This episode revolves around Poom Poom, Manaka, and Paisely Park. More and more people are getting red balloons, making Nagi go to the park to see what's causing it. There are children versions there of everyone that had received a balloon. However, Boogiepop (not the phantom) arrives on the scene and causes Manaka to fall from the Ferris Wheel. All the lights in the park go out, and Manaka appears to have aged quite a bit. Apparently, her powers made her age, and now that she used them like crazy, she aged greatly. All the phantom children disappear, along with Poom Poom, leaving Manaka with Boogiepop.
Este episodio gira en torno a Poom Poom, Manaka y Paisely Park. Cada vez más personas reciben globos rojos, lo que hace que Nagi vaya al parque para ver qué lo está causando. Hay versiones infantiles de todos los que recibieron un globo. Sin embargo, Boogiepop (no el fantasma) llega a la escena y hace que Manaka caiga de la rueda de la fortuna. Todas las luces en el parque se apagan, y Manaka parece haber envejecido bastante. Aparentemente, sus poderes la hicieron envejecer, y ahora que los usaba como locos, envejeció mucho. Todos los niños fantasmas desaparecen, junto con Poom Poom, dejando a Manaka con Boogiepop.