Fabian and Amber confront Patricia about allowing Nina to come out of the attic; however, Patricia has thrown the key out of the window into the bushes. While hiding from Victor, Nina accidentally opens a secret panel in the attic with her locket and sees a pair of mysterious eyes looking out at her, causing her to panic. In the end, she uses a hairpin to pick the lock and leave the attic. She successfully finishes her "initiation ceremony" and later confides in Fabian about the eyes. The next day, Fabian asks Nina to walk with him to school, and on the way there, they recover the key and Nina decides to keep it for future trips into the attic - "the only place where she truly felt welcome".
Patricia reports Joy as a missing person to the police. After looking up the hieroglyphic symbols on the back of the old painting, Nina and Fabian conclude that the treasure is hidden under the eighth stair, and they manage to crack the code leading them to the staircase where they find the next clue - a key. Fabian makes Jerome reveal his plan to Mick and this makes it so that Amber and him are back together - at the expense of Alfie. Mick and Amber decide to have a getting together party that night and invite everyone to attend.
Victor rigs the attic door with a feather, and when Nina and Fabian sneak up to find some strange wax cylinders (during Mick and Amber's getting together party), Victor knows that someone has been up there. Mara talks to Patrica in the girls bathroom about her liking Mick, and unknowing to the two of them, Amber hears the whole thing - eventually being fed up. Amber blows up with jealousy over Mara and Mick's friendship and demands to change rooms, sharing with Nina instead of Mara. Fabian and Nina take the wax cylinders to Fabian's uncle Ade who runs an antique shop and find out about the phonograph cylinders. Fabian remembers seeing an old phonograph in the attic. They resolve to return to the attic if they want to play the cylinders. Patricia overhears Victor talking to the Sergeant from the police station about Joy, and realizes the police are also involved in the conspiracy surrounding Joy's disappearance and becomes afraid of everything.
Mara cheats on Mick's French test for him, which Jerome sees, and Jerome uses it to blackmail her into doing chores for him and Alfie. Nina and Fabian sneak back into the attic to listen to the cylinders but it makes a loud screeching sound and they have to abandon their plans. Patricia sees someone hanging around on the school grounds and is freaked out, thinking it is a ghost. She confides in her Drama teacher, Jason (Mr. Winkler) who says he'll help her solve the conspiracy surrounding Joy's disappearance. Amber catches Nina with the puzzle piece and forces her to tell all about the quest for Sarah's treasure. While Nina and Fabian visit the attic they listen to the cylinders, Amber sneak into the attic and follows them.
Mick finds out Mara cheated for him and falls out with her. Amber discovers a secret message written behind the wallpaper - "Help me, Sarah Frobisher Smythe." Fabian, Nina, and Amber record the cylinders onto a Dictaphone. The young girl on the recordings mentions a murder. They suspect that the girl may be a young Sarah. Amber and Nina go to the old people's home to visit Sarah and confirm that she is, in fact, the girl from the recordings. Amber comes up with a name for their gang - "Sibuna" (Anubis backwards). They make it official with a ceremony by the woods after which Fabian manages to open the puzzle piece, revealing a riddle. Meanwhile, Jason finds Joy's broken mobile phone at the school bins; he searches for more clues but finds nothing. Guest Star: Francis Magee
Patricia meets her "ghost" again in the woods; however, this time they talk and he informs her that he is a private investigator by the name of Dr. Renee Zeldman and that he will help her find Joy. Mick rudely breaks up with Amber after she skips too many dates. Jason's investigations lead him to a meeting with Victor, and he emerges from the meeting as a changed man. After Alfie and Jerome record over the Dictaphone, Sibuna returns to the attic to re-record the cylinders, where Amber accidentally solves the first puzzle piece's riddle.
Patricia spots Nina's necklace and recognizes it as the Eye of Horus and calls Rufus to inform him that she has seen the Eye of Horus. Sibuna opens the next puzzle piece to reveal the second riddle. They work out that it refers to a fireplace, so they begin to check every fireplace in the house. Meanwhile, down in the cellar, a strange ritual is taking place involving Victor, the teachers and a select few others. The teachers confiscate Patricia's phone and find out that she is in contact with Rufus Zeno - a man known to them as "The Betrayer". Sibuna manages to open the old stove in the kitchen with Nina's pendant, and it leads them down into the cellar where they find the next clue - an old tethering ring with a code on the inside. While inspecting it, Victor comes down; they manage to hide in an old cabinet, and from their hiding place see him drink a strange liquid and toast to "life."
