Er gilt als Australiens schlimmster Serienmörder: Zwischen 1989 und 1992 tötete Ivan Milat mindestens sieben Anhalter. Doch warum wurde er zum Killer? Liegen die Hintergründe in seiner Kindheit? Milat ist mit 14 Geschwistern in einer Familie aufgewachsen, die kaum Kontakte zu anderen Menschen hatte. Loyalität ging in der Sippe über alles. Dennoch brach einer seiner Brüder das Schweigen und sagte aus, dass es noch viele weitere Opfer gibt.
Australia's worst solo serial killer, Ivan Milat, is now serving life for the murders of seven hitchhiking backpackers between 1989 and 1992. Many questions remain unanswered and there is uncertainty about the full extent of Ivan Milat’s crimes. Did he murder for entertainment? Some say his motivation lay in his family background and upbringing. Ivan Milat grew up as one of 14 siblings, a close-knit family who didn’t mix with others. They were surrounded by guns amidst an ethos of lawlessness and unbreakable family loyalty. Did he kill alone? One of his siblings, Boris, broke the bonds of rigid family loyalty to speak out against the convicted killer. He said it was likely there were more of his victims that haven’t yet been found…
Ivan Robert Marko Milat (Guildford, 27 dicembre 1944 – Randwick, 27 ottobre 2019)
I Backpacker Murders è il nome dato alla serie di omicidi avvenuti nel Nuovo Galles del Sud in Australia durante gli anni 1990. I corpi di sette giovani scomparsi vennero ritrovati parzialmente sepolti nella Belanglo State Forest, 15 km a sudovest della cittadina di Berrima. Cinque delle vittime erano saccopelisti stranieri in viaggio per l'Australia e due erano australiani di Melbourne. Per questi omicidi Ivan Milat è stato condannato a sette ergastoli e diciott'anni.