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Season 1 - Volume 1

  • S01E01 The Thrice Cream Man

    • December 7, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal tries to break Chowder's Thrice Cream obsession by creating a living Thrice Cream Man. However, when this plan works and Chowder becomes sick of the food, the Thrice Cream Man goes into a deep rage.

  • S01E02 The Flibber-Flabber Diet

    • December 7, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    When Truffles believes that everyone in the catering company overweight, she puts everyone on a strict diet, to the dismay of everyone (except Chowder).

  • S01E03 The Froggy Apple Crumple Thumpkin

    • November 9, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    In the series pilot episode, Mung Daal, Chowder, and Shnitzel make a "Froggy Apple Crumple Thumpkin" for a customer. They go through many dangerous steps to make it. The last one: defeat it in a thumb wrestling match.

  • S01E04 Chowder's Girlfriend

    • November 16, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    A girl named Panini has a crush on Chowder, and he attempts to convince her that he isn't her boyfriend. But Chowder finds himself in a dilemma when Gazpacho tells him that he must marry Panini, since she has kissed him and needs to make an "honest woman" out of her.

  • S01E05 Sing Beans

    • November 16, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    In order to cook Sing Beans, a musical food, Chowder and the others must stay up during the night to watch the dish as it cooks. But when Mung Daal and Shnitzel fall asleep (due to Chowder telling an extremely boring joke in an attempt to pass the time), Chowder takes it upon himself to finish the process.

  • S01E06 The Cinnamini Monster

    • November 9, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder shrinks down in size, and is then held captive in a tree that is home to a lonely monster, the others must beat the monster in a board game to set him free.

  • S01E07 Grubble Gum

    • November 9, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder makes a big mistake of not sharing his gum with Truffles, his attempt to hide the mistake leads to a sticky mess of drastic proportions.

  • S01E08 Mahjongg Night

    • November 30, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder attempts to eat a dish called Meviled Eggs, no matter what it takes, even if it means ruining Truffles' game night with her friends.

  • S01E09 Stinky Love

    • November 30, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal makes a Clabbage Cobbler, which Kimchi falls in love with it. In order to retrieve the dish Chowder goes up to the top of a building Kimchi escaped to and keeps the stink cloud company during the night.

  • S01E10 Certifrycation Class

    • November 16, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    When Mung Daal is forced to spend a day in Certifrycation School to renew his cooking license, Mung must decide whether to stay true to his instincts or swallow his pride in order to pass the class.

  • S01E11 Burple Nurples

    • November 2, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder unwittingly puts rat poison in a dish, Mung Daal must stop him from selling the tainted treats.

  • S01E12 The Heist

    • January 7, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    The gang finds a stash of rock candy called sugar sapphires under Endive's house and try to raid the loot before she discovers.

  • S01E12 The Prank

    • January 14, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    Endive feels guilty after playing a trick on Mung.

  • S01E13 Old Man Thyme

    • January 21, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder sees the terrible effects of old age on Mung and Truffles, Chowder tries to find a way to stop Old Man Thyme from making him old and ugly.

  • S01E14 Chowder's Magazine

    • January 28, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder's newspaper fails to sell, Chowder makes a new cover title known as the MIP (Most Important Person).

  • S01E15 Weekend at Shnitzel's

    • March 4, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    Shnitzel has to watch Chowder over at his house while Mung and Truffles are out of town. When Chowder says his life is too boring and drags him to a parody of Chuck E. Cheese, Shnitzel falls in love with an Animatronic, "Seniorita Mesquite". Pretty soon, his love goes too far and causes chaos.

  • S01E16 Taste Buds

    • March 11, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung accidentally ruins his tongue which make makes him unable to taste things. So he asked Chowder to be his "taste buds". (This was the final appearance of Chest Nut)

  • S01E17 Chowder Grows Up

    • August 7, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    20 years in the future, Chowder is still reluctant to grow up & leave his immature ways behind. He takes the responsibility of training his own apprentice and being a master chef cause everyone he loves will be unable to move on with their lives if he does not. Chowder selects a turtle apprentice, And in the end, Has 50 babies with Panini.

  • S01E18 Gazpacho!

    • March 18, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    A ninja-hating friend (voiced by Steven Blum) of Gazpacho's tries to help Gazpacho find his mother.

  • S01E19 The Toots

    • April 5, 2010
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder accidentally eat a tootin' fruit and becomes a musical sensation, but his life is taken over by his agent, Gorgonzola, and soon he misses Mung and has to go back with him.

  • S01E20 A Faire to Remember

    • September 24, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Panini becomes extremely jealous when a new girl befriends Chowder.

  • S01E20 Hands on a Big Mixer

    • October 26, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder, Panini, Mung, and several other recurring and minor characters enter a contest to win a big mixer.

  • S01E20 Tofu-Town Showdown

    • October 1, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder and Schnitzel make a delivery to the Asian section of Marzipan City, Schnitzel is confronted by his mysterious past and his greatest shame. Chowder must help Schnitzel rectify this problem in order to reclaim Schnitzel's honor.

  • S01E21 The Blast Raz

    • October 15, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung, Chowder and Shnitzel agree to help Gazpacho deliver a fruit to Mr. Fugu. The fruit turns out to be a highly explosive Blast Raz.

  • S01E22 The Belgian Waffle Slobber-Barker

    • November 12, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal creates a guard dog out of food to protect the catering company, but Chowder adds a crazy fruit that makes it incredibly dangerous.

  • S01E23 The Apprentice Scouts

    • November 19, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder, Panini, Gorgonzola and Ceviché go on an scouting trip led by Gazpacho, but Chowder thinks he has Rabie-C's since Gazpacho is going hard on them.

  • S01E24 The Spookiest House in Marzipan

    • November 5, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Gazpacho tells a story about Chowder having to deliver an order to a scary house.

  • S01E25 The Poultry Geist

    • October 29, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    A chicken ghost takes over Chowder's body, causing problems for the gang.

  • S01E26 A Little Bit of Pizzazz!

    • December 3, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    A baking accident causes Mung Daal, Truffles, Chowder and Schnitzel to switch bodies.

  • S01E27 The Birthday Suits

    • December 10, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    While trying to go to Mr. Fugu's fruit party, the gang's fruit costumes are destroyed. Now they must try to get new ones before an angry mob and the police catch them.

  • S01E28 The Chain Recipe

    • August 13, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung get cursed for 100 years after refusing to make a chain recipe.

  • S01E28 The Dice Cycle

    • August 13, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder breaks Mung's dice cycle and blames it on Ceviche under Gazpacho's command.

  • S01E28 The Garden

    • August 20, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    After Truffles makes the plants grow with her voice, Chowder becomes her apprentice. But that leaves Mung heartbroken and now he'll do anything to win Chowder back.

  • S01E29 Sheboodles!

    • August 20, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Longing for a companion, Miss Endive cooks a man-dish for a date. Unfortunately she doesn't bake it 100% complete and as a result gets stuck with a repulsive-looking man named Todd with a catchphrase, sheboodles. Things go worse for Endive once everyone starts to like Todd.

  • S01E30 Gazpacho Moves In

    • August 27, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Gazpacho leaves his mom's home and moves into the catering company over an argument. Gazpacho gradually wears out his welcome and the catering company work out a plan to get rid of him.

  • S01E31 My Big Fat Stinky Wedding

    • September 3, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder takes Kimchi to his family's home in the swamp for an arranged marriage and worries about the future of their friendship after Chowder is accused by his smart but evil twin brother of kidnapping Kimchi from his family.

  • S01E32 The Grape Worm

    • September 17, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    When a neurotic parasite takes residence in Chowder's belly, Chowder thinks he's found his inner voice. He soon discovers that they are too different to co-exist together.

  • S01E33 Apprentice Appreciation Day

    • September 10, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung and Miss Endive compete over who throws the best Apprentice Appreciation Day party, alienating Chowder and Panini in the process.

  • S01E34 Big Ball

    • July 2, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    While catering at a special sports event, Truffles and Mung argue about the rules of the game, resulting in the two competing in the games. Full episode name is "Field Tournament Style Up and Down on the Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble-Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle Jangle Every Angle Bricka Bracka Flacka Stacka Two Ton Re-Run Free For All Big Ball" but is usually just shortened to Big Ball.

  • S01E34 Kid Shnitzel

    • June 4, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Shnitzel tires of his adult responsibilities and decides to act like a child, much to Mung Daal's chagrin. Forcing Shnitzel's responsibilities on Chowder, Chowder then decides to act like a baby and Shnitzel follows suit: forcing Mung to send them to the baby pound.

  • S01E34 Gazpacho Fights Back

    • June 5, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    When an intimidating woman bullies Gazpacho into giving her free produce, he and Chowder must think of a way to fight back, by going to the strongest person they know.

  • S01E35 The Brain Freeze

    • July 9, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder drinks a cool drink too fast, causing him to be frozen in a block of ice. But in order to get back to the kitchen, Chowder must get the help of 2 flenguins to get the fur coat of Flazpacho.

  • S01E36 The Snail Car

    • July 16, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung gets a new car, but Chowder wants the old one back.

  • S01E37 The Lollistops

    • July 23, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder wrecks his teeth so he can go to his dentist, who gives out delicious "lollistops".

  • S01E38 Endive's Dirty Secret

    • July 30, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung (and eventually everyone in town) blackmails Ms. Endive with an embarrassing picture to gain access to her pool.

  • S01E39 Big Food

    • July 30, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal, Chowder and Shnitzel go on a camping trip, where Chowder attempts to prove Mung that legendary Big Food exists.

  • S01E40 Paint the Town

    • August 6, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder paints his own world after discovering a blank-canvas dimension behind his bedroom.

  • S01E41 The Blackout

    • August 6, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder and Gorgonzola must restore power to the city after a blackout occurs.

  • S01E42 The Shopping Spree

    • February 12, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    When Truffles becomes sick, Mung, Chowder and Shnitzel are left in charge of the company's money box. However, they become tempted by the large amount of money and go on a huge shopping spree, leaving no money left in the box. The gang must now find a way stop Truffles from noticing the missing money (that is, as soon as they get enough money to continue animating the show).

  • S01E42 The Hot Date

    • February 12, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Sergent Hoagie prepares to go on a blind date, but must first deal with a crime committed at Ms. Endive's swimming pool caused by herself.

  • S01E42 The Party Cruise

    • April 2, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal takes Chowder and Shnitzel to go fishing, but end up on a cruise ship owned by Reuben.

  • S01E43 Won-Ton Bombs

    • June 1, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    When Mung Daal's old cooking master tells about Mung's greatest failure to all of Marzipan City, Chowder and Mung travel back to the past to fix his failure.

  • S01E44 The Big Hat Biddies

    • June 2, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Truffles tries to impress the members of The Big Hat Biddies, and the others try to help by making a big feast for the club.

  • S01E45 The Deadly Maze

    • June 3, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung's old apprentice Gumbo traps Chowder within a huge maze so he can get rid of Mung, but soon finds himself lost within it also, not knowing the way back, which the two have to find a way out. And when an over-professional Bird-headed body-builder named Jeffery hired to destroy Chowder threatens Gumbo, the two are forced to work together to escape from him.

  • S01E46 The B.L.T.'s

    • June 11, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder must pass the upcoming "Basic Learning Test" (B.L.T.'s) or he can't cook anymore, Mung Daal is forced to take matters into his own hands and attempt to stop the test.

  • S01E47 The Trouble with Truffles

    • June 11, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Truffles gets a new voice after Mung Daal tells her that her old one scares customers away. However, her new voice is so relaxed and non-threatening, so Chowder, Mung Daal, and Shnitzel no longer take her seriously and become feral primitives, leaving Truffles to decide between her new voice and her old one.

  • S01E48 The Dinner Theater

    • June 25, 2009
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal's Catering Company has a mystery-themed theater show called "Who dunit? T'was not me: A romp in the glorious world of barber shop" in order to earn more money, but Chowder thinks that the play is real events and that Gazpacho will act out the play in real-life as Baron Von Bon Bon and kill the others. Chowder is then forced to go to Gorgonzola and Ceviché's help in order to stop him.

Season 2 - Volume 2

  • S02E01 The Wrong Address

    • November 23, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder and Mung Daal go to an unfamiliar part of Marzipan City to deliver a customer's order, a Roast Most. But the place is dirty and somewhat crime-infested, and goes through a disastrous event in which a large rat, who seems to have malicious purposes, chases them.

  • S02E02 The Wrong Customer

    • November 23, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    Set during the events of "The Wrong Address". While Chowder and Mung Daal deliver the Roast Most, an unexpected outlaw (who seems to be blind and deaf) uses the catering company as a hideout, leaving Shnitzel to save Truffles' life. But Truffles thinks the outlaw is a customer, and criticizes him for seeming to be unwilling to serve him. The police are supposed to enter the building and arrest the outlaw, but are too busy deciding who goes first...

  • S02E04 Shnitzel Makes a Deposit

    • November 2, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    Shnitzel goes to deposit a paycheck at the bank, but Chowder (along with some other people) prevent him from doing so.

  • S02E05 Gazpacho Stands Up

    • December 14, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    Gazpacho has a stand-up comedy gig coming up soon, but he has no material for it. He asks Chowder to write down his jokes in a book, but problems occur when Chowder's handwriting is illegible to everyone.

  • S02E06 A Taste of Marzipan

    • December 14, 2007
    • Cartoon Network

    An all-out food war ensues when Mung Daal and Endive clash after they realize they have made the same dish for Marzipan City's annual street fair.

  • S02E07 The Puckerberry Overlords

    • January 18, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder eats an extremely sour piece of fruit and ends up having a bizarre journey within his mouth with his wisdom tooth narrating the story.

  • S02E08 The Elemelons

    • January 18, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Truffles' behavior causes giant fruits called Elemelons to go on strike, Mung Daal forces her to solve the problem by staying in their cage for a night.

  • S02E09 Sniffleball

    • March 6, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Feeling that Chowder has been spending too much time in the kitchen, Mung Daal forces him to play sports with other kids. Upset by Panini's kisses and Gorgonzola's taunts, Chowder has to figure out a way to escape the game and get back to the kitchen.

  • S02E10 Mung on the Rocks

    • March 6, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    After Mung Daal forgets his and Truffles' wedding anniversary, Truffles gives him the cold shoulder. Seeing that Mung is depressed by this, Chowder decides to use advice from Gazpacho help out.

Season 3

  • S03E18 The Heavy Sleeper

    • April 3, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder accidentally messes up a drink, Mung Daal goes into a deep sleep, leaving Chowder and Shnitzel to find something to awaken the chef.

  • S03E19 The Moldy Touch

    • April 3, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    After accidentally letting a mold creature out of its bottle, everything Chowder touches becomes covered in mold. After realizing what has happened, Mung Daal tries to solve things before the entire city becomes moldy.

  • S03E20 At Your Service

    • May 1, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal and Chowder are forced to work for Ms. Endive in order to receive a rare fruit from her.

  • S03E21 Chowder & Mr. Fugu

    • May 1, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder must take a consumer on tour around Marzipan City, but to his dismay, Mr. Fugu can eat more than he does and doesn't get any of the food.

  • S03E22 The Vacation

    • June 5, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder, Mung Daal and Shnitzel accidentally lock themselves in the restroom when they are about to go on a vacation.

  • S03E23 The Sleep Eater

    • June 5, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    After he has a midnight snack, Chowder's internal clock goes haywire and he becomes a monster at night. Chowder must now go an entire night food-free to become normal again.

  • S03E24 The Bruised Bluenana

    • June 12, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    After an accident at Gazpacho's fruit stand, Chowder and Panini become surrogate parents to an injured bluenana, in order to nurse it back to good health.

  • S03E25 Shnitzel and the Lead Farfel

    • June 12, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    After becoming soft and weak, Shnitzel must train to regain his strength and lift the heaviest object in Marzipan City: "The Lead Farfel".

  • S03E26 The Thousand Pound Cake

    • June 19, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder and Shnitzel must race against the clock when delivering an order to a man that lives on top of a giant, since he gets it free if it comes after sunset.

  • S03E27 The Rat Sandwich

    • June 19, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    The gang tries to get rid of Reuben, who is blackmailing the company by using his pet rat.

Season 4 - Volume 4

  • S04E01 Chowder Loses His Hat

    • June 26, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder loses his hat to Chestnut, he must travel across town in order to trade the items needed to get it back.

  • S04E02 Brain Grub

    • June 26, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Mung Daal attempts to make Chowder smarter using a food called "Brain Grub", Chowder soon becomes aware that their universe is simply an animated series, and changes it into a talk show. Mung tells him about how without Chowder, it's awful. Chowder smashes his big brain and eventually destroys the Chowder universe.

  • S04E03 The Apprentice Games

    • July 24, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    The Apprentice Games have began and Chowder feels like he's not prepared until Mung convinces him with the ultimate Thrice Cream. Chowder teams up with Gorgonzola, causing trouble as they lose.

  • S04E04 Broken Part

    • July 10, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder accidentally breaks Mung Daal's new feetsa-making machine, he is forced to go and buy a new part for it. But Chowder becomes easily distracted while in town, and ends up having to find a way to make money after wasting the money Mung gave him.

  • S04E05 The Meach Harvest

    • July 10, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Mung Daal has to make a dish that requires a certain fruit that he fears due to a past experience with it, he sends Chowder and Shnitzel in his place to retrieve it.

  • S04E06 Shnitzel Quits

    • July 3, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Shnitzel feels that he is not getting enough respect from Mung Daal and Truffles, he quits the catering company and decides to work for their rival, Ms. Endive. But he soon discovers that she in actually in love with him, and sees him as more than hired help.

  • S04E07 Banned From the Stand

    • July 17, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Gazpacho bans everyone (including himself) from his fruit stand after an argument with Mung Daal, and must find a way to fix the problem he has caused.

  • S04E08 Créme Puff Hands

    • July 17, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Chowder's hands inflate after a cooking accident, he suddenly becomes every helpful to the people of Marzipan City. But his hands soon become a liability, when Chowder starts to go crazy, believing that he is useless without his huge hand.

Season 5

  • S05E01 The Arborians

    • October 2, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Mung Daal, Chowder and Shnitzel need a special syrup from an annoying tree in order to complete a pancake recipe, but soon the tree and his family end up taking over the catering company, leaving them to find a solution.

  • S05E02 The Garage Sale

    • October 2, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder becomes obsessed with eating the stuff sold at Mung Daal's garage sale.

  • S05E03 The Fire Breather

    • November 13, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    After Chowder eats a group of hot peppers in order to keep them from escaping the kitchen and burn down the city, he begins to breathe fire whenever he opens his mouth, whether he wants to or not. Quickly becoming an incovenience to Mung Daal and the others, he runs away to go live with dragons.

  • S05E04 The Flying Flinger Lingons

    • November 13, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    While helping Mung Daal make a giant bread bowl for a traveling circus troupe, Chowder becomes obsessed with being a member of the Flying Flinger Lingons, and runs away to join them.

  • S05E05 Panini for President

    • November 6, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When Panini declares herself as the new president of the apprentice's society, Gorgonzola (through Chowder) ends up competing against her the title.

  • S05E06 Chowder's Babysitter

    • November 20, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    While babysitting Chowder, Gazpacho believes he has accidentally killed Chowder. Convincing Chowder that he's dead, they both attempt to get his "spirit" to pass on to the other side.

  • S05E07 Chowder's Catering Company

    • December 11, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Against Mung Daal's wishes, Chowder secretly starts his own catering company for a bunch of trash-dwelling vermin. However, when these vermin attempt to kill Mung, Shnitzel and Truffles, Chowder must choose between his friends and his dreams.

  • S05E08 The Catch Phrase

    • December 11, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    When a celebrity chef takes Marzipan City by storm, and wins the admiration of Chowder from Mung Daal, Mung must come up with a catch phrase to win back Chowder's adoration.

  • S05E09 Hey Hey It's Knishmas

    • December 4, 2008
    • Cartoon Network

    Chowder worries he won't receive the gift he wants on Knishmas, when he sees Mung Daal attempt to make a perfect Schmingerbread house and fail several times. Upon seeing this, he recruits Panini and Gorgonzola to help him make Knish Kringle like Mung's house.