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Season 2007

  • S2007E01 11/2/2007

    • February 11, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E02 18/2/2007

    • February 18, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E03 25/2/2007

    • February 25, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E04 4/3/2007

    • March 4, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E05 11/3/2007

    • March 11, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E06 18/3/2007

    • March 18, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E07 Morris Iemma - NSW Premier (25/3/2007)

    • March 25, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Overnight the Iemma Labor Government in New South Wales has easily won the state election, although with a slightly reduced majority. That means that Labor has now won 21 consecutive state elections around the country. The Liberals and their leader Peter Debman did manage to achieve the first swing against Labor in NSW since 1988, but even that swing was not enough to guarantee them a single Labor gain. Their guaranteed gains were at the expense of independents.

  • S2007E08 Peter Costello - Treasurer (1/4/2007)

    • April 1, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    As every week goes by, it feels more like an election campaign. And as every week goes by, it is a fresh policy debate that dominates politics. Yes, policies. That is what the public constantly demands and right now that is what they are getting - in spades. During this week, and no doubt during many more to come, it was climate change. Taxation was in the mix as well, as it will be all the way through until the Budget in May, and beyond.

  • S2007E09 15/4/2007

    • April 15, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    The premiers met the Prime Minister on Friday for the last time before the federal election and so - politics being what it is - that could have been messy. In fact, Tony Abbott predicted the premiers would simply turn up and spruik for Kevin Rudd. But when the business was done, that is not the way the Prime Minister wanted to present it. Yes, the premiers agreed, it was harmonious. All very professional. The Prime Minister was a first class chairman. All very agreeable - if it was not for one of the major election issues - climate change.

  • S2007E10 Joe Hockey - Workplace Relations Minister (22/4/2007)

    • April 22, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Time is fast running out for the Federal Government to start hauling back the massive lead that Labor now enjoys in the opinion polls. So what can the Government do in the six months or so left until the election? It will be relying more heavily than usual on the May Budget and the shift in focus to the economy. The Coalition will be hoping to turn the country around on WorkChoices and hoping for a change of fortunes in Iraq, and are set to continue their criticism of Kevin Rudd's character.

  • S2007E11 Kevin Rudd - Opposition Leader (29/4/2007)

    • April 29, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    The Labor Party is smack bang in the middle of its national conference, a bigger deal than ever because it has a new leader and the party is 16 points ahead in the opinion polls well into an election year. But on Saturday, the Prime Minister stole page one right around the country. While Labor debated whether or not to mine uranium, John Howard announced the go-ahead for a nuclear power industry. He and Treasurer Peter Costello used a mere state-based political conference in Melbourne to deflect most of the political arrows that Labor leader Kevin Rudd had fired in their direction. But playing the nuclear card could either be clever or too clever by half.

  • S2007E12 Wayne Swan - Shadow Treasurer (6/5/2007)

    • May 6, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    In the next three weeks, the Federal Government will be hoping for the biggest budget bounce in 11 years. They will want to see some early signs that Tuesday's Budget will start to erode Labor's 14 point lead in the opinion polls. And make no mistake - there are budgets, and there are election budgets, and election budgets get the biggest bounce.

  • S2007E13 John Howard - Prime Minister (13/5/2007)

    • May 13, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    The budget is out there - Kevin Rudd has delivered his reply - the commentators have filled the papers and flooded the air waves. Now, what do you think? Has it changed your vote? We'll know soon enough, when the opinion polls are published from next Tuesday, but the politicians themselves are taking out a bit of insurance. Labor is raising expectations of a turnaround, and the coalition is hosing them down.

  • S2007E14 Philip Ruddock - Attorney General (20/5/2007)

    • May 20, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    It has been another weird week in politics. The Government was out and about selling a Budget that by and large, was well received - and the latest research put consumer confidence at its highest in 32 years. A neat juxtoposition with unemployment - the lowest in 32 years. At the same time, Kevin Rudd and Labor were under sustained attack from big business over its industrial relations policy. And yet the polls - all of them - either showed Labor maintaining its huge lead over the Coalition or building on it.

  • S2007E15 Mal Brough - Minister for Indigenous Relations (27/5/2007)

    • May 27, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Wednesday started like any other for Labor's industrial relations spokeswoman Julia Gillard. She is always on the lookout for examples of WorkChoices failing the fairness test. But the headline the very next day declared another company had underpaid workers - only this time the company was owned by Kevin Rudd's wife. Therese Rein was in London when the story broke and flew home so she and her husband could face the media. On reflection, the Rudds have taken the politically convenient decision and Ms Rein has announced she will be selling the Australian arm of the company.

  • S2007E16 Malcolm Turnbull - Environment Minister (3/6/2007)

    • June 3, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    It is now on the record - Australia is going to embrace an emissions trading scheme no matter who wins the next election, but the major parties differ on how that scheme will work. In this election year, it seems much of the debate itself is based on politics rather than science.

  • S2007E17 Stephen Conroy - Shadow Communications Minister (10/6/2007)

    • June 10, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    They may be just numbers on a sheet of paper, but this week poll figures, growth figures and jobs figures made a world of difference to the morale of the Coalition Government. But none of these figures came without some form of scepticism.

  • S2007E18 Julia Gillard - Deputy Labor Leader (17/6/2007)

    • June 17, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    It was fascinating to watch this week's two big political issues compete side by side for media space. The leaked union campaign was like the hare, exploding out of the blocks, and then suddenly stopping in its tracks. While the Kirribilli story was the tortoise, slow to begin but still inching along at the end of the week.

  • S2007E19 Mal Brough - Minister for Indigenous Relations (24/6/2007)

    • June 24, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E20 Jenny Macklin - Shadow Indigenous Affairs Minister (1/7/2007)

    • July 1, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    A Federal Government team has been in some Northern Territory Aboriginal communities for a week now and we're witnessing the very early stages of a radical and ambitious project to combat child abuse.

  • S2007E21 Peter Costello - Treasurer (8/7/2007)

    • July 8, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Defence Minister Brendan Nelson got world wide attention this week over his comments linking oil supplies with Australia's invovement in Iraq. Now the Prime Minister, John Howard, says it is a bit of a stretch to interpret anything that either he or Dr Nelson said as meaning the war in Iraq is about oil.

  • S2007E22 Alexander Downer - Foreign Affairs Minister (15/7/2007)

    • July 15, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    This has been a bad week for Prime Minister John Howard - not because he forgot the name of one of his candidates and not because yet again, the polls refused to budge. It was a bad week because Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd got considerable traction on two cost of living issues - groceries and housing affordability.

  • S2007E23 Lindsay Tanner - Shadow Finance Minister (22/7/2007)

    • July 22, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E24 Tony Abbott - Health Minister (29/7/2007)

    • July 29, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Dr Mohamed Haneef is due to be re-united with his family in India later today, ending a four week ordeal that saw him locked up and accused of associating with terrorists. But in the end it seems his crime was no more than having a relative overseas accused of terrorism. Through all the controversy, the Prime Minister is insisting it had nothing to do with him.

  • S2007E25 Kevin Andrews - Immigration Minister (5/8/2007)

    • August 5, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    A hospital on the north-west coast of Tasmania became the centre of one of John Howard's more audacious - and perhaps most effective - pre-election manoeuvres so far. He has bypassed the states and given $45 million a year to the Mersey Community Hospital in Devonport, in the marginal seat of Braddon. This single action has set off a giant lolly scramble around the country involving every city and town with rundown services. But John Howard has done this for the same reason that Kevin Rudd promised massive infrastructure projects in Western Australia - the election is almost upon us.

  • S2007E26 Bob McMullan - Labor Spokesperson on Federal/State Relations (12/8/2007)

    • August 12, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    To the Prime Minister and the Coalition this week was a microcosm of the year as a whole. One political negative after another, saved or at least tempered by the one issue that keeps giving - the economy.

  • S2007E27 Peter Beattie - QLD Premier (19/8/2007)

    • August 19, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    This week the country got a lesson in how politics and political reporting works at the highest level and it was not pretty. Federal Treasurer Peter Costello had an off the record dinner with three journalists two years ago and they say he told them of his plan to destabilise and eventually replace Prime Minister John Howard.

  • S2007E28 Wayne Swan - Shadow Treasurer (26/8/2007)

    • August 26, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Australians could be going to the polls in just two months from now - and with that in mind, this week the Coalition and the Labor Party had gifts for the electorate. The Government delivered a bigger than expected Budget surplus of $17.3 billion, and Federal Labor delivered a radical overhaul of the country's health system.

