Myra Hindley führte ein ganz normales Leben. Sie war religiös, liebte Kinder und Tiere und arbeitete oft als Babysitterin. Doch dann traf sie Ian Brady. Gemeinsam missbrauchte und tötete das Paar mindestens fünf Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter zwischen zehn und 17 Jahren. Was bewegte Myra Hindley zu den Taten? War sie Brady hörig und wurde aus Liebe zur Serienmörderin?
For many years, Myra Hindley was depicted by the tabloid press as "the most hated woman in Britain". The crimes committed by Hindley and her lover, Ian Brady, shocked the nation and became the benchmark by which other acts of evil came to be measured. Until she met Brady, Hindley had been, by all accounts, a perfectly normal girl, with strong religious feelings. She loved children and animals, and was much in demand as a babysitter. When they became lovers, Hindley was prepared to do anything Brady asked… Can people be persuaded to kill for love? Were they crimes of passion? Brady claimed that Hindley was a manipulative liar who was as committed to murder as he had been…
Myra Hindley, [23 luglio 1942 - 15 novembre 2002]
Ian Brady[2 gennaio 1938 - 15 maggio 2017]
I Moors Murders ("omicidi delle brughiere"), sono una serie di delitti che sconvolsero l'intera Gran Bretagna negli anni sessanta, compiuti dalla coppia di serial killer Ian Brady e Myra Hindley tra il luglio 1963 e l'ottobre 1965, nella zona della Greater Manchester, in Inghilterra.