After spending half a year teaching the reserve class, Chisa asks Juzo for a trustee's ID in order to investigate something known as the Kamakura Project. Managing to return to her position as homeroom teacher of the 77th class, she is relieved to find that Chiaki has managed to keep everyone together and is given a warm welcome. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Ryota has been spending all of his time at home working on an anime, having the Ultimate Imposter take his place in class. Elsewhere, Junko Enoshima meets up with her sister, Mukuro Ikusaba, as they prepare to enroll into Hope's Peak as part of the 78th class. When Ryota ends up collapsing with a fever, the Ultimate Imposter seeks out nurse Mikan Tsumiki to treat him, explaining how he took on Ryota's identity so that he could stay at home and animate. As the new school year begins and the 78th class begin their life at Hope's Peak, Hajime goes through with the Kamakura Project.
Con su personalidad original eliminada y su cuerpo infundido con todos los talentos conocidos, Hajime emerge del experimento bajo la nueva personalidad de Izuru Kamukura. Más tarde, después de que la clase 77 se muda a un nuevo edificio, Chisa se cuela en la oficina del administrador, donde aprende todo sobre el Proyecto Kamukura, que está diseñado para crear una Esperanza de Nivel de Super High School.
La punizione di Chisa è terminata e lei può finalmente tornare ad insegnare al corso regolare in tempo per l'arrivo dei nuovi studenti dell'accademia.
Après avoir passé la moitié de l'année à enseigner à la classe de réserve, la punition de Chisa est levée et elle peut enfin retrouver son poste de professeur principal de la 77e classe à temps pour l'arrivée des nouveaux élèves à l'académie.