Amber and Nina find a black cat which has escaped from the cellar. Amber pretends that she is sick and takes the day off school to look after it, but it disappears while she is asleep. Patricia persuades Nina to go and meet Rufus to show him the pendant but when they get to the meeting place they witness Victor kidnapping an apparently unconscious Rufus, which makes them suspicious. Sibuna lets Patricia in on the secret, and debates the possibility that Victor might be drinking an elixir that gives him eternal life. They decide to use the school play to try and expose Victor. After finding evidence of sinister experiments in the cellar, they turn to Trudy for help; she forces Victor to open the cellar only to reveal that he has moved everything. To the house's horror, Victor fires Trudy.
With Trudy gone, Victor installs security cameras to spy on the kids. Mara challenges Mick to a sports quiz and defeats him; having proved herself, she offers to help with his training program. Nina finds an article on Tutankhamen's treasure and the original owners of Anubis House, who were implicated in stealing something from his tomb that was never found. After pressure from Mick's Dad, Victor removes the cameras and reinstates Trudy. The next riddle leads Sibuna (which now includes Patricia) to look underneath the stairs for something "beleathered and clasped" and there they stumble across a couple of photographs of Victor from 1925 looking exactly the same as he looks now. Guest Star: Francis Magee
The security cameras are removed and Trudy returns to the house. Mick excels in training thanks to Mara and the two end up kissing. Sibuna returns to the cellar to find proof of the elixir, and come face to face with something terrifying - a pair of zombies. Alfie and Jerome admit that they were the "zombies" down in the cellar. Later they get into trouble with Jason for conning the younger years into paying to audition for the school play. Patricia hides the elixir sample they took from the cellar, while Nina visits Sarah who tells the former that she and Rufus used to play together as children and she also seems to suggest that Victor killed her parents. At the end of the episode, Mara overhears Mick saying that he could never see himself with Mara, upsetting the latter.
Mara changes her appearance (and personality) to try and impress Mick and not be "boring"; she ruins Mick's sports gear by putting a red sock in the dryer with it. Alfie gets trapped in the cellar while going back to retrieve his zombie mask. Jerome is caught near the cellar by Victor and is sent to his room, unable to rescue Alfie who sees something traumatic in the cellar. Jerome enlists Fabian's help to rescue a shaken and traumatized Alfie from the cellar. The next day Alfie hyperventilates while trying to remember what happened, and Nina accidentally gives him the elixir from the cellar to drink. He collapses and is hospitalized. Nina feels so guilty that she quits Sibuna, handing her locket to Fabian
Victor announces that Alfie drank cleaning fluid. Nina tries to distance herself from Sibuna but still can't help solving the latest riddle leading them to an old "beleathered and clasped" dictionary which can only be opened with her locket (also, the locket only works when Nina wields it). While visiting Alfie in hospital, Patricia finds Rufus in a catatonic state. Patricia rescues Rufus from the hospital and hides him in the woods where he meets the others and warns Nina to give the locket back to Sarah. The gang manages to read a secret message hidden in the dictionary which gives them their next clue. Unfortunately, while Nina and Fabian are cracking the clue, Victor catches them and forces them to hand over the next puzzle piece.
A jealous Mara sends untruthfully incriminating pictures of Mick and his new training partner, Esther (the health and physical education teacher of the school), to Mr Sweet, forcing Principal Sweet to sack the innocent teacher. After reading a book given to them by Fabian's Uncle Ade, the gang works out they could be searching for the Cup of Ankh, and they plot to steal the puzzle piece from Victor's safe. Then, during the opening scene of the school play, Patricia spots Joy in the audience. Patricia manages to decode her unusual good luck card - a secret message from Joy arranging to meet after the play. Whilst everyone is at the play, Nina attempts to break into Victor's safe to steal the puzzle piece back - she is scared when she hears Victor returning to the house.
Nina successfully completes her mission, and finds another relic. She hears Victor saying he will "eliminate" someone in the audience. When she tells Patricia and Fabian this, Patricia thinks he is going to kill Joy; however, he meant Rufus. At the end of the play, Joy reveals herself by accident, and Victor chases her. He finds her and calls her the "Chosen One". Patricia looks at her card saying "Meet me tonight. Nine. Clearing in the woods. Joy." She meets Rufus there and he kidnaps her making Nina think the battery on her phone is dead.
Having kidnapped Patricia, Rufus attempts to blackmail Mr Sweet and Victor's followers - known as the Society of Ankh. Mara is worried, and she wants to talk about Mick breaking up, but Patricia seems to no longer be able to make time for Mara - especially since she joins Sibuna. Nina and Amber follow the clue on Joy's good luck card, spot Rufus's van in the clearing, and follow its oil leak to the warehouse where Patricia is being kept prisoner but when they go in there they get locked themselves.
Mick and Mara make up. Mick leaves the house. Fabian rescues Nina and Amber, and then Nina, Amber, and Fabian rescue Patricia with the help of Mrs. Andrews. Rufus escapes and is confirmed to be an antagonist. Nina, Amber, Fabian, and Patricia video chat with Joy when Victor says he'll give them "answers".
