「あなたは一体誰なの?」どれだけ聞いても答えてくれない身元不明の遺体たち、その数全国で実に2万体。「警視庁身元不明人相談室」の年の差同期2人が、そんな“彼ら” を家族や恋人の元に帰すべく奔走する!!クスッと笑える日常と、秘められた死者の想いを描く、ありそうでなかった警察エンターテインメント!
- GO HOME~警視庁身元不明人相談室~
- ゴー・ホーム
- GO HOME ~ Keishichō Mimoto Fumeijin Sōdanshitsu ~
Sakura Mita is considered to be weird by her colleagues at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, because she voluntarily works in the unidentified bodies department. About 20,000 unidentified bodies exist in the country and Sakura Mita works on returning these unknown deceased people to their families. She has a colleague, Makoto Tsukimoto, who works in the same department. They are totally opposite in terms of their personalities and interests. Sakura Mita is bright and warm-hearted, but Makoto Tsukimoto is calm and cold-hearted. They do share the same desire to return these unidentified bodies to their families. To find the identities of these deceased people, they rely on the few clues that are left behind on them.
- Going Home ~Cops for the Lost~
- GO HOME: Metropolitan Police Department Unidentified Persons Consultation Room
- Go Home: Cops for the Lost
- Going Home –Cops for the Lost–