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Season 1

  • S01E01 Casey’s Crisis

    The vets prepare a black lab for lifesaving surgery as his distraught owner waits in anguish. A muskox needs a tooth extracted and a stray cat arrives in critical condition, while vet students learn an unusual skill.

  • S01E02 From the Horse's Mouth

    An old mare has nearly severed much of her tongue and the vets must perform a challenging surgery while she is both awake and standing up. A Terrier has an innovative respiratory procedure and a puppy has swallowed its owner’s underwear.

  • S01E03 Dos Chihuahuas

    An aggressive male Chihuahua proves to be a big problem while oral surgery on his sister gives the vet students a new challenge. The student vets also struggle to save newborn calves and spay a young Saint Bernard.

  • S01E04 Merlin’s Malady

    The deaf owner of a hearing service dog fears he has become blind and will be taken away. Meanwhile, a cow needs a caesarian section, a hairless rat has a puzzling skin ailment and an accident-prone lamb becomes a ward of the hospital.

  • S01E05 Foal in Distress

    A four-day-old Arabian foal is being ravaged by infection and the vet team races against time to save its life. A lynx must be subdued with an anesthetic blow dart and an orphaned lamb visits a pre-school.

  • S01E06 Rescuing Riza

    Coughing and having trouble breathing, a German Shepard is rushed to the clinic where the vets suspect a deadly fungal disease. A juvenile alpaca’s sight is restored, a champion horse has a foot injury, and Lambertus the lamb has his leg casts replaced.

  • S01E07 Sonic’s Colic

    An ailing horse is rushed to the clinic for emergency abdominal surgery while the owners anxiously await its recovery. A dog gets a new hip, while another has porcupine quills removed from its nose, and an orphan lamb finds a new home.

  • S01E08 Llama Leg

    The surgical team attempts to realign the leg of a young llama, which has been broken since birth. A thirsty cat may have diabetes, a dog comes in with swollen eyes and an iguana has unusual bumps on his face.

  • S01E09 Deadly Toxins

    A young Pug named Mei-Ling is seriously ill with a congenital liver problem that is poisoning her blood. A root canal is performed on a ferret, while student vets check out pregnant horses and a constipated buffalo.

  • S01E10 Stomach Flip

    Emergency surgery is performed on a cow that is unable to eat because one of her four stomachs is displaced. A prized foal’s knee won’t heal, a dog appears to have heart problems, an aggressive cat has infected wounds, and a bull has an altercation with a porcupine.

  • S01E11 Horse Nose Job

    The surgical team rebuilds the nose of a horse that was kicked in the face as colt. Cataract surgery and new lenses save a young dog’s vision, a chinchilla needs dental work and the vets help a mother cat in a birthing crisis.

  • S01E12 Spur’s Emergency

    While some vets struggle to save an injured farm dog, others are busy birthing piglets, tending to a wounded horse, learning how to handle elk and trying to determine whether an eagle has West Nile Virus.

  • S01E13 Bonnie's Brain

    Graduation day is looming but the vet students are as busy as ever - treating an old dog with a brain tumour, a miniature horse unable to eat or drink, a dog with a sewing needle stuck in an unusual place and an iguana that ingested a screw - all the while preparing for the day they officially become doctors of veterinary medicine.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Paunchy Pooch

    An obese Jack Russell terrier is suffering from bladder stones and the vets must go to unusual lengths to deal with the problem. An African pygmy hedgehog has a suspicious growth near its tail that must be removed, while a pair of sneezing kittens is diagnosed with a surprising ailment. The vets hit the road to perform pregnancy checks at an alpaca ranch.

  • S02E02 Twisted Owl

    A Great Horned owl is found in a farmer's field mysteriously unable to fly. The vets must discover the source of the problem and rehabilitate the owl so that it can be released back into the wild. A pug that has eaten rat poison is admitted into emergency while the vets come up with a surgical solution for a calf that can't burp up the gas in its stomach. Meanwhile, a suspicious mass must be removed from a poodle cross.

  • S02E03 Karma Chameleon

    A vet student participates in the treatment of her own pet chameleon, who is gravely ill with gout. A pug's eyes are clouding over with pigmentation and the source of the problem must be treated in surgery. A ewe gives birth to twin lambs in the barns, while the vet students visit a local horse ranch to learn the delicate art of castration.

  • S02E04 Champ

    Someone has been deliberately poisoning animals with strychnine-laced hot dogs. A Golden Retriever named Champ is the latest victim and the vets are struggling to save the dog's life in the intensive care unit. Elsewhere, a racehorse has seriously injured its knee and its racing career is now in jeopardy. Some vet students examine a cat that has been accidentally crushed in a door, while others make the rounds at a local zoo, handling herons and raptors.