  • S2007E29 Peter Garrett - Shadow Environment Minister (2/9/2007)

    • September 2, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    What is it about Tasmania and Federal elections? How is it that the smallest state seems to create the most angst in the minds of the major parties? Going all the way back to the Franklin Dam issue in 1983, the Tasmanian issues have vibrated across the strait to the mainland. Most recently in 2004, Labor was hopelessly outmanoeuvred on the forestry issue in the dying days of the campaign and paid a high price. And this time a small hospital and a large pulp mill threaten to have the same impact. Not that Tasmanians necessarily welcome the attention.

  • S2007E30 Mark Vaile - Deputy Prime Minister (9/9/2007)

    • September 9, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    The Insiders panel discuss whether John Howard will go to an election or step down as Prime Minister.

  • S2007E31 Julia Gillard - Deputy Labor Leader (16/9/2007)

    • September 16, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2007E32 Tony Abbott - Health Minister (23/9/2007)

    • September 23, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    A new opinion poll has closed the gap between Labor and the Coalition, and as a result punters snapped up the tempting odds available from the bookies.

  • S2007E33 Bob Katter and Tony Windsor (30/9/2007)

    • September 30, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    According to a study by the Melbourne Age, both sides of politics have made promises worth $60 million a day since the May budget.

  • S2007E34 Tony Burke - Shadow Immigration Minister (7/10/2007)

    • October 7, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Two big issues emerged this week on the eve of a federal election - the go-ahead for the $2 billion pulp mill in Tasmania and the dramatic reduction of African refugee numbers.

  • S2007E35 Brendan Nelson - Defence Minister (14/10/2007)

    • October 14, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    The Governor-General, Michael Jeffery, arrived back in the country late Friday night, and this morning dozens of media representatives have gathered outside the gates to Government House, waiting for the Prime Minister's car to roll up.

  • S2007E36 Peter Costello - Treasurer (21/10/2007)

    • October 21, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Week one in the election campaign is over, and what an embarrassment of riches. Both the Coalition and Labor put out major policy initiatives promising billions of dollars in tax cuts.

  • S2007E37 Bob Brown, Lyn Allison and Steve Fielding (28/10/2007)

    • October 28, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    The three leaders of the minor parties join Barrie on the couch to discuss the key issues in this federal election campaign, the likely make-up of the Senate and the preference deals. It is the first time the three of them have shared a platform outside of the Senate chamber. Later, Insiders is joined by the panel of political commentators and Paul Kelly.

  • S2007E38 John Howard - Prime Minister (4/11/2007)

    • November 4, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    It is the half way point of the federal election campaign, and if Prime Minister John Howard is to win the election, there will have to be a dramatic shift in the major opinion polls in the second half of the campaign.

  • S2007E39 Wayne Swan - Shadow Treasurer (11/11/2007)

    • November 11, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    The Coalition and Labor are officially launching their campaigns this week - so within three days, we will know precisely what the major parties are putting on the table. Labor is still leading in the polls and the two-party preferred figure has not budged in four weeks.

  • S2007E40 Julia Gillard - Deputy Labor Leader (18/11/2007)

    • November 18, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    With the federal election only one week away, the polls suggest Labor is looking at a victory of record proportions.

  • S2007E41 Alexander Downer - Former Foreign Affairs Minister (25/7/2007)

    • November 25, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Australia has a new government, with the news coming last night that Kevin Rudd's Labor Party has claimed victory, taking at least 26 seats from the Coalition.

  • S2007E42 Brendan Nelson - Opposition Leader (2/12/2007)

    • December 2, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    Tomorrow in Canberra, nine days after Australia voted, the Governor-General will swear in the Rudd Labor ministry - for the first time hand-picked by its leader.

  • S2007E43 Jeff Lawrence - ACTU Secretary (9/12/2007)

    • December 9, 2007
    • ABC (AU)

    As Brendan Nelson named his new frontbench in Opposition this week, the news from the Electoral Commission was a little more encouraging. At times on election night, it appeared the Coalition might need as many as 16 seats to win back government. But it now appears the target might be as few as 10 seats, and they can do that with a uniform swing of just 1.5 per cent.

Season 2008

Season 2009

Season 2020

  • S2020E01 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (02/02/2020)

    • February 2, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Mike Bowers is joined by Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis for Talking Pictures. On the couch are The Australian’s Niki Savva, The Australian Financial Review's Phillip Coorey and The Courier Mail’s Renee Viellaris.

  • S2020E02 Richard Marles - Deputy Labor Leader (09/02/2020)

    • February 9, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Defence Minister and Labor’s Deputy Leader Richard Marles. Mike Bowers is joined by photographer Alex Ellinghausen for Talking Pictures. On the couch are the Guardian Australia’s Katharine Murphy, ABC’s Andrew Probyn and new panellist, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s, James Chessell.

  • S2020E03 Michael McCormack - Deputy Prime Minister (16/02/2020)

    • February 16, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Mike Bowers is joined by Shalailah Medhora for Talking Pictures. On the couch are The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s David Crowe, Newscorp’s Annika Smethurst and Malcolm Farr.

  • S2020E04 Anthony Albanese - Opposition Leader (23/02/2020)

    • February 23, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Labor leader Anthony Albanese. Mike Bowers is joined by Fleur Anderson for Talking Pictures. On the couch are RN Drive’s host Patricia Karvelas, ANU’s Mark Kenny and The West Australian’s Lanai Scarr.

  • S2020E05 Peter Dutton - Home Affairs Minister (01/03/2020)

    • March 1, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton. Mike Bowers is joined by Mark Humphries for Talking Pictures. On the couch are Seven’s Mark Riley, Guardian Australia’s Sarah Martin and the Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hartcher.

  • S2020E06 Chris Bowen - Shadow Health Minister (08/03/2020)

    • March 8, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews the Shadow Health Minister Chris Bowen, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with the Seven Network's Jennifer Bechwati. On the panel are The Courier Mail's Renee Viellaris, 7.30's Laura Tingle and The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald's Shane Wright.

  • S2020E07 Greg Hunt and Brendan Murphy (15/03/2020)

    • March 15, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Health Minister Greg Hunt and Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy. Mike Bowers is joined by Jack the Insider for Talking Pictures. On the couch are The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton, Australian Financial Review’s Phil Coorey and The Australian & Network Ten’s Peter van Onselen.

  • S2020E08 Jim Chalmers - Shadow Treasurer (22/03/2020)

    • March 22, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Mike Bowers is joined by Amy Remeikis for Talking Pictures. On the couch are The Australian’s Niki Savva, Guardian Australia’s Katharine Murphy and ABC Radio Melbourne’s Raf Epstein.

  • S2020E09 Mathias Cormann - Finance Minister (29/03/2020)

    • March 29, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Finance Minister Mathias Cormann. Mike Bowers is joined by Alex Ellinghausen for Talking Pictures. On the couch are the Herald Sun’s James Campbell, ANU’s Mark Kenny and Guardian Australia’s Lenore Taylor.

  • S2020E10 Sally McManus - ACTU Secretary (05/04/2020)

    • April 5, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews ACTU Secretary Sally McManus. Mike Bowers is joined by a special guest for Talking Pictures. On the couch are RN Drive’s host Patricia Karvelas, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s David Crowe and The Australian’s Simon Benson.

  • S2020E11 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (12/04/2020)

    • April 12, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. Mike Bowers is joined by Shalailah Medhora for Talking Pictures. On the couch are ABC Radio Melbourne’s Raf Epstein, the Courier Mail’s Renee Viellaris and 6PR radio’s Gareth Parker.

  • S2020E12 Marise Payne - Foreign Minister (19/04/2020)

    • April 19, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Foreign Minister Marise Payne. Mike Bowers is joined by cartoonist for the Canberra Times David Pope. On the couch are The Sunday Telegraph’s Annika Smethurst, The Australian’s Greg Sheridan and The Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hartcher.

  • S2020E13 Kristina Keneally - Shadow Home Affairs Minister (26/04/2020)

    • April 26, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for Home Affairs Kristina Keneally. Mike Bowers is joined by SBS Chief Political Correspondent Brett Mason for Talking Pictures. On the couch are The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s James Chessell, Network 10’s Peter van Onselen and ABC Radio Melbourne’s Virginia Trioli.

