After Wembley’s indecisive nature nearly gets Gobo seriously injured, he decides that Convincing John is the only Fraggle in the Rock to get him to be more decisive. But when Wembley changes his name to Wilfred and decides to take on everyone else's jobs, he becomes a bit of a problem, and it's up to Convincing John- the most indecisive Fraggle ever- to change him back to normal.
Boober plans to have a nice quiet day by himself, but then he's visited by his silly dream alter-ego Sidebottom following various interruptions by the other Fraggles. At Sidebottom's urging, Boober lies to his friends in order to spend the day alone, but his lies build on each other -- and Boober is stuck impersonating the Old Gypsy Lady.
After successfully trapping Mokey Fraggle and Red Fraggle during their radish gathering, Junior Gorg is visited by Wander McMooch, an evil toad who plans to create a housing development on the Gorgs' land. When McMooch persuades Junior to sell the Gorgs' Castle in exchange for fake Peas of Power, the Gorgs are forced to leave their home. Now the Gorgs' only way to reclaim their castle lies in the unlikely help of Mokey and Red.