The anime centers around Kurumi Azuchimomoyama, a normal 14-year-old girl who attends Egaogaoka Middle School. One day, an angel named "Devilun" that looks like a Tasmanian devil appears before her, and grants her the power to be the beautiful magical girl dinosaur angel warrior "Prima Angel," and tells her to fight the evil "Darkness Whales" organization. She proceeds to indiscriminately take out Darkness Whales members with weapons that stink of blood. The protagonists are three boy classmates of Kurumi who watch the entire thing while not really doing anything.
- Seizei Ganbare! Mahou Shoujo Kurumi
아즈치모모야마 쿠루미는 사립 에가오가오카 중학교에 다니는 자극히 정상인 14살.
어느날 갑자기 태즈메이니아데블형 천사인 데비룽에 의해 미소녀마법소녀공룡천사전사 프리마 엔젤 핑크로 선택 되었다.
프리마 엔젤은 피비린내 나는 무기를 들고 악의 조직 「암흑호엘즈」의 괴인들을 차례차례 숙청한다.