  • S2020E14 Dan Tehan - Education Minister (30/05/2021)

    • May 3, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Education Minister Dan Tehan. Mike Bowers is joined Amy Remeikis for Talking Pictures. On the couch are RN Drive's host Patricia Karvelas, ABC’s Andrew Probyn and The Australian’s Niki Savva.

  • S2020E15 Tony Burke - Shadow Industrial Relations Minister (10/05/2020)

    • May 10, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Industrial Relations Minister Tony Burke and Mike Bowers talks pictures with New York-based Australian cartoonist Jason Chatfield. On the panel are the Herald Sun’s James Campbell, 7.30’s Laura Tingle and The Australian Financial Review’s Phil Coorey.

  • S2020E16 Simon Birmingham - Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment (17/05/2020)

    • May 17, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Federal Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Simon Birmingham, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with Nine newspapers' Alex Ellinghausen. On the couch are the West Australian’s Lanai Scarr, ABC Melbourne Radio’s Raf Epstein and Guardian columnist Malcolm Farr.

  • S2020E17 Penny Wong - Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs (24/05/2020)

    • May 24, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with A Rational Fear’s Dan Ilic. On the couch are the ABC’s Annabel Crabb, The Australian’s Greg Sheridan and Seven News’ Mark Riley.

  • S2020E18 Christian Porter - Attorney-General (31/05/2020)

    • May 31, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with Fleur Anderson. On the couch are the ABC’s Virginia Trioli, 6PR’s Gareth Parker and The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton.

  • S2020E19 Richard Marles - Deputy Labor Leader (07/06/2020)

    • June 7, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Federal Labor Deputy Leader Richard Marles, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with The Australian’s Jack the Insider. On the couch are The Guardian’s Katharine Murphy, Nine Newspapers’ David Crowe and the ABC’s Patricia Karvelas.

  • S2020E20 Greg Hunt - Health Minister (14/06/2020)

    • June 14, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with SBS’s Brett Mason. On the couch are The Australian’s Simon Benson, News Corp’s Annika Smethurst and the ABC’s Bridget Brennan.

  • S2020E21 Chris Bowen - Shadow Health Minister (21/06/2020)

    • June 21, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for Health Chris Bowen, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with comedian Benny Eggmolesse. On the panel are The Guardian’s Lenore Taylor, ANU’s Mark Kenny and the Herald Sun’s James Campbell.

  • S2020E22 Paul Fletcher - Communications Minister (28/06/2020)

    • June 28, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts Paul Fletcher, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with The Guardian’s Amy Remeikis. On the panel are triple j’s Shalailah Medhora, the ABC’s Patricia Karvelas and the AFR’s Phillip Coorey.

  • S2020E23 Joel Fitzgibbon - Shadow Agriculture Minister (05/07/2020)

    • July 5, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources Joel Fitzgibbon, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with Nine newspapers Alex Ellinghausen. On the panel are the ABC’s Andrew Probyn, The Australian's Niki Savva and Sydney Morning Herald's Peter Hartcher.

  • S2020E24 Alan Tudge - Acting Immigration Minister (12/07/2020)

    • July 12, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Acting Immigration Minister Alan Tudge, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with satirist Mark Humphries. On the panel are Guardian columnist Malcolm Farr, the Saturday Paper's Karen Middleton and Charles Sturt University’s Stan Grant.

  • S2020E25 Michele O'Neil - ACTU President (19/07/2020)

    • July 19, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews ACTU president Michele O'Neil, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with triple j political reporter Shalailah Medhora. On the panel are The Guardian’s Katharine Murphy, Nine newspapers’ David Crowe and the Herald Sun’s Annika Smethurst.

  • S2020E26 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (26/07/2020)

    • July 26, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with SBS’s Brett Mason. On the panel are the Australian Financial Review’s Phillip Coorey, The Age’s Shane Wright and The Guardian’s Lenore Taylor.

  • S2020E27 Jim Chalmers - Shadow Treasurer (02/08/2020)

    • August 2, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with author Fleur Anderson. On the panel are the ABC’s Bridget Brennan, ANU's Mark Kenny and The Australian’s Niki Savva.

  • S2020E28 Mathias Cormann - Finance Minister (09/08/2020)

    • August 9, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with The Guardian’s Amy Remeikis. On the panel are Network Ten's Peter van Onselen, triple j political reporter Shalailah Medhora and 6PR radio's Gareth Parker.

  • S2020E29 Bill Shorten - Shadow Government Services Minister (16/08/2020)

    • August 16, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Government Services Minister Bill Shorten, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with cartoonist Fiona Katauskas. On the panel are Nine newspapers chief political correspondent David Crowe, the ABC’s Rafael Epstein and News.com.au political editor Samantha Maiden.

  • S2020E30 David Littleproud - Agriculture Minister (23/08/2020)

    • August 23, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with cartoonist Cathy Wilcox. On the panel are the ABC’s Patricia Karvelas, the AFR’s Jennifer Hewett and the West Australian’s Lanai Scarr.

  • S2020E31 Anthony Albanese - Opposition Leader (30/08/2020)

    • August 30, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with photojournalist Alex Ellinghausen. On the panel are the ABC’s Annabel Crabb, The Australian’s Niki Savva and The Guardian’s Katharine Murphy.

  • S2020E32 Jennifer Westacott - Business Council of Australia CEO (06/09/2020)

    • September 6, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Business Council of Australia CEO Jennifer Westacott, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with cartoonist Jason Chatfield. On the panel are The Sunday Telegraph’s Annika Smethurst, Charles Sturt University’s Stan Grant and InQueensland political analyst Dennis Atkins.

  • S2020E33 Peter Dutton - Home Affairs Minister (13/09/2020)

    • September 13, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with A Rational Fear’s Dan Ilic. On the panel are the AFR’s political editor Phillip Coorey, Radio National’s Fran Kelly and Herald Sun state politics editor James Campbell.

  • S2020E34 Scott Morrison - Prime Minister (20/09/2020)

    • September 20, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with author Fleur Anderson. On the panel are SMH and The Age chief political correspondent of David Crowe, Guardian editor Lenore Taylor and The Australian’s national affairs editor Simon Benson.

  • S2020E35 Adam Bandt - Greens Leader (27/09/2020)

    • September 27, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens Leader Adam Bandt, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with Jack the Insider. On the panel are News.com.au national political editor Samantha Maiden, ANU professor Mark Kenny, Triple J political reporter Shalailah Medhora and ABC state political reporter Richard Willingham.

  • S2020E36 Jim Chalmers - Shadow Treasurer (04/10/2020)

    • October 4, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with The Guardian’s Amy Remeikis. On the panel are the Australian Financial Review’s Phillip Coorey, the Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton and ABC News political editor Andrew Probyn.

  • S2020E37 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (11/10/2020)

    • October 11, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with Nine newspapers Alex Ellinghausen. On the panel are 7.30’s Laura Tingle, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s Shane Wright and Guardian Australia’s Katharine Murphy.

  • S2020E38 Tanya Plibersek - Shadow Education Minister (18/10/2020)

    • October 18, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Education Minister Tanya Plibersek, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with triple j political reporter Shalailah Medhora. On the panel are Nine Newspapers' chief political correspondent David Crowe, the Australian Financial Review's Jennifer Hewett and Channel 10's political editor Peter van Onselen.

  • S2020E39 Karen Andrews - Industry Minister (25/10/2020)

    • October 25, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with SBS chief political correspondent Brett Mason. On the panel are the ABC’s Patricia Karvelas, 6PR radio’s Gareth Parker and SBS’s Jan Fran.

  • S2020E40 Terri Butler - Shadow Environment Minister (01/11/2020)

    • November 1, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Environment Minister Terri Butler, and Mike Bowers talks pictures with comedian Benny Eggmolesse. On the panel are The Australian’s Niki Savva, InQueensland’s Dennis Atkins and The Guardian’s Amy Remeikis.

  • S2020E41 Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull (08/11/2020)

    • November 8, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Australian Ambassador to the US Arthur Sinodinos and former prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull. Mike Bowers talks pictures with cartoonist Jason Chatfield. On the panel are Guardian Australia’s Lenore Taylor, ABC News’s Stan Grant and Peter Hartcher from The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

  • S2020E42 Ken Wyatt and Linda Burney (15/11/2020)

    • November 15, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt and Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Cartoonist for the Canberra Times David Pope. On the panel are Guardian Australia’s Gabrielle Chan, news.com.au’s Samantha Maiden and The West Australian’s Lanai Scarr.

