Saul is a vibrant and funny man who suffers from Alzheimer's Disease. Steve's friendship with Saul causes him to appreciate what he has and stop whining about his legal difficulties. Saul also encourages Steve to let go of his anger against Rush, as he relates his rocky relationship with the daughter he tragically lost. Dylan does not wish to contest the drunken driving charge against him, but Jesse urges him to plea bargain. He receives probation and a suspended license. Andrea has another meeting with Peter at the laundromat. They learn each other's marital status when Peter is on-call during Hannah's medical emergency, yet still seem attracted to one another. David and Clare take over as organizers of the Peach Pit: After Dark. Ray balks at an opening night gig; he confesses to Donna that he has stage fright. Kelly continues to mistrust Valerie, whose phone call later saves her from sleeping through their psychology final. Music: 'There Goes My Baby' by the Drifters, 'Drive Me' / 'I Know the Game* by Jamie Walters.
Steve se retire dans une maison de retraite où il se lie d'amitié avec Sol, un ancien acteur. Mais la maladie assombrit leurs relations...
Durante il servizio per la comunità, Steve incontra Sol, un vecchio attore malato di Alzheimer. Andrea incontra di nuovo Peter e i suoi sentimenti per lui non sono cambiati. Jesse trova un avvocato a Dylan, che se la cava con un anno di libertà vigilata e due mesi di sospensione della patente. Ray ha la possibilità di cantare all’apertura del Peach Pit By Night ma il terrore da palcoscenico lo blocca.
Steve comienza los servicios a la comunidad en un hogar de retiro y conoce a Saul Howard, un antiguo artista enfermo de Alzheimer, a quien Steve confía sus problemas. Dylan le pide consejo a Jesse cuando le solicitan comparecer ante el tribunal por lo de su accidente de coche. Mientras tanto, Valerie regresa a Beverly Hills tras pasar unas soleadas vacaciones navideñas en el Caribe en lugar de visitar a su madre en Buffalo, lo que provoca una fría respuesta de Kelly, quien abiertamente ha admitido que desprecia a Valerie y no confía en ella. Ray rechaza la petición de Donna de tocar en la apertura del club nocturno Peach Pit After Dark. Mientras trabaja en el hospital como interna residente, Andrea tiene una discusión con un atractivo doctor llamado Peter Tucker.