Patrica confronts Amber about ratting her out to Nina. The Alfie gets his blood test results back from the hospital which Fabian and Nina read when they sneak into Victor's office. It turns out that the elixir was really just an herbal concoction. Mara and Jerome become closer and start to hang out more. Jerome starts to hang out with Mara more than Alfie and it is revealed that he has a crush on her, even nominating Mara to become the school representative. Fabian loses a puzzle piece when he shoves his bag away when he thinks there will be a bag search.
The contest for School Representative heats up, with Mara running. Jerome asks Mara out, but gets rejected when he starts insulting Mick. The latest riddle leads Sibuna to the grandfather clock, but when they open it, it is found to be empty, making it seem like someone has already taken the puzzle piece. Alfie is still fishing around so the gang tells him he was right all along about aliens. Then, during a Sibuna meeting, Nina opens the 5th puzzle piece and a secret message appears on the wall of the house itself.
Amber decides to compete against Mara in the school elections. Mara begins focusing her attention on Mick - much to the frustration of Jerome. Sibuna decides to return to the cellar in order to collect a sample of the elixir, with Alfie insisting that he should go alone to prove himself. While down there, he has a terrifying flashback to the night he was trapped. Victor is suspicious when he discovers the gang were helped in their school play research by a woman called Sarah. He finds a clue in the signing out book which leads him to the old people's home and comes face to face with Sarah. Alfie tells the gang he remembered the teachers' spooky rituals from the cellar, and they discover the next clue hidden inside a fake phonograph cylinder in the attic.
Victor has Sarah stop by the house. When she sees him, she calls him a murderer, but then has various flashbacks from the past when she used to live in the house, including one in which she and Victor had been friends. Victor's father, Victor Rodenmaar, Sr. (who looks exactly like Victor) is portrayed to be cruel and unloving to his son, threatening to put him in the orphanage if he did not get the information that he wanted from Sarah. Meanwhile, Jerome shifts his allegiance to Amber's campaign.
Mara is furious that Mick cheated for her in the school elections. Nina attends Sarah's funeral and then witnesses a confrontation between Rufus and Victor at the care home. She hears them mention Joy being the "Chosen One" before they realize that she has been eavesdropping. Victor tries to find out how much Nina knows, but she gives nothing away. Later, she leads an expedition down to the cellar where Sibuna witnesses a meeting of Victor's society. Meanwhile, Patricia calls Joy to find out if she knows more than she is saying.
It is Nina's unlucky day when Victor padlocks the attic door to stop her going up there again after seeing her go in. Victor even catches Nina doing something, which ruins everything. She does not even know the worst part yet - Jerome has contacted Rufus by getting Rufus's number off Patricia's phone and is now spying on Sibuna for Rufus after being bribed. Sibuna plan to go down into the cellar to collect some of the elixir and to try to crack the latest clue. Alfie draws the short straw, but this time he will have a walkie talkie to maintain radio contact. However, Jerome secretly sabotages the whole mission by taking Alfie's walkie talkie. He almost gets caught by Victor twice and manages to escape the second time by hiding in the sarcophagus. Jerome shuts and locks the sarcophagus with Alfie still inside.
Jerome poses as Alfie's savior after his failed cellar mission by reopening the sarcophagus. He demands that Alfie repay him by secretly passing him information on Sibuna. Nina works out that the next puzzle is inside the chandelier. Amber distracts Victor by pretending to faint so that Nina can get the relic. Mara and Mick finally kiss and make up. Alfie and Jerome fall out when Jerome accidentally reveals that he is working for Rufus. Fabian and Nina near the end of their search but still have one more place to look for the last puzzle piece, which is in the stuffed black crow in Victor's office. Written on the last puzzle piece is "END." Nina begins to hear voices and when she tells Fabian about it, he questions if she's truly the Chosen One, and not Joy. This scares Nina and she gets defensive about it.
Victor grows frustrated with Sibuna and concocts a scheme to put a stop to their quest. He secretly releases mice in the house to give him a reason to search the bedrooms. He searches and finds the elixir and some of the students' proof. He also finds the panel in the attic that conceals the picture of Sarah. While this goes on, the students must spend the night at the school. Under the guise of needing to place the order for a take-away dinner, NIna and Fabian lure Trudy and Mr. Sweet into his office and lock the door. Victor is forced to abandon his search of the house in order to go and let Trudy and Mr. Sweet out.
Jerome gives Rufus Alfie's puzzle piece, much to the dismay of Alfie. Meanwhile Fabian works out that the puzzle pieces may actually be the seven pieces of the Cup of Ankh. Sibuna goes to put the Cup together when Alfie admits to letting Jerome give the piece to Rufus. Jerome is scared of Rufus and agrees to get the piece back by trying to lock Rufus in the cellar. The plan backfires when Jerome has to go down with Rufus, instead of Rufus going down by himself. They call Victor like they had planned and he goes down to be surprised by Rufus who has drunk the elixir. Jerome manages to escape while they talk, but just as Nina is about to close the passageway, Rufus grabs her arm to stop her.
Rufus escapes and Jerome asks Nina to protect him from Rufus. Amber receives her first invitation to the prom - a message on her profile from "King Tut". She reckons it is a boy with a thing about Egyptology and worries that this means Fabian. She tells Fabian and he says he hasn't asked anyone. Nina arrives and he gets nervous. Then Amber realizes "King Tut" is full of himself and thinks it is Jerome. Jerome makes a joke about it and embarrasses her in front of the house.
Mick finds out about the pictures and fears he may be expelled. As the play begins, Nina slips out to retrieve the puzzle piece from Victor's safe. Mick and Mara kiss onstage and realize they have feelings for each other. Patricia receives a message from Joy. Nina makes a surprising discovery in Victor's desk but becomes trapped when Victor returns unexpectedly.
Patricia meets with Rufus and shows him the note from Joy. Mick meets with Mr. Sweet, but their meeting is interrupted by Mara -- who confesses to taking the pictures and cropping them to look incriminating. Victor discovers the puzzle pieces have been stolen. Patricia signs out of the house for the night so she and Rufus can try to meet with Joy.
With Mick gone Mara befriends Jerome and Alfie feels abandoned. While some of the Sibuna crew feel that the mysteries are now resolved, Nina wants to continue and Fabian agrees. However he loses one of the puzzle pieces. That night, Sarah appears to Nina in her sleep and gives her a mysterious message.
It's Nina's unlucky day when Victor padlocks the attic door to stop her going up there again. Now she can't get to the puzzle pieces! She doesn't even know the worst part yet - Jerome has contacted Rufus and is now spying on the Sibuna gang for him.../The Sibunas plan to go down into the cellar, to collect some of the elixir and try to crack the latest clue.
Alfie confronts Jerome when he discloses that he's has been working for Rufus Zeno. Fabian confides to Nina that he's beginning to suspect that the coven has misidentified "the Chosen One." During a spat between Alfie & Jerome, Vistor intervenes and stumbles upon sketches of the puzzle-piece relics. Meanwhile Nina and Fabian find the last of the relics.
Victor gets all of the students out of Anubis house by staging a mouse infestation. He decrees a search for food that might have attracted them as a cover for his searching the students belongings. Fabian and Nina scheme to interrupt the search and sneak back to the house but before their plan comes to fruition, Victor discovers the secret attic room.
Jerome gives Rufus Alfie's puzzle piece much to the dismay of Alfie. Meanwhile Fabian works out that the puzzle pieces may actually be the seven pieces of the Cup of Ankh. But how can they put the Cup together when Alfie's piece of it is missing?/Nina hatches a plan to bring Rufus to Anubis House and trick him into bringing the missing puzzle piece.
The students return after the holidays, but who is Jerome avoiding and why? Amber is regretting agreeing to be Alfie's girlfriend. Sibuna has a midnight feast in the attic and are soon joined by the rest of the residents in Anubis house. Amber finds a dollhouse that is an exact replica of Anubis house. They get caught by Victor and everyone files down the stairs and back into their bedrooms, but Nina is determined to look for a new hiding place for the Cup of Ankh. Victor finds her as soon as she puts it into the secret door.
Nina hears Victor pick up the old doll that she knocked over. It recites a riddle about a book of old, water of life, and tears of gold. She tells Fabian all about it and they agree to check out an abandoned library for the "book of old" that the riddle mentioned. When they do so later that day, they find Mr. Sweet and Victor already in there. They hide behind a bookshelf and hear them talking about the Book of Isis and where it might be hidden. Fabian knocks something off the shelf and the episode ends with Victor pulling the sheet off it, leaving him to find them.
Nina's grandmother comes to visit the house. A seventh grader blackmails Jerome. Alfie tries get Amber to be his girlfriend by giving her raspberry cupcakes, but Amber is allergic to raspberry and develops a blotchy face. Meanwhile, Nina has a dream inspired by Victor's riddle, which she has overheard. A malignant spirit emerges from the cup. It turns out Jerome's sister, Poppy, has been blackmailing him.
Amber saves Nina and Fabian from Victor when they are caught in the cellar and insists they tell her what's going on. . Mara finds tickets to Australia in Mick's locker and believes that Mick will break up with her and leave. She finds out later that Mick's dad had sent him the tickets as part of the bribe. To make his decision easy for him, Mara breaks up with him.
A new boy, Eddie, arrives and instantly makes an enemy in Patricia. Amber surprises Nina by finding something that Nina has been looking for. Jerome plans to scam money out of his classmates in order to hire a professional private investigator. Vera, the new house mother, and Jasper have a secret meeting.
Nina and Fabian puzzle over the mysterious cube that they have found in the tunnels, but accidentally leave it on Amber's bed. Continuing the Donkey Day activities, Eddie and Patricia and Amber and Alfie have their legs tied together. Amber and Alfie return to Anubis House to collect the Lucky Dip prizes as Vera discover the cube. Alfie mistakenly grabs it along with the other prizes, and Vera quickly snaps a picture of it for the Collector.
Sibuna's next task is a deadly Egyptian version of hopscotch. If the sequence is not correct on the first try, the ceiling descends to crush everything in its path and keep the Mask hidden from the world until the end of time. Meanwhile, Jerome is desperate to clear his debt after his charity scam fails and the P.I. turns up with nothing. He starts selling masks and dresses for the dance. Unfortunately, he sets himself up to be ostracized by selling Nina, Joy, and Mrs. Andrews the same dress.
Thanks to Sarah's communication through the dollhouse, Sibuna figures out the correct sequence to safely cross the deadly hopscotch. Under Mr. Sweet's orders, Eddie and Patricia are forced to help Joy organize the grand opening ball. In a dream at the end, during the dance, Fabian and Nina share a kiss. Nina hears Senkhara calling and follows her down to the tunnels. The two proceed to argue before Senkhara pushes Nina off the edge and into the chasm.
The day of the dance has arrived. Amber, Nina, and Fabian had the same dream involving Senkhara pushing Nina into the chasm the night before. Vera and Trudy have a bake-off during the dance. Mrs. Andrews finds a receipt near Vera's cake and suspects she may have bought it. Meanwhile, down in the tunnels, Amber, Nina, and Fabian attempt the deadly hopscotch challenge.
The Collector intimidates Jasper into giving him the key to the exhibit, but Trudy finds out and becomes suspicious. The Collector creeps into the library to examine the exhibition, leading to a close shave for both Nina and Victor. Jerome and Alfie bet Eddie that he cannot convince Patricia to dance, and Eddie wins, causing Jerome to reap the consequences. Nina figures out how to cross the chasm, but when she runs to tell Fabian, she sees Joy kissing him.
Amber proposes a Sibuna reunion in order to cross the chasm. Jerome finds out that his dad wants him to visit in prison. Patricia softens her attitude towards Eddie and then finds out about his bet. Joy and Mara sign up for the school website. Amber and Fabian enlist Patricia and Alfie to help them fit the bridge across the chasm, against Nina's best wishes.
Victor and Vera hide in the cellar and see Sibuna exiting. Thus, the antechamber code is revealed. While Sibuna practices dodging pendulums, Patricia's revenge on Eddie backfires. As Sibuna enters the antechamber, they are shocked to find Victor standing there. Victor has been blinded by the beacon flash, though, and Sibuna only just manages to avoid him.
Poppy finds out that her father wants to arrange a prison visit and that Jerome did not tell her. Sibuna crosses the chasm but then reaches a dead end. Senkhara becomes angry at Nina and gives the mark to Amber, Patricia, and Alfie as well in vengeance. Vera is portrayed as being the Collector because the Collector sent the same message Vera sent to Jasper.
Victor's sight returns in time for him to find an important passage on the Mask of Anubis. Jerome goes to visit his father, but he finds that Poppy has beaten him to it. Sibuna finds a crawl tunnel, and it is implied that it could that be the only way through to the next task. When Alfie enters it, it collapses, trapping him.
Jerome informs Mara of his father's mission and tells her that his dad wants him to find a special gem in a suit of armor. When Nina enters the tunnel, she finds a lever and pulls it to open the next door in the tunnels. Back by the entrance, the wall folds in on itself and leads deeper into the tunnels. The kids arrive at their next challenge: a giant spider web.
Nina, Fabian, Alfie, and Amber are down in the tunnels, Eddie and Patricia perform chores for Victor. Mara tells Jerome that the armor is located inside Mr. Sweet's office. Jerome inadvertently convinces Alfie to create a distraction to lure Mr. Sweet out of his office by letting a goose loose through the hallway. While searching for the gem, Jerome accidentally causes the armor to fall and hears Mr. Sweet coming back to his office.
Alfie's goose is led into Mr. Sweet's office, and it swallows the gem. Victor decides to forge a fake amulet so that when the kids look to find the extra amulet, they will not realize that he stole it. Trudy tells Mrs. Andrews her concerns about Vera. Eddie and Patricia run off to play American football, and Patricia loses her amulet.
Mrs. Andrews asks Mara to investigate Vera for a "profile" on the school website. Jerome is delighted when the goose passes the gem, until Mara drops it down the sink. Vera tries to "help" them locate it and steals it for herself, acting oblivious to its location. Patricia wears the fake amulet to the tunnels so the others aren't aware she lost hers, and she is blinded.
Patricia hears someone coming into the tunnels and blindly searches for Sibuna. As Sibuna explores the spider web task, Patricia arrives to warn them that someone is coming. As they hide, Victor reaches the web and is stung by the web. In an interview, Mr. Sweet tells Mara that Jasper was the one who secured Vera's job.
Jerome may have lost the gem, but he now has Patricia's amulet, thanks to Poppy. Nina and Fabian steal the gem from Vera's room and trade with Jerome to secure the amulet. Later, Nina sees a riddle in the dollhouse telling her to follow the "silver thread of fate." Jerome has the gem, but he faces another complication
Victor is translating the Book of Isis, but it is not as easy as he had hoped. Eddie tries to get Patricia to admit that she likes him. Fabian and Joy go to a movie. Nina is hurt by Fabian's action and decides that they should go to the tunnels to solve the spider web task without Fabian, but it is a decision that she will regret after Alfie's life is put in danger. Eddie and Patricia misbehave in class, but only Patricia is punished, leading her to believe Eddie can get away with anything
Alfie and Jerome realize that, if Jerome wants the shield in which the gem belongs, he will have to win it back from a rival school. Meanwhile, Mara figures out that Vera's resume is all lies, and Nina learns Senkhara's name. Sibuna finally passes the spider web task, opening a door, which then starts to close. As it closes, Nina walks inside, knowing that this is the only chance she has to get closer to finding the mask
As Mara gathers evidence against Vera, Sibuna completes the web task after Fabian puts the larger spider in its place. They move on to the next task where they must follow the clues on the wall and pick the right liquids and pour them into six different tubes on a lion's head, which will free the glue stuck to the door into the next tunnel.
Alfie is delighted when Jerome makes him ping pong coach. Vera is upset about Mara's article and convinces Victor to take action. Patricia's mocking causes Eddie to plan an epic prank on Mr. Sweet. In the tunnels, Victor completes the task and moves on to the next task. Senkhara becomes furious and causes Nina's mark to burn.
Mara does not realize that her key witness is also Vera's. Fabian thinks that they have solved the potions task, but Nina is suspicious that Victor may have beaten them to it. Eddie's prank on Mr. Sweet backfires on Mara, and she is expelled.
A shocked Mara is expelled, while Jerome fires "Coach" Alfie. Vera has secretly bribed her witness – and Trudy is still suspicious. Mara doesn't get expelled but can no longer work for the website. Mrs. Andrews takes the punishment and leaves the school. Patricia learns a huge secret about Eddie and Nina gets some bad news about Gran...
Jerome's tournament goes badly. As Victor is getting ahead, Senkhara is getting angrier. She yells at Nina for visiting Gran instead of working through the tunnels. Nina gets a vision about herself turning into Senkhara and the Sibuna gang is running away from her.
Alfie accidentally reveals Jerome's opponents have used crooked balls and then helps him win the match. Victor explores the next task and is deafened by a powerful klaxon. Nina realizes that it's her words that have hexed her friends. Senkhara tells her the punishments will last until the next task is complete.
The Sibunas are alarmed to discover that Victor has his own amulet. Mrs. Andrews gets replaced by a teacher named Miss Valentine, who briefly taught Mick in Australia. Due to Fabian being hexed with memory loss, he calls Joy "Pam" which sends her running out in tears confirming her crush is indeed crushed.
The dollhouse tells the Sibunas the tune for the task: an ancient Egyptian song called the Song of Hathor. But no one still alive has heard it... Meanwhile, Amber agrees to be the face of the school in a new commercial – despite aging in fast forward. Mara hears that Mick has a new girlfriend and decides to make him jealous by pretending to date Jerome.
Alfie's rejuvenation curse accelerates and turns him into a 7-year-old. Patricia gets stuck in the bathroom and accidentally stands Eddie up on their date. Nina finds out that Victor has some information about the Song of Hathor. Jerome's pretend relationship with Mara comes to an end. Victor and Vera hatch a plan to steal an exhibit from the Frobisher Library, which Fabian overhears them discussing.
Fabian tries to tell Nina about Victor and Vera's plan but forgets. Vera steals the Ox Bell from the exhibition. She escapes without getting caught, but Vera's cardigan gets caught on glass and Trudy finds the piece of fabric. Later on, Fabian decides to go to the library and sees an object missing. Trudy finds him and thinks that he had stolen the object.
Fabian's memory loss leaves him unable to give Trudy an alibi. Then he finds his note predicting Vera's theft. Eddie is shocked when Patricia tells him she never kissed anyone before him. And just as Nina is getting over the speed at which Amber is aging, Alfie turns into a baby...
Fabian is now unable to remember his own name; he even forgets who Nina is. Vera plants the ox bell in his room, but hears Nina and Fabian coming so she hides in the closet. They find the ox bell and take it to the tunnels, completing the task, curing them all. But their celebrations are short lived as Victor and Vera hatch their plan, leaving Nina and her friends to walk into a trap.
Victor and Vera's plan backfires, leaving the Sibunas to return the Ox Bell to the Library. Alfie, Fabian and Nina explore the next task tunnel and realize that if they finish this task, they'll find the mask! Senkhara tells Nina that she has done well but she must not disobey her. Trudy gets closer to the truth about Vera.
A riddle hints that it is the final chamber before the Mask. Eddie decides to kiss Patricia, and Trudy is missing.
Victor has the first of the reflectors. Jasper obsesses over the Gem. Mr Sweet asks Eddie & Patricia to dinner.
The race is on to find the reflectors. Mr Sweet doesn't believe the gem has been stolen. Piper turns up posing as Patricia.
Victor has his own copy of the Zodiac. Amber makes a copy. Fabian can't decipher the symbols. Jerome hacks Jasper's computer.
Patricia feels Piper is cramping her style. Trudy is kidnapped. The Sibunas discover a door, but need Victor's amulet back to open it.
Alfie & Piper get closer. Jerome's search leads him to Sarah's dollhouse. Alfie's magic show leaves everyone reeling.
Victor's amulet's in one piece. Eddie reveals kissed Piper. Nina & Fabian realize Vera is after the mask.
Eddie & Mara do a story on the website. Alfie has tricked Victor & Vera. Jerome and Jasper are plotting. Patricia reveals Eddie's true identity.
The race is on to find the missing falcon reflectors. Jasper is confronted about his talks with Jerome. Eddie's reveals a video image of Senkhara.
Eddie & Mara start a ghost hunt. Sarah's doll is a falcon reflector, just as Jerome steals it for Jasper.
Jasper's offering is rejected. Jerome must steal the dollhouse, while Eddie & Mara record it all.
The Sibunas find their third reflector. Eddie & Mara get a picture of their "ghost." Mara's theory of their ghost, their story could destroy the mission!
Alfie fails to corrupt Eddie's pictures. Fabian must persuade Joy not to run the story. Alfie & Amber steal Eddie's camera.
Joy agrees to drop the article. Amber and Alfie confront Jerome and finally learn the awful truth... Rufus is back!
The Sibunas confront Jasper & persuade him to meet The Collector & offer him a counterfeit mask while the Sibunas rescue Trudy.
The Sibunas are locked in the barn, & Alfie tries to rescue them. Senkhara vows to hamper Victor's progress in his quest.
An article about Nina is on the website. Mara knows "Jack Jackal" didn't write it. Victor rushes to return his reflectors.
Vera bears the mark of Anubis & the Sibunas have the reflectors, but they run out of time. Fabian makes a horrific discovery.
The Sibunas know Joy wrote the article. Patricia has a solution to fix both her love life & the gang's problems.
The Sibunas enter the final chamber. Eddie & Jerome persuade Mr Sweet about a blogging competition. Rufus' Ceremony of the Mask is a fake.
The Sibunas must play the game of Senet. Joy's still getting a hard time because of Mara. Trudy's having strange dreams.
Victor & Vera practice Senet, while the Sibunas consult Jasper. Jerome makes his move on Mara. The floor gives way beneath Nina.
The Sibunas are reeling at Nina's disappearance and must cover for her. Nina wakes to find herself in an underground cell.
Fabian goes to tell Mr Sweet everything, but discovers that Nina is alive. Fabian makes a wrong move and things look even worse.
Joy didn't submit Mara's article. The gang is shaken after Alfie's near miss.
Trudy calls a doctor about her memory. Alfie and Amber spy on Trudy and are shocked at what they hear. Fabian hatches a plan.
Does Mara have feelings for Jerome? Vera follows the doctor's instructions, and the Sibunas play along.
Jerome's in trouble when he runs into Rufus sneaking around. Victor is horrified at losing Alfie on the Senet board. Senkhara hunts for the Osirian.
Mara wins blogger of the year, but is too concerned about Jerome. Disaster strikes the gang when Fabian and Joy disagree.
Fabian needs to trust Joy. Victor starts to wonder if the kids were right about Vera, and makes a shocking discovery in her room.
Victor confronts Vera & Patricia tells the Sibunas that Rufus has taken Jerome. Fabian, Patricia & Alfie go to rescue him.
Eddie gets into trouble. Fabian, Patricia & Alfie find out why Rufus wants the Mask. Nina unlocks the Mask & learns the truth.
Frobisher Smythe's final trick is revealed. It's a race against time to find the true Mask.
At the house, Eddie begins to act strangely as the touchstone to the quest is revealed.
Victor's furious when a parcel goes missing. He doesn't realise it's ended up in Amber's pile of birthday presents. Eddie demands that KT come clean about why she's really here.
Victor's under pressure to find his missing bracelet. Eddie and KT discover that Miss Denby has a key just like KT's - is there more to their new teacher than they first thought?
Eddie and KT investigate Miss Denby, Patricia and Fabian suspect KT of working for Victor and Jerome and Mara take the business studies competition seriously and personally.
KT and Eddie's suspicions about Miss Denby are confirmed, Jerome's sabotage of Mara's project backfires and Amber learns the adults are planning a mysterious ceremony.
Amber leaves, revealing what she heard in the Tank room and demanding that Sibuna is reformed - they have to stop the adults! Meanwhile Victor is delighted he finally has his bracelet - little knowing it's a fake!
The Sibunas find the real Miss Denby, who has some revelations for them... but will they get away without being caught? Jerome sets his sights on Willow. Joy boosts her confidence with a brand new look.
Eddie, KT, and Fabian must get to their friends in time to stop the ceremony. Joy sends Mara and Willow an incriminating email.
Frobisher wakes up evil. Joy tells Willow and Mara about Jerome’s two-timing. Mr. Sweet is forced to take action against the Sibunas.
Eddie has a bad feeling. The Sibunas plant secret cameras in the gatehouse and hear a strange voice. Mara and Willow plot revenge against Jerome.
Jerome, Joy, Patricia, and Alfie begin to act strangely. Jerome believes he has been chosen for a talent competition. KT goes to the gatehouse alone.
The Sibunas find Frobisher. Jerome is humiliated during a singing competition. Victor visits the gatehouse.
Frobisher makes Victor evil and keeps his sinning soul in the sarcophagi. The Sibunas find another clue. Patricia and Eddie are trapped in Frobisher's tomb.
Joy agrees to Mara's plan to break Jerome's heart. Eddie escapes the crypt. Fabian helps KT work on the capsule by blocking out her senses.
A riddle leads the Sibuna to a secret room. Mara is devastated to learn she has inherited a dog. Denby drives a wedge between Eddie and Patricia.
Victor discovers the secret room and sets a booby trap. Miss Denby continues to meddle. Jerome ask Joy on a date.
Anubis House battle Isis House in a Dodgeball Tournament. Harriet Denby escapes from the gatehouse and KT discovers that there's an easier way into the secret room.
Joy and Jerome share a romantic moment during a very strange date. The Sibunas discover a phonograph in the secret room and it's the final straw for Patricia when she finds intimate messages on Eddie's laptop.
Eddie realizes there's a traitor amongst the Sibunas when the phonograph is destroyed, but who is it? Frobisher demands a new sinner for Ammut's collection and Mara has a new plan to shame Jerome.
Denby and Frobisher kidnap Willow but dismay at her inability to sin. Patricia plans to captures KT by offering to help clear her name. Jerome and Joy share a kiss - Mara's plan is backfiring?
KT’s hopes of proving her innocence disappear when Harriet is sectioned. The Sibunas search for the artefacts with the help of a family rhyme when the phonograph is mysteriously restored. Eddie faces the real Sibuna traitor.
Willow discovers she's related to Joy and saves the day when she inadvertently provides the clue to a missing artefact. KT decides to run away, leaving Victor without his precious sinner. Fabian learns the truth about Patricia.
When Fabian's trusting nature lands him in the hands of Frobisher, Ammut's collection is almost complete. Meanwhile, Eddie realises the Sibuna traitor is not KT and Jerome shocks Joy with a surprise ending to their play.
Mara is furious as a heartbroken Joy admits her feelings for Jerome. Eddie calls on Patricia's sister for help with the missing artefact clue and KT is torn as she realises she doesn't know who to trust.
Alfie convinces KT that he's not a sinner. They rescue Eddie from Team Evil's clutches - only for Alfie himself to be captured. Joy and Mara are forced to work together when they lose Willow's cherished pet hedgehog.
Eddie and KT find the final artefact and take it to the gatehouse to destroy Ammut - only to realise they have been tricked. An evil Alfie breaks Willow's heart and Joy and Mara bond while coming to her aid.
As Ammut begins to form, Frobisher demands KT's key - but where is it? Eddie and KT find it on Willow, and realise the purpose of the keys. Jerome explains his feelings to Joy in a letter. But Joy won't read it.
Harriet sacrifices herself as Eddie and KT finally unlock the portal to destroy Ammut and save them all. KT says an emotional goodbye to Frobisher. Joy and Jerome have Mara's blessing, and Alfie has a special gift for Willow.