  • S2020E43 General Angus Campbell and Brendan O'Connor (22/11/2020)

    • November 22, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Defence Force Chief General Angus Campbell and Shadow Employment Minister Brendan O’Connor. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Cartoonist Cathy Wilcox. On the panel are ABC political editor Andrew Probyn, The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton and Network Ten and The Australian’s Peter van Onselen.

  • S2020E44 Simon Birmingham - Finance and Trade Minister (29/11/2020)

    • November 29, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Trade and Finance Minister Simon Birmingham. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Mad as Hell’s Tosh Greenslade. On the panel are The Herald Sun’s James Campbell, Katharine Murphy from Guardian Australia and 6PR’s Gareth Parker.

  • S2020E45 Penny Wong - Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister (06/12/2020)

    • December 6, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Foreign Minister Penny Wong. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis. On the panel are ABC RN Drive’s Patricia Karvelas, David Crowe from The Age and Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian Financial Review’s Phil Coorey.

  • S2020E46 Paul Fletcher - Communications Minister (13/12/2020)

    • December 13, 2020
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Communications Minister Paul Fletcher. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Jack the Insider. On the panel are ABC 7.30’s Laura Tingle, The Australian’s Niki Savva and the Australian Financial Review’s Jennifer Hewett.

Season 2021

  • S2021E01 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (31/01/2021)

    • January 31, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis. On the panel are Guardian Australia ‘s Katharine Murphy, Peter Hartcher from The Age and Sydney Morning Herald and Shalailah Medhora from triple j’s Hack.

  • S2021E02 Richard Marles - Deputy Labor Leader (07/02/2021)

    • February 7, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Deputy Labor Leader Richard Marles. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Canberra Times cartoonist David Pope‏. On the panel are News.com.au's Samantha Maiden, ABC News political editor Andrew Probyn and the Australian Financial Review's Jennifer Hewett.

  • S2021E03 Sally McManus - ACTU Secretary (14/02/2021)

    • February 14, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews ACTU Secretary Sally McManus. Mike Bowers talks pictures with A Rational Fear's Dan Ilic‏. On the panel are David Crowe from The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, ABC Radio National’s Patricia Karvelas and the Herald Sun's James Campbell.

  • S2021E04 Greg Hunt - Health Minister (21/02/2021)

    • February 21, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Health Minister Greg Hunt. Mike Bowers talks pictures with photographer for The Age + Sydney Morning Herald Alex Ellinghausen‏. On the panel are ABC Radio Melbourne's Raf Epstein, The Saturday Paper's Karen Middleton and News.com.au's Samantha Maiden.

  • S2021E05 Anthony Albanese - Opposition Leader (28/02/2021)

    • February 28, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Triple J Hack’s Shalailah Medhora‏. On the panel are The Australian’s Rosie Lewis, the AFR’s Phil Coorey and the West Australian’s Lanai Scarr.

  • S2021E06 Kate Jenkins - Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner (07/03/2021)

    • March 7, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins. Mike Bowers talks pictures with cartoonist Fiona Katauskas‏. On the panel are Guardian Australia’s Katharine Murphy, ABC political writer Annabel Crabb and Network Ten and The Australian’s Peter Van Onselen.

  • S2021E07 Michael McCormack - Deputy Prime Minister (14/03/2021)

    • March 14, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis‏. On the panel are 6PR’s Gareth Parker, the ABC’s Laura Tingle and The Age’s Shane Wright.

  • S2021E08 Kristina Keneally - Shadow Home Affairs Minister (21/03/2021)

    • March 21, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Home Affairs Minister Kristina Keneally. Mike Bowers talks pictures with The Australian columnist Jack The Insider. On the panel are Triple J Hack’s Shalailah Medhora , The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hartcher and Samantha Maiden from News.com.au

  • S2021E09 Sarah Henderson and Katie Allen (28/03/2021)

    • March 28, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Liberal MP for Higgins Katie Allen and Senator for Victoria Sarah Henderson. Mike Bowers talks pictures with The West Australian's Sarah Ison. On the panel are ABC’s own Patricia Karvelas, Niki Savva from The Australian and the Australian Financial Review’s Jennifer Hewitt.

  • S2021E10 Mark Butler - Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing (11/04/2021)

    • April 11, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing Mark Butler. Mike Bowers talks pictures with The Daily Telegraph cartoonist Warren Brown. On the panel are ABC’s own Andrew Probyn, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s David Crowe and Sarah Martin from Guardian Australia.

  • S2021E11 Stuart Robert - Minister for Employment (18/04/2021)

    • April 18, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Minister for Employment Stuart Robert. Mike Bowers talks pictures with ‏incumbent Ginger Meggs cartoonist Jason Chatfield. On the panel are The Australian’s Rosie Lewis, the AFR’s Phil Coorey and Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis.

  • S2021E12 Peter Dutton - Defence Minister (25/04/2021)

    • April 25, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Defence Minister Peter Dutton. Mike Bowers talks pictures Canberra Times cartoonist David Pope‏. On the panel are The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton, The Herald Sun’s James Campbell, and the National Press Club’s Mark Kenny.

  • S2021E13 Brendan O'Connor - Shadow Minister for Defence (02/05/2021))

    • May 2, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for Defence Brendan O’Connor. ABC election analyst Antony Green breaks down the Tasmanian state election results so far. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Fleur Anderson from 89 Degrees East‏. On the panel are Guardian Australia editor Lenore Taylor, Jennifer Hewett from the Australian Financial Review and ABC’s own Isabella Higgins.

  • S2021E14 Jim Chalmers - Shadow Treasurer (09/05/2021)

    • May 9, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The West Australian’s Sarah Ison‏. On the panel are Guardian Australia’s Katharine Murphy, John Kehoe of the Australian Financial Review and The Age’s Shane Wright.

  • S2021E15 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (16/05/2021)

    • May 16, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with photojournalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, Alex Ellinghausen‏. On the panel are ABC’s Laura Tingle, Peter Hartcher of the Sydney Morning Herald, and News.com.au’s Samantha Maiden

  • S2021E16 Clare O'Neil - Shadow Minister for Aged Care Services and Senior Australians (23/05/2021)

    • May 23, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for Aged Care Services and Senior Australians Clare O’Neil. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with triple j Hack’s Shalailah Medhora‏. On the panel are Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis, ABC’s own Andrew Probyn, and Gareth Parker of 6PR.

  • S2021E17 Dan Tehan - Trade and Tourism Minister (30/05/2021)

    • May 30, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Trade and Tourism Minister Dan Tehan. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with National Radio’s Amanda Copp. On the panel are Network Ten’s Peter Van Onselen, ABC’s own Patricia Karvelas, and Karen Middleton of The Saturday Paper.

  • S2021E18 Richard Marles - Deputy Labor Leader (06/06/2021)

    • June 6, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Deputy Labor Leader Richard Marles. Mike Bowers talks pictures with 730’s political satirist Mark Humphries. On the panel are The Herald Sun’s James Campbell, Waleed Aly of Network Ten and Guardian Australia’s Sarah Martin.

  • S2021E19 Adam Bandt - Greens Leader (13/06/2021)

    • June 13, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens Leader Adam Bandt. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis. On the panel are The Age’s Annika Smethurst, Phil Coorey of the Australian Financial Review, and The Australian columnist Niki Savva.

  • S2021E20 Marise Payne - Foreign Affairs Minister (20/06/2021)

    • June 20, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Foreign Minister Marise Payne. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Jack The Insider. On the panel are Samantha Maiden from News.com.au, Jennifer Hewett of the Australian Financial Review, and The Australian’s Cameron Stewart.

  • S2021E21 Chris Bowen - Shadow Climate Change Minister (27/06/2021)

    • June 27, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen. Mike Bowers talks pictures with The Daily Telegraph’s Warren Brown. On the panel are Katharine Murphy of Guardian Australia, ABC’s own Patricia Karvelas, and John Kehoe from the Australian Financial Review.

  • S2021E22 Simon Birmingham - Finance Minister (04/07/2021)

    • July 4, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Finance Minister Simon Birmingham. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fleur Anderson of 89 Degrees East‏. On the panel are ABC’s own Isabella Higgins, David Crowe of The Age, and The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton.

