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  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 2038497
  • Created March 6, 2020
  • Modified July 25, 2024
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Name First Aired Runtime Image
S2022E01 MURDERED: Mary Lynn Witherspoon
January 3, 2022
S2022E02 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Patricia Viola
January 10, 2022
S2022E03 MISSING: Lauren Dumolo
January 17, 2022
S2022E04 MISSING: Diane Francis 23
S2022E05 SURVIVED: Chrystul Kizer and Cyntonia Brown 52
S2022E06 MURDERED: Georgia Leah Moss 43
S2022E07 MURDERED: Linda Smith 20
S2022E08 PRECEDENT: Jacob Wetterling 33
S2022E09 PRECEDENT: Megan Kanka 26
S2022E10 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: JoAnn Matouk Romain Part 1 35
S2022E11 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: JoAnn Matouk Romain Part 2 37
S2022E12 MURDERED: Emma Walker and Mya Pena 56
S2022E13 MURDERED: Erica Gene Schultz 45
S2022E14 INFAMOUS: Juan Rivera 49
S2022E15 UPDATE: Flathead County Doe 9
S2022E16 MURDERED: Marqueise Coleman 32
S2022E17 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Erica Alonso 42
S2022E18 MURDERED: Karen Gregory 48
S2022E19 INFAMOUS: Circleville Letters 54
S2022E20 MISSING: Michelle Eason Part 1 34
S2022E21 MISSING: Michelle Eason Part 2 31
S2022E22 PRECEDENT: Polly Klaas 31
S2022E23 SERIAL KILLER: The Freeway Phantom 42
S2022E24 MISSING: Dulce Maria Alvarez 61
S2022E25 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory 48
S2022E26 UPDATE: Pravin Varughese 58
S2022E27 MURDERED: Joseph Kinville III 41
S2022E28 MISSING: Dawnita Wilkerson 36
S2022E29 MURDERED: Shawn Edwards Part 1 37
S2022E30 MURDERED: Shawn Edwards Part 2 36
S2022E31 MISSING: Jamie Fraley 43
S2022E32 MURDERED: Ruby J. Doss 35
S2022E33 SERIAL KILLER: Khalil Wheeler-Weaver 36
S2022E34 MISSING: Susan Robin Bender 52
S2022E35 MURDERED: Kathy Page 37
S2022E36 MISSING: The Millbrook Twins 48
S2022E37 MURDERED: Shari Smith and Debra Helmick 54
S2022E38 BONUS: Possible Bell Victims 31
S2022E39 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Davina Buff Jones 67
S2022E40 MURDERED: Jenny Lin Part 1 37
S2022E41 MURDERED: Jenny Lin Part 2 39
S2022E42 MISSING: Mekayla Bali 37
S2022E43 PRECEDENT: John Brady 23
S2022E44 MURDERED: Shakara Carter 40
S2022E45 CAPTURED: Timothy Coggins Killers 37
S2022E46 MISSING: Hang Lee 31
S2022E47 MURDERED: Yeardley Love 30
S2022E48 MURDERED: Owachige Osceola 32
S2022E49 CONSPIRACY: Boys on the Track 48
S2022E50 MISSING: Kreneice Jones & LaMoine Allen 52
S2022E51 SERIAL KILLER: Mack Ray Edwards 37
S2022E52 CAPTURED: Killer on the High Bridge 9
S2022E53 MISSING: Celina Mays 52
S2022E54 WANTED: Justice for Hassani Campbell and Tianna Kirchner 35
S2022E55 MISSING: Arianna Fitts 22
S2022E56 MURDERED: The Short Family 27
S2022E57 MISSING: Heather Teague 47
S2022E58 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Nadia Malik 45
S2022E59 MISSING: Anthonette Cayedito 32
S2022E60 SURVIVED: Jaycee Dugard 74
S2022E61 CONSPIRACY: Jonathan Luna 42
S2022E62 MURDERED: Phylicia Simone Barnes Part 1 41
S2022E63 MURDERED: Phylicia Simone Barnes Part 2 45
S2022E64 PRECEDENT: Ernesto Miranda
season finale
December 26, 2022
S2022E65 MISSING: Lauren Dumolo 43
S2022E66 MISSING: Diane Francis 23
S2022E67 SURVIVED: Chrystul Kizer and Cyntonia Brown 52
S2022E68 PRECEDENT: Megan Kanka 26
S2022E69 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: JoAnn Matouk Romain Part 1 35
S2022E70 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: JoAnn Matouk Romain Part 2 37
S2022E71 MURDERED: Emma Walker and Mya Pena 56
S2022E72 MURDERED: Marqueise Coleman 32
S2022E73 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Erica Alonso 42
S2022E74 MURDERED: Karen Gregory 48
S2022E75 MISSING: Michelle Eason Part 2 31
S2022E76 SERIAL KILLER: The Freeway Phantom 42
S2022E77 MURDERED: Emma Walker and Mya Pena 56
S2022E78 MURDERED: Erica Gene Schultz 45
S2022E79 INFAMOUS: Juan Rivera 49
S2022E80 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: JoAnn Matouk Romain Part 1 35
S2022E81 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Patricia Viola 39
S2022E82 MISSING: Lauren Dumolo 43
S2022E83 MISSING: Diane Francis 23
S2022E84 MURDERED: Georgia Leah Moss 43
S2022E85 PRECEDENT: Jacob Wetterling 33
S2022E86 MISSING: Michelle Eason Part 1 34
S2022E87 PRECEDENT: Polly Klaas 31
S2022E88 MISSING: Dulce Maria Alvarez 61
S2022E89 MURDERED: Mary Lynn Witherspoon 40
S2022E90 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory 48
S2022E91 MISSING: Dulce Maria Alvarez 61
S2022E92 INFAMOUS: Circleville Letters 54
S2022E93 PRECEDENT: Megan Kanka 26
S2022E94 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: JoAnn Matouk Romain Part 2 37
S2022E95 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Erica Alonso
season finale

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