Bozkırın ortasında yer alan şirin bir kasabada yaşayan sıcakkanlı, sevecen Anadolu insanının öyküsünü anlatıyor. Efsaneleri, gelenekleri, şehirlerde unutulmaya yüz tutmuş değerleri gönülden yaşayan, alın teriyle kazanırken sevdasını yüreğiyle hisseden, umutları ve hayalleri uğruna yaşam mücadelesi veren insanların hikayesi…
Taner is a young inventor living in a small town named Gedelli in the middle of the moor. He had lost his father so he was forced to support his family therefore he was not able to attend the Science High School, to which he was admitted, although he wanted it badly. Taner’s mother always tried to get him married, but Taner had no intention to do it as there was a love in his heart, which he had not been able to forget for years. His childhood sweetheart Dilek.
Истории сельских жителей, в душе которых живут ценности, легенды и традиции, забытые в городе.
(Экранизация книги “Степные истории” Мустафы Чифтджи).
דרמה טורקית מובילה. טאנר חי בעיירה קטנה בטורקיה. לאחר שאהבת נעוריו עוזבת את העיירה, הוא מנסה יחד עם בני דודיו לבנות מטוס ייחודי שיביא כבוד לעיירה. בני הדודים ינסו להתגבר יחד על הקשיים ולהצליח.
ثلاث أبناء عمومة يسعون وراء أحلامهم في السهوب ويحاولون تحقيق المستحيل رغم كل العقبات
Dans la paisible ville de Gedelli, Taner, un jeune inventeur prometteur, se bat pour soutenir sa famille après la perte de son père. Malgré son admission dans une prestigieuse école scientifique, il est contraint d'abandonner ses rêves. Pendant ce temps, sa mère ne cesse de le pousser à se marier, mais Taner refuse catégoriquement, car son cœur est prisonnier d'un amour d'enfance, Dilek. Le destin les réunira-t-il ou leur chemin sera-t-il dévié par les obstacles qui se dressent sur leur route ?