  • S2021E23 Anthony Albanese - Opposition Leader (11/07/2021)

    • July 11, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese. Marking the 20th anniversary of Insiders, former host Barrie Cassidy returns to reflect on the show with Mike Bowers for Talking Pictures. On the panel are ABC’s Annabel Crabb, Malcolm Farr, and Samantha Maiden of News.com.au.

  • S2021E24 Barnaby Joyce - Nationals Leader (18/07/2021)

    • July 18, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Nationals Leader Barnaby Joyce. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with the West Australian’s Sarah Ison. On the panel are Radio National’s Fran Kelly, Phil Coorey of the Australian Financial Review and Guardian Australia’s Sarah Martin.

  • S2021E25 Bill Shorten - Shadow Minister for Government Services (25/07/2021)

    • July 25, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten. Casey Briggs tracks the NSW outbreak on The Curve. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Benny Eggmolesse. On the panel are ABC’s Andrew Probyn, Lenore Taylor of Guardian Australia and the Herald Sun’s James Campbell.

  • S2021E26 Brad Hazzard - NSW Health Minister (01/08/2021)

    • August 1, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with triple j Hack’s Shalailah Medhora. On the panel are ABC’s Bridget Brennan, National Press Club Vice President Mark Kenny, Sydney Morning Herald and The Age’s Peter Hartcher and Western Sydney Reporter Kathleen Calderwood.

  • S2021E27 Greg Hunt - Health Minister (08/08/2021)

    • August 8, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Health Minister Greg Hunt. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The Canberra Times’ cartoonist David Pope. On the panel are Columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age Niki Savva, Guardian Australia’s Katharine Murphy, and The Australian’s Peter Van Onselen.

  • S2021E28 Tony Burke - Shadow Industrial Relations Minister (15/08/2021)

    • August 15, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Industrial Relations Minister Tony Burke. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis. On the panel are News.com.au’s Samantha Maiden, ABC’s Andrew Probyn, and The Australian Financial Review’s Jennifer Hewett.

  • S2021E29 Scott Morrison - Prime Minister (22/08/2021)

    • August 22, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with A Rational Fear's Dan Ilic. On the panel are The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton, Cameron Stewart of The Australian, and Shalailah Medhora of triple j Hack. Casey Briggs discusses the latest COVID numbers around the country.

  • S2021E30 Mark Butler - Shadow Health Minister (29/08/2021)

    • August 29, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Health Minister Mark Butler. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The West Australian’s Sarah Ison. On the panel are Australian Financial Review’s Phil Coorey, Guardian Australia’s Lenore Taylor, 6PR’s Gareth Parker. Casey Briggs discusses the latest COVID numbers around the country.

  • S2021E31 Stuart Robert - Employment Minister (05/09/2021)

    • September 5, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Employment Minister Stuart Robert. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Alex Ellinghausen from The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. On the panel are David Crowe of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, ABC’s Laura Tingle and the Herald Sun’s James Campbell. Casey Briggs discusses the latest COVID numbers around the country.

  • S2021E32 Tanya Plibersek - Shadow Education Minister (12/09/2021)

    • September 12, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Education Minister Tanya Plibersek. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The Herald Sun cartoonist Mark Knight. On the panel are The Project’s Waleed Aly, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Niki Savva and Guardian Australia’s Sarah Martin.

  • S2021E33 Simon Birmingham - Finance Minister (19/09/2021)

    • September 19, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Finance Minister Simon Birmingham. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with National Radio's Amanda Copp. On the panel are The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age's Peter Hartcher, Guardian Australia's Amy Remeikis and John Kehoe of the Australian Financial Review. Casey Briggs looks at The Curve on COVID cases and vaccinations around the country.

  • S2021E34 Barnaby Joyce - Deputy Prime Minister (26/09/2021)

    • September 26, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce. ABC's Stan Grant, The Age's Annika Smethurst and Cameron Stewart of The Australian discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with triple j Hack's Shalailah Medhora.

  • S2021E35 Ed Husic - Shadow Industry Minister (03/10/2021)

    • October 3, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Industry Minister Ed Husic. Samantha Maiden of News.com.au, ABC's own Andrew Probyn, and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Jacqueline Maley discuss the issues of the week. NSW state political reporter for the ABC Ashleigh Raper crosses to discuss the resignation of NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The Saturday Paper's Jon Kudelka.

  • S2021E36 Paul Fletcher - Communications Minister (10/10/2021)

    • October 10, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Communications Minister Paul Fletcher. The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age's David Crowe, Guardian Australia's Katharine Murphy, and the Australian Financial Review's Jennifer Hewett discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fleur Anderson from 89 Degrees East. Casey Briggs discusses COVID around the country on The Curve.

  • S2021E37 Katy Gallagher - Shadow Finance Minister (17/10/2021)

    • October 17, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Finance Minister Katy Gallagher. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Amy Remeikis of Guardian Australia. James Campbell of the Herald Sun, Guardian Australia's Sarah Martin and Shane Wright of the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age discuss the issues of the week.

  • S2021E38 Matt Kean - NSW Treasurer (24/10/2021)

    • October 24, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews NSW Treasurer Matt Kean. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald photographer Alex Ellinghausen. The ABC's Patricia Karvelas, The Australian's Peter van Onselen and Niki Savva from The Age and Sydney Morning Herald discuss issues of the week.

  • S2021E39 Angus Taylor - Energy Minister (31/10/2021)

    • October 31, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Energy Minister Angus Taylor. The ABC's own Laura Tingle, Peter Hartcher of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, and The Australian's Cameron Stewart. Huw Parkinson shares his take on The Nationals' climate debate.

  • S2021E40 Chris Bowen - Shadow Climate Change Minister (07/11/2021)

    • November 7, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Energy Minister Chris Bowen. ABC's Andrew Probyn, Lenore Taylor of Guardian Australia, and AFR's Phil Coorey discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with comedian Sammy J.

  • S2021E41 Greg Hunt - Health Minister (14/11/2021)

    • November 14, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Health Minister Greg Hunt. Karen Middleton of The Saturday Paper, triple j Hack's Shalailah Medhorah, and Lanai Scarr of The West Australian discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Ginger Meggs cartoonist Jason Chatfield.

  • S2021E42 Jim Chalmers - Shadow Treasurer (21/11/2021)

    • November 21, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers. The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age's David Crowe, ABC's own Patricia Karvelas, and Gareth Parker of 6PR discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Guardian Australia's Amy Remeikis.

  • S2021E43 Anne Ruston - Social Services Minister (28/11/2021)

    • November 28, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Social Services Minister Anne Ruston. Katharine Murphy of Guardian Australia, AFR's Jennifer Hewett and Samantha Maiden of news.com.au discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald's Alex Ellinghausen.

  • S2021E44 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (05/12/2021)

    • December 5, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    In the last Insiders for 2021, David Speers interviews Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. AFR's Phil Coorey, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Niki Savva, and James Campbell of the Herald Sun discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the year in pictures with Jack The Insider. Huw Parkinson shows us politics can rock. And David unveils the Matt Price moment of 2021.

Season 2022

  • S2022E01 Anthony Albanese - Opposition Leader (30/01/2022)

    • January 30, 2022

  • S2022E02 Karen Andrews - Home Affairs Minister (06/02/2022)

    • February 6, 2022

  • S2022E03 Kristina Keneally - Shadow Home Affairs Minister (13/02/2022)

    • February 13, 2022

  • S2022E04 James Paterson - Liberal Senator (20/02/2022)

    • February 20, 2022

  • S2022E05 Penny Wong - Shadow Foreign Minister (27/02/2022)

    • February 27, 2022

  • S2022E06 Peter Dutton - Defence Minister (06/03/2022)

    • March 6, 2022

  • S2022E07 Brendan O'Connor - Shadow Defence Minister (13/03/2022)

    • March 13, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Defence Minister Brendan O'Connor. ABC's own Stan Grant, Lanai Scarr of the West Australian and Guardian Australia's Amy Remeikis discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Glen Le Lievre.

  • S2022E08 Simon Birmingham - Finance Minister (20/03/2022)

    • March 20, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Finance Minister Simon Birmingham. Samantha Maiden of News.com.au, The Australian's Greg Sheridan and Press Club Vice President Mark Kenny discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Mark Knight.

  • S2022E09 Jim Chalmers - Shadow Treasurer (27/03/2022)

    • March 27, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Guardian Australia's Sarah Martin, John Kehoe of the AFR, and The Age and Sydney Morning Herald's Shane Wright discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fiona Katauskas.

