Unter der Altstadt von Central City erstrecken sich die Ruinen einer riesigen Stadt.. In einem der Gebäude treffen Hohenheim des Lichts und Dante aufeinander. Die beiden sind seit 400 Jahren karmisch miteinander verstrickt, seit dem Tag, an dem ihnen endlich jenes Experiment glückte.
Everything begins to come together in this episode. Hohenheim has confronted Dante and the Homunculus, but he was taken by surprise when the Homunculus of his former wife appears, and he is captured by Dante and sent to the other side of the mysterious gate. Mustang confronts the military court, not about the Fuhrer yet, but about his secretary Juliet Douglass. His words revealed him to the Fuhrer, who orders him to the front lines on the north, to make it easy to dispose of him when the time comes. Ed and Al are on the run, disguising themselves. They don't make it very far before being discovered, but they were far enough for Ed to find Sensei, who knows of his plans when he asks for a piece of her child's corpse. Al, trusted to stay in hiding, of course runs off and meets with Tucker. He reveals Nina's motionless body to Al, who is taken by it, and offers to use himself to help her.
Hohenheim a retrouvé celle qui a créé les homonculus et les manipule dans l'ombre, une jeune femme qu'il a connue il y a plus de 400 ans... De son côté, Al reçoit un mystérieux coup de téléphone tandis que Roy Mustang, de retour à Central, doit expliquer à l'assemblée des généraux pourquoi il a jugé utile de cesser de poursuivre les frères Elric...
Una storia complessa e ingarbugliata prende vita quando Hohenheim combatte contro Dante, leader degli Homunculus.
Hohenheim encontra-se com Dante, que está com os homúnculos. Ela relembra o arranjo que fizeram no passado para poderem continuar vivendo por centenas de anos. Embora saiba que ele é um alquimista talentoso, ela conhece também seu ponto fraco. Tucker telefona para Resembool, mas Al esconde o fato de Ed. Roy é interrogado sobre a fuga dos irmãos Elric, que deveriam ter sido capturados, mas consegue sair pela tangente.
Mientras Hohenheim y el líder de Homúnculo se enfrentan, la “verdad detrás de las verdades” finalmente es revelada. Mientras tanto, Ed dentendrá al Homúnculo a cualquier precio, y deja a Risembol con Al para encontrar a su padre. En Central, un tribunal militar se ha reunido para discutir qué hacer con Ed. Mustang toma esta oportunidad para reorganizar el establecimiento militar.
반 호엔하임이 호문쿨루스 리더인 단테와 대결하면서 복잡하게 뒤얽힌 과거사가 모습을 드러낸다.
Tijdens het gevecht tussen Van Hohenheim en Dante, de leider van de Homunculi, ontvouwt zich een ingewikkelde geschiedenis.