
Haunted tells the story of Detective Frank Taylor, who dies two years after the abduction of his son. While investigating a case in which a young boy and his baby-sitter are kidnapped, he faces their abductor, a sinister criminal named Simon. Their encounter leaves Simon dead and Frank nearly so... while in the hospital his soul leaves his body and he can see spirits. When he is revived by the doctors, he continues work as a private investigator, but finds that he can receive messages from beyond the grave from kind spirits. He will use this ability to do good and solve cases, but the vengeful Simon is out to make sure he doesn't get the messages... "Dead Men Do Tell Tales..."

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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 September 2002 October 2008 11
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 September 2002 October 2008 11
Unassigned Episodes 0
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 September 2002 1
Unassigned Episodes 10
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Rob Wright 2 10/08/2002 - 10/22/2002
Rick Ramage 2 09/24/2002 - 11/05/2002
Moira Kirland 2 10/15/2002
Andrew Cosby 2 09/24/2002 - 10/29/2002
Kay Reindl 1 10/01/2002
Erin Maher 1 10/01/2002
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Rick Wallace 2 10/08/2002 - 11/05/2002
Bradford May 1 10/09/2008
Emile Levisetti 1 11/05/2002
Peter Markle 1 10/22/2002
Jeffrey Reiner 1 10/01/2002
Michael Rymer 1 09/24/2002
Martha Mitchell 1 10/15/2002
Vern Gillum 1 10/29/2002

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