  • S2022E10 Josh Frydenberg - Treasurer (03/04/2022)

    • April 3, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. David Crowe of the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, ABC's own Laura Tingle, and Phil Coorey of the Australian Financial Review discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the weeks in pictures with Sarah Ison.

  • S2022E11 Richard Marles - Deputy Labor Leader (10/04/2022)

    • April 10, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    Patricia Karvelas interviews Deputy Labor Leader Richard Marles. ABC's own Fran Kelly, 6PR's Gareth Parker and Jennifer Hewett of the Australian Financial Review. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Cathy Wilcox. Casey Briggs brings you The Crunch, looking at polling numbers.

  • S2022E12 Marise Payne and Mark Butler (17/04/2022)

    • April 17, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Shadow Health Minister Mark Butler. Samantha Maiden of News.com.au, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald's Peter Hartcher, and the ABC's own Andrew Probyn discuss the issues of the week. Casey Briggs breaks down opinion polls in The Crunch. David spends time in the marginal seat of Chisolm. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Craig Reucassel.

  • S2022E13 Jim Chalmers and Barnaby Joyce (24/04/2022)

    • April 24, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    Live from the seat of Gladstone, David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce. ABC's own Patricia Karvelas, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald's David Crowe, and Clare Armstrong of The Daily Telegraph discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Jack The Insider. David talks to people on the street about how they feel about the upcoming election. Casey Briggs breaks down the opinion polls for The Crunch.

  • S2022E14 Adam Bandt and Simon Birmingham (01/05/2022)

    • May 1, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens Leader Adam Bandt, and Finance Minister Simon Birmingham. ABC's own Bridget Brennan, James Campbell of the Herald Sun, and The Saturday Paper's Karen Middleton discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Lewis Hobba. Casey Briggs breaks down the polls in The Crunch.

  • S2022E15 Tanya Plibersek and Allegra Spender (08/05/2022)

    • May 8, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Andrew Probyn, Gabrielle Chan and Waleed Aly to discuss the RBA raising interest rates during the election campaign to fight soaring inflation, national security, a federal ICAC and the teal independents.

  • S2022E16 Anthony Albanese and Josh Frydenberg (15/05/2022)

    • May 15, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    In the final pre-election, 90-minute program, David Speers interviews Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. ABC's own Laura Tingle, Network Ten's Peter van Onselen, and Sarah Martin of Guardian Australia discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Mark Humphries. Casey Briggs breaks down the numbers behind the campaign on The Crunch.

  • S2022E17 Post Election Special

    • May 22, 2022

  • S2022E18 Katy Gallagher - Finance Minister (29/05/2022)

    • May 29, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Finance Minister Katy Gallagher. Niki Savva of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, the AFR's Phil Coorey and The Daily Telegraph's Clare Armstrong discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with freelance cartoonist Fiona Katauskas.

  • S2022E19 David Littleproud - Nationals Leader (05/06/2022)

    • June 5, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Nationals Leader David Littleproud. Osman Faruqi, James Campbell and Karen Middleton discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Alex Ellinghausen.

  • S2022E20 Bill Shorten - NDIS Minister (12/06/2022)

    • June 12, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews NDIS Minister Bill Shorten. 6PR's Gareth Parker, ABC's own Patricia Karvelas, and John Kehoe of the Australian Financial Review discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Zoe Norton Lodge.

  • S2022E21 Peter Dutton - Opposition Leader (19/06/2022)

    • June 19, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Opposition Leader Peter Dutton. Samantha Maiden of News.com.au, Jennifer Hewett of the Australian Financial Review, and Sarah Ison of The Australian discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Amanda Copp.

  • S2022E22 Jim Chalmers - Treasurer (26/06/2022)

    • June 26, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Jim Chalmers. The Age and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Sean Kelly, Guardian Australia's Amy Remeikis, and Greg Sheridan of The Australian discuss the issues of the week. Mark Humphries talks the week in pictures with Benjamin Law.

  • S2022E23 David Pocock - Independent Senator (03/07/2022)

    • July 3, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    Patricia Karvelas interviews Independent Senator for the ACT David Pocock. Network Ten's Narelda Jacobs, Shane Wright of the Age and Sydney Morning Herald, and Guardian Australia's Sarah Martin discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Glen Le Lievre.

  • S2022E24 Mark Butler - Health Minister (10/07/2022)

    • July 10, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Health Minister Mark Butler. ABC's own Dan Bourchier, Clare Armstrong of the Daily Telegraph, and The Saturday Paper's Karen Middleton discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Cathy Wilcox.

  • S2022E25 Adam Bandt - Greens Leader (17/07/2022)

    • July 17, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens leader Adam Bandt. The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald’s Osman Faruqi, The Australian Financial Review’s Jennifer Hewett and Network Ten and The Australian’s Peter van Onselen discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Jack the Insider.

  • S2022E26 Tony Burke - Employment Minister (24/07/2022)

    • July 24, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews employment minister Tony Burke. Phil Coorey of the AFR, Guardian Australia's Katharine Murphy and Mark Kenny of the National Press Club discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The Feed’s Jenna Owen and Vic Zerbst.

  • S2022E27 Anthony Albanese - Prime Minister (31/07/2022)

    • July 31, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    In a special broadcast, live from Garma Festival in East Arnhem Land, David Speers interviews Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. ABC's own Stan Grant, Bridget Brennan and Guardian Australia's Lorena Allam discuss the issues of the week. Yolngu band, East Journey give a special performance for Insiders.

  • S2022E28 Andrew Hastie - Shadow Defence Minister (07/08/2022)

    • August 7, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Defence Minister Andrew Hastie. ABC's own Andrew Probyn, Lenore Taylor of Guardian Australia, and Network Ten's Waleed Aly discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald photographer Alex Ellinghausen.

  • S2022E29 Chris Bowen - Energy Minister (14/08/2022)

    • August 14, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen. ABC's own Patricia Karvelas, James Campbell of the Herald Sun, and The Sydney Morning Herald's Peter Hartcher discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Sarah Ison from The Australian.

  • S2022E30 Barnaby Joyce - Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs (21/08/2022)

    • August 21, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Veteran Affairs Minister Barnaby Joyce. The Age and Sydney Morning Herald's David Crowe, Samantha Maiden of News.com.au, and AFR's John Kehoe discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with comedian Dan Ilic.

  • S2022E31 Sally McManus and Jennifer Westacott (28/08/2022)

    • August 28, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews ACTU boss Sally McManus, and Jennifer Westacott of the Business Council of Australia. SBS's Anna Henderson, ABC's own Raf Epstein, and Peter van Onselen of Network Ten discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fiona Katauskas.

  • S2022E32 Anthony Albanese - Prime Minister (11/09/2022)

    • September 11, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    In a special episode following the passing of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, David Speers interviews Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, former Prime Minister John Howard, and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton. 730's Laura Tingle, and The Australian's Paul Kelly are on the couch. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Ita Buttrose.

  • S2022E33 Richard Marles - Defence Minister (18/09/2022)

    • September 18, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Defence Minister Richard Marles. ABC's own Andrew Probyn, Jennifer Hewett of the AFR, and Nine's Osman Faruqi discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Amanda Copp from National Radio News.

  • S2022E34 Jane Hume - Shadow Finance Minister (25/09/2022)

    • September 25, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume. Guardian Australia's Katharine Murphy, Samantha Maiden of News.com.au and the Herald Sun's James Campbell discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with photographer for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald Alex Ellinghausen.

  • S2022E35 Mark Dreyfus - Attorney-General (02/10/2022)

    • October 2, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus. The Daily Telegraph's Clare Armstrong, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald's Peter Hartcher and ABC's own Patricia Karvelas discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Jack The Insider.

  • S2022E36 Peter Dutton - Opposition Leader (9/10/2022)

    • October 9, 2022

  • S2022E37 Catherine King - Infrastructure Minister (16/10/2022)

    • October 16, 2022

  • S2022E38 Angus Taylor - Shadow Treasurer (23/10/2022)

    • October 23, 2022

  • S2022E39 Jim Chalmers - Treasurer (30/10/2022)

    • October 30, 2022

  • S2022E40 Kate Chaney - Independent MP (06/11/2022)

    • November 6, 2022

    David Speers interviews Independent Kate Chaney MP. Guardian Australia's Amy Remeikis, Clare Armstrong of The Daily Telegraph, and ABC's own Dana Morse discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fleur Anderson.