  • S02E05 Mocha's Mystery

    Mocha the toy poodle is depressed and can't use her hind legs. The vets unravel the mystery of her deteriorating condition, with all signs pointing to a liver problem. Two box turtles are brought to the clinic to have their beaks trimmed. An orphan puppy has an unusual heart condition that is usually fatal. The surgeons perform open-heart surgery to correct the problem. When a cow at a local dairy farm swallows some metal, a vet student uses a magnet to attract the metal before it injures the cow's organs.

  • S02E06 Mustang

    Mustang, a valuable champion bull, is rushed to the teaching hospital after he collapses in pain. The vet students undertake the dangerous process of diagnosing the enormous animal's digestive problems and get him back in shape for a major competition. A miniature dachshund puppy undergoes surgery to correct a deformed leg. A family must deal with the deteriorating health of their elderly cat, which is traced to its failing kidneys. A California King snake is brought in for treatment after it seriously burned its tail.

  • S02E07 Cricket's Crisis

    Cricket, a 12-year-old beagle, is rushed in to the emergency shift by his worried owners. The dog's bloated stomach is the most visible sign of his illness. All the tests point to fatal liver disease and the distressed owners must consider euthanasia as an option. A horse with an infected molar has other problems: there is a suspicious mass behind the tooth that must be surgically removed. Pet rats are brought in for a checkup; one of them breathes noisily and appears to have an infection. A dog has a painful encounter with a porcupine and now the quills must be ...

  • S02E08 Hunter

    "Hunter" became the hunted when the dog was shot after straying from his family's property. The dog is so riddled with shotgun pellets, it will be a miracle if the veterinary team can save him. A cat is having trouble breathing, so vet student Patrick Garcia uses a scope to get an insider's look into the cat's throat and sinus. A twenty-year-old mare arrives at the large animal clinic with a strange swelling in her cheek. Resident Dr. Alana Shrubsole treats one of her tiniest patients ever - a spotted mouse with a mysterious skin condition that is destroying its ears.

  • S02E09 Tartar Cats

    Two fractious felines make life miserable for the vet team when they try to clean tartar from the cats' teeth. A Schnauzer heads into surgery with a fist-sized tumor in his lungs. A rabbit is suffering from sneezing fits and her owner worries she has a serious respiratory illness. Rusty, part of a team of show mules, has a strange growth on his ear that could at least, threaten his career and at worst, threaten his life.

  • S02E10 Sumo

    A Sharpei "wrinkle dog" named Sumo has a serious defect in his heart which could trigger cardiac arrest at any time, so he must undergo open heart surgery to repair the problem. A cow has such a nasty infection in her udder, she requires amputation of a teat. Exotics Resident Dr. Shrubsole treats a Red Eared Slider turtle with an eye infection. A dog won't stop gnawing on the end of his tail, so the vet team amputates part of it, in the hope the dog will stop his destructive habit.

  • S02E11 Tess

    The veterinary team suspects a dog named Tess has epilepsy until MRI reveals a malignant tumor in the Boxer's brain. Student Jenny Civic is faced with one of her biggest cases...literally. He's a one-ton Clydesdale horse named Duke who's lame in one leg. One of the college's receptionists brings in Spencer, her amputee budgie, who is regurgitating seeds frequently. Ophthalmologist Dr. Grahn uses one of his own inventions to save the eyesight of a Basset Hound.

  • S02E12 Electra

    When a young horse with balance problems arrives at the clinic, it turns out to be a challenging case for student Tanya Fief. The vets suspect a fungal infection may be the source of the horse's problems. Dr. Monique Mayer, one of the only veterinary radiation oncologists in Canada , attempts to treat a young dog who has developed cancer in her jaw. A black and white guinea pig named Oreo comes in for surgery on his badly swollen foot. A Golden Retriever has a suspect tumor in its parathyroid gland that needs to be removed.

  • S02E13 Bessie

    A golden retriever named Bessie is suffering seizures and the vet team traces the problem to the dog's liver. The owners must cope with their beloved dog's fatal illness. While student Suzanne Smith is on the ER shift, a cocker spaniel arrives that's eaten a whole bag of nachos and a bottle of his owner's vitamin supplements. One of the clinic's resident veterinarians is assigned to the case of a constipated cat with a potentially serious bowel obstruction. A young horse is rushed into emergency after she impaled herself in the groin with a metal shaft.