Mariya wakes up from a vision she had about a sinister man and Liliana but keeps it to herself hoping it was a dream and not a vision. In school, she is challenged by Erica to a baseball match resulting in indescribable suffering for Godou. Soon after Erica gives her an even bigger challenge, to buy a cellphone with Godou. For the innocent Yuri, this means not only going out with a Devil King but going out shopping with a boy for the first time in her life. That night, Godou is called by Salvatore Doni who wants Godou to fight Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, a Campione who came to Japan to become stronger. However, Godou hangs up in the middle of the call. Mariya on the other hand has her bath rudely interrupted.
アテナの脅威も落着し平穏な日常を送る護堂は、例によって、所構わずまとわりついてくるエリカに困惑していた。教室でいちゃつく二人の様子はクラスの男子たちの嫉妬を買い、生真面目な祐理は護堂に対して説教の連続。そしてついには、エリカと祐理の野球対決まで勃発してしまう…と、護堂の気は休まる暇もない。 その一方、東欧の魔王と呼ばれるカンピオーネ・ヴォバンが日本を訪れていた。ヴォバンに従う青銅黒十字のリリアナは、彼の命を受けて護堂の周囲を暗躍。果たして、ヴォバンは何を目論んでいるのか…!?