But Is It Music? (1945-1989)

We discover how the crisis of writing music in a post-war world was met in very different ways by the likes of Britten, Bernstein, Cage, Boulez, Stockhausen, Maxwell Davies, the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Tavener, Reich, Adams and Glass. Tavener plays badminton whilst drunk, Cage defends his 4'33" of 'silence' and Delia Derbyshire, co-creator of the Doctor Who theme tune, reveals how British techno music has its roots in the bowels of the BBC.

  • Originally Aired March 21, 2014
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network BBC Four
  • Notes Is the series finale
  • Created March 22, 2014 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 22, 2014 by
    Administrator admin