Gotham Girls, an online Flash-animated series, debuted on July 27th, 2000, spotlighting Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman and other female Gothamites. If you've never checked out the Gotham Girls, but are an avid follower of the Batman animated shows, you'll immediately recognize some familiar voices. Reprising their roles are Tara Strong (Batgirl), Arleen Sorkin (Harley Quinn), Diane Pershing (Poison Ivy), and Adrienne Barbeau (Catwoman).
Сериал о женщине-супергерое, из города Готем Сити.
La nuit, Gotham City est protégée par Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), fille du commissaire James Gordon et bras droit de Batman. Elle s'efforce de capturer et d'arrêter Catwoman, Poison Ivy et Harley Quinn.