壮絶な一騎打ちを繰り広げるセレーネとディアボロスの剣豪・スザク。彼らの間には「剣聖竜クルヌギ」を巡る因縁があった…! 一方その頃、白滅の里に逃れた一行は月下美神の追手と交戦、グレイはハクネと対峙する。さらに、ヒートアップしたセレーネの力の影響によりエレンティアの魔力膨張が大暴走し、各地は大混乱に…。そこでウェンディが気づいた状況打開の“鍵”とは――。世界崩壊の危機に、「妖精の尻尾」が立ち上がる!
Gray luta contra Hakune, mas qual frio será mais poderoso para vencer? Selene revela a Suzaku quem era Kurunugi, o dragão que ele comeu. Wendy acha semelhança entre as mãos que aparecem e algo que encontraram no passado. Em meio a tudo isso, um novo inimigo aparece.
Gray fights Hakune, but whose cold will be more powerful to win? Selene reveals to Suzaku who Kurunugi was, the dragon he ate. Wendy finds similarities between the hands that appear and something they encountered in the past. In the midst of all this, a new enemy appears.