A broker with a hidden agenda plots to steal a scientist's research, yet a mutual attraction develops between them.
Qiu Jianing is a core member of a research lab spearheaded by the leading pharmaceutical company in the nation. She has devoted her heart and soul to finding answers to scientific problems not only to prove herself but also to secure her country's position in the biological field. As their experiment enters the clinical phase, a new researcher by the name of Zhou Xiaoshan joins the team. His sharp acumen and quiet nature attract Jianing's attention. Similarly, her beauty and strength disrupt the calm in Zhou Xiaoshan's single-minded pursuits. In reality, he is a broker who has walked into their lives for the purposes of stealing Janing's research. Will she be the one to change him?
- Xin Tiao Yuan Ji Hua
- Fatal Encounter
- Zhi Ming Xie Hou
- Qian Ke
Qiu Jianing est un membre de l'équipe de recherches d'une grosse entreprise pharmaceutique. Pour elle, son projet de recherches a une importante vitale puisqu'il apporterait une contribution importante à la science mais sécuriserait aussi la position de la Chine dans le domaine de sciences. Alors qu'ils entrent dans la phase finale de leur projet, Jianing et son équipe sont rejoints dans leurs recherches par un nouveau membre très performant, Zhou Xiaoshan. Tous les deux tombent amoureux mais Xiaoshan est en réalité un espion qui a infiltré le laboratoire pour voler les recherches de Jianing.