  • S2022E41 Clare O'Neil - Home Affairs and Cyber Security Minister (13/11/2022)

    • November 13, 2022

    David Speers interviews Minister for Cyber Security Clare O'Neil. Network Ten's Peter Van Onselen, Jennifer Hewett of the Australian Financial Review, and The Australian's Sarah Ison discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks pictures with cartoonist Glen Le Lievre.

  • S2022E42 Simon Birmingham - Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister (20/11/2022)

    • November 20, 2022

    David Speers interviews Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham. The ABC’s own Stan Grant, Greg Sheridan of The Australian and The Age’s Annika Smethurst discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with cartoonist Cathy Wilcox.

  • S2022E43 Tony Burke - Employment Minister (27/11/2022)

    • November 27, 2022

    David Speers interviews Employment Minister Tony Burke. Niki Savva of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, the Herald Sun's James Campbell, and Guardian Australia's Katharine Murphy discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Jack The Insider.

  • S2022E44 Linda Burney - Indigenous Australians Minister (04/12/2022)

    • December 4, 2022
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney. The ABC's own Andrew Probyn, Samantha Maiden and Dan Bourchier discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with David Pope. The Matt Price Moments of the Year.

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 Professor Megan Davis

    • February 5, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2023E02 Jim Chalmers

    • February 12, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Jim Chalmers. The ABC’s own Andrew Probyn, Katharine Murphy of Guardian Australia, and the AFR’s Phil Coorey discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Alex Ellinghausen, photographer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

  • S2023E03 Adam Bandt

    • February 19, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens Leader Adam Bandt. ABC's own Dana Morse, Samantha Maiden of News.com.au, and The Age & Sydney Morning Herald's Shane Wright discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Zoë Norton Lodge.

  • S2023E04 Chris Bowen

    • February 26, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen. The Daily Telegraph's Clare Armstrong, the ABC's own Bridget Brennan, and Mark Kenny of the National Press Club discuss the issues of the week. Mark Bowers talks pictures with Cathy Wilcox.

  • S2023E05 Angus Taylor

    • March 5, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor. The Saturday Paper’s Karen Middleton, the ABC’s own Patricia Karvelas and Jacob Greber of the Australian Financial Review discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Dan Ilic.

  • S2023E06 Joe Courtney

    • March 12, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews U.S. Democrat Congressman for Connecticut, Joe Courtney. The Australian’s Rosie Lewis, Lenore Taylor of The Guardian Australia, and the Australian Financial Review’s John Kehoe discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with David Pope.

  • S2023E07 Richard Marles

    • March 19, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Defence Minister Richard Marles. Laura Tingle, Peter Hartcher, and Greg Sheridan discuss the issues of the week. Mark Humphries talks the week in pictures with Antoinette Lattouf.

  • S2023E08 Mark Dreyfus

    • March 26, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus. Dan Bourchier, Jennifer Hewett, and David Crowe discuss the fallout of the NSW state election and the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks pictures with Fiona Katauskas.

  • S2023E09 Peter Dutton

    • April 2, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Opposition Leader Peter Dutton. Raf Epstein, Niki Savva, Phillip Coorey discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Alex Ellinghausen.

  • S2023E10 Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

    • April 16, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Country Liberal Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. The Age's Jack Latimore, Karen Middleton of the Saturday Paper, and The Daily Telegraph's Clare Armstrong discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Sammy J.

  • S2023E11 Katy Gallagher

    • April 23, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Finance Minister Katy Gallagher. News.com.au's Samantha Maiden, Tom Crowley of the Daily Aus, and The Australian's Peter van Onselen discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Benny Eggmolesse.

  • S2023E12 Richard Marles

    • April 30, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Deputy Prime Minister, Richard Marles. SMH & The Age's, Peter Hartcher, The Guardian's Amy Remeikis and ABC’s Defence Correspondent Andrew Greene discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers is joined by comedian and presenter Alex Lee for a look at the week's best cartoons and photographs.

  • S2023E13 Angus Taylor

    • May 7, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    On Insiders, David Speers is joined by SMH’s Sean Kelly, ABC RN’s Patricia Karvelas and AFR’s Jacob Greber. His guest is the Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor. And Talking Pictures host Mike Bowers is joined by National Radio News’ Amanda Copp for a look at the week's best cartoons and photographs.

  • S2023E14 Jim Chalmers

    • May 14, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Jim Chalmers. The ABC's own Andrew Probyn, Jennifer Hewett of the Australian Financial Review and The Age & The Sydney Morning Herald's Shane Wright discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with David Pope.

  • S2023E15 Simon Birmingham

    • May 21, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham. News Corp's Clare Armstrong, Phil Coorey of the Australian Financial Review, and the ABC's own Shalailah Medhora discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Glen Le Lievre.

  • S2023E16 Lidia Thorpe

    • May 28, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Independent senator Lidia Thorpe. The Saturday Paper's Karen Middleton, the ABC's own Dan Bourchier and Cameron Stewart of The Australian discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fiona Katauskas.

  • S2023E17 Max Chandler-Mather

    • June 4, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens Housing Spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather. Nine's Osman Faruqi, The Age & Sydney Morning Herald's David Crowe, and Samantha Maiden of News.com.au discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with David Pope.

  • S2023E18 Anika Wells

    • June 11, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Aged Care Minister Anika Wells. Samantha Maiden, Jacob Greber and Lenore Taylor discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Anthony Lehmann.

  • S2023E19 Bridget McKenzie

    • June 18, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie. ABC's Patricia Karvelas, The West Australian's Katina Curtis, and Anna Henderson of SBS discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Dan Ilic.

  • S2023E20 Julie Collins

    • June 25, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Housing Minister Julie Collins. ABC's Dana Morse, National Press Club's Mark Kenny, and the AFR's Jennifer Hewett discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Jack The Insider.

  • S2023E21 Vasyl Myroshnychenko

    • July 2, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Myroshnychenko. The Saturday Paper's Karen Middleton, Tom Crowley of The Daily Aus, and The Age & Sydney Morning Herald columnist Niki Savva discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Andrew Meares.

  • S2023E22 Linda Burney

    • July 9, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney. AFR's Phil Coorey, the ABC's own Laura Tingle, and John Paul Janke of NITV discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Cathy Wilcox.

  • S2023E23 Jim Chalmers

    • July 16, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Treasurer Jim Chalmers. The Age & Sydney Morning Herald's Shane Wright, Katina Curtis of The West Australian, and News.com.au's Samantha Maiden discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Antoinette Lattouf.

  • S2023E24 Sussan Ley

    • July 23, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Acting Opposition Leader Sussan Ley. The ABC's own Patricia Karvelas, Jacob Greber of the AFR, and SBS' Anna Henderson discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Amanda Copp.

  • S2023E25 Amanda Rishworth

    • July 30, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth. The Australian's Greg Sheridan, Amy Remeikis of Guardian Australia, and the AFR's Jennifer Hewett discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Mark Humphries.

  • S2023E26 Anthony Albanese

    • August 6, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Prime Minister Anthony Albanese from Garma Festival. The Daily Telegraph's Clare Armstrong, ABC's own Dan Bourchier and John Paul Janke of NITV discuss the issues of the week. Dhapanbal Yunupingu perform 'The Crying Song'.

  • S2023E27 David Littleproud

    • August 13, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Nationals Leader David Littleproud. ABC's own Annabel Crabb, David Crowe of the Age & Sydney Morning Herald, and The Australian's Sarah Ison discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Alex Ellinghausen.

  • S2023E28 Penny Wong

    • August 20, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Foreign Minister Penny Wong. The Age & The Sydney Morning Herald's Shane Wright, Phil Coorey of the Australian Financial Review, and triple j Hack's Shalailah Medhora discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with David Pope.

  • S2023E29 Allegra Spender

    • August 27, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Independent MP for Wentworth Allegra Spender. The ABC's Laura Tingle, Jacob Greber of the AFR and the SMH's Sean Kelly discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Cathy Wilcox.

  • S2023E30 Tony Burke

    • September 3, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Employment Minister Tony Burke. The West Australian's Katina Curtis, the ABC's own Dan Bourchier, and Karen Middleton of the Saturday Paper discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Amanda Copp.

  • S2023E31 Noel Pearson

    • September 10, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Cape York Leader Noel Pearson. The Age & Sydney Morning Herald columnist Niki Savva, the ABC's own Fran Kelly, and John Kehoe of the AFR discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Jack The Insider.

  • S2023E32 Warren Mundine

    • September 17, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Leading No Campaigner Warren Mundine. ABC's Bridget Brennan, Clare Armstrong of the Daily Telegraph, and The Age & Sydney Morning Herald's James Massola discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Mark Knight.

  • S2023E33 Murray Watt

    • September 24, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt. The Age & Sydney Morning Herald's Peter Hartcher, the ABC's own Dana Morse, News.com.au's Samantha Maiden discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Zoe Norton Lodge.

  • S2023E34 Jordon Steele-John

    • October 1, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John. The ABC's own Patricia Karvelas, NITV's John Paul Janke and Phil Coorey of the AFR discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Jon Kudelka.

  • S2023E35 Anthony Albanese

    • October 8, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. The ABC's own Dan Bourchier, Katharine Murphy of Guardian Australia, and The Australian's Peter van Onselen discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fiona Katauskas.

  • S2023E36 Voice Referendum

    • October 15, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    A special 90-minute edition of Insiders, David Speers is joined by Isabella Higgins, John Paul Janke and David Crowe to discuss the Voice referendum defeat.

  • S2023E37 Simon Birmingham

    • October 22, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham. The Daily Telegraph's Clare Armstrong, ANU's Mark Kenny, Tom Crowley of The Daily Aus and the ABC's own Carly Williams discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with David Pope.

  • S2023E38 Anthony Albanese

    • October 29, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Washington DC. SBS' Anna Henderson, the ABC's own Greg Jennett, and Anthony Galloway of Capital Brief discuss the PM's trip live from the U.S. capital. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Antoinette Lattouf.

  • S2023E39 Jim Chalmers

    • November 5, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers opens the show from China, during Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's historic trip. Patricia Karvelas interviews Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Guardian Australia's Lenore Taylor, Jacob Greber of the Australian Financial Review, and The Age & Sydney Morning Herald's Peter Hartcher discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Mark Humphries.

  • S2023E40 Penny Wong

    • November 12, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Foreign Minister Penny Wong. Network Ten's Waleed Aly, Jennifer Hewett of the AFR, and The West Australian's Katina Curtis discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Cathy Wilcox.

  • S2023E41 James Paterson

    • November 19, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Shadow Home Affairs Minister James Paterson. The Saturday Paper's Karen Middleton, the AFR's Phil Coorey and Shalailah Medhora of triple j Hack discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Alex Ellinghausen.

  • S2023E42 Chris Bowen

    • November 26, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen. The Herald Sun's James Campbell, James Massola of The Age & Sydney Morning Herald, and SBS' Anna Henderson discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Dan Ilic.

  • S2023E43 Sarah Hanson-Young

    • December 3, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. News.com.au's Samantha Maiden, David Crowe of The Age & Sydney Morning Herald, and the ABC's own Bridget Brennan discuss the issues of the week. Mike Bowers talks the week in pictures with Fiona Katauskas.

  • S2023E44 Bill Shorten

    • December 10, 2023
    • ABC (AU)

    On the final Insiders for 2023, David Speers is joined by Niki Savva, Clare Armstrong and Claudia Long.

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 Anthony Albanese

    • February 4, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers interviews Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. The AFR's Phil Coorey, Karen Middleton of the Saturday Paper, and News.com.au's Samantha Maiden discuss the issues of the week.

  • S2024E02 Angus Taylor

    • February 11, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    On Insiders this Sunday February 11, David Speers is joined by Tom Crowley, Clare Armstrong and Jacob Greber. Our guest is the Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor who joins us live in the studio.

  • S2024E03 Max Chandler-Mather - Greens Spokesperson on Housing (18/2/2024)

    • February 18, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins John Paul Janke, Ashleigh Raper and David Crowe to discuss the housing crisis, negotiations over a Help to Buy scheme, Rafah, pressure on Barnaby Joyce and the Immigration Minister plus the PM gets engaged.

  • S2024E04 Jason Clare - Education Minister (25/2/2024)

    • February 25, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Sarah Ison, Raf Epstein and Katina Curtis to discuss higher education, border protection, the Dunkley by-election in Melbourne's outer southeast, vehicle emissions standards, the Navy shake-up and Assange.

  • S2024E05 Dan Tehan - Shadow Immigration Minister (3/3/2024)

    • March 3, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Niki Savva, Paul Sakkal and Patricia Karvelas to discuss the Dunkley By-Election, immigration and border protection, ASIO boss says a former politician 'sold out' Australia, the gender pay gap plus housing.

  • S2024E06 Chris Bowen - Climate Change and Energy Minister (10/3/2024)

    • March 10, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Jennifer Hewett, Anna Henderson and Peter Hartcher to discuss the energy transition, vehicle emissions standards, the Coalition's plans for nuclear energy plus the economy, Greens housing policy and the US.

  • S2024E07 James Paterson - Shadow Home Affairs Minister (17/3/2024)

    • March 17, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers discusses the week in politics with Phil Coorey, Samantha Maiden and Dan Bourchier including the risks of TikTok, UNRWA funding restored, visas, the GST carve-up, the Aged Care Taskforce final report plus more funding for education and remote housing for Indigenous Australians in the NT.

  • S2024E08 Richard Marles - Defence Minister (24/3/2024)

    • March 24, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Shalailah Medhora, Anthony Galloway and Clare Armstrong to discuss Australia on the global stage - from Trump's comments on Rudd, a visit by China's Foreign Minister, AUKMIN talks and a UK defence and security agreement, the religious discrimination bill, and Tasmania's state election.

  • S2024E09 Simon Birmingham - Shadow Foreign Minister (7/4/2024)

    • April 7, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Karen Middleton, Paul Sakkal and Katina Curtis to discuss the response to the death of seven aid workers in Gaza including Australian Zomi Frankcom, migration legislation, parliamentary standards and Sam Mostyn named Australia's next Governor-General.

  • S2024E10 Jim Chalmers - Treasurer (14/4/2024)

    • April 14, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins John Kehoe, Anna Henderson and David Crowe to discuss the PM's plan to boost manufacturing and clean energy, Penny Wong's speech floating the possibility of recognising Palestine as a state prior to final agreement on a two-state solution, plus Julian Assange.

  • S2024E11 Peter Dutton - Opposition Leader (21/4/2024)

    • April 21, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers and the panel Samantha Maiden, Lenore Taylor and Phil Coorey cover the week in politics including defence strategy, national security, the federal budget and more. David interviews Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

  • S2024E12 Dai Le - Independent Member for Fowler (28/4/2024)

    • April 28, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Bridget Brennan, Shane Wright and Karen Middleton to discuss the eSafety Commissioner v Elon Musk over social media takedown policy, the crisis of male violence against women, plus inflation and the budget.

  • S2024E13 Katy Gallagher - Finance Minister and Minister for Women (5/5/2024)

    • May 5, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers is joined by Tom Crowley, Clare Armstrong and Jennifer Hewett to discuss the response to the growing crisis of violence against women, renewed pressure on the Home Affairs and Immigration ministers over released detainees, plus changes to foreign investment rules.

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Budget Night Special (Tuesday 14/5/2024)

    • May 14, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers is joined by Phil Coorey, Laura Tingle and Patricia Karvelas to unpack the Budget. We hear from Adam Bandt, Jacqui Lambie and David Pocock plus Chris Richardson, Cassandra Goldie and Katherine Burney.

  • S2024E14 Angus Taylor - Shadow Treasurer (12/5/2024)

    • May 12, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    Days before the budget, David Speers joins Annabel Crabb, Jacob Greber and Niki Savva to discuss the economy, interest rates, the economic tightrope between cost-of-living support and inflation, plus China, Palestine and gas.

  • S2024E15 Jim Chalmers - Treasurer (19/5/2024)

    • May 19, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Laura Tingle, Phil Coorey and Peter Hartcher to discuss cost of living relief in Labor's third budget, the Future Made in Australia policy, the Opposition's budget reply, plus pro-Palestine campus protests.

  • S2024E16 Adam Bandt - Greens Leader (26/5/2024)

    • May 26, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Katina Curtis, Sean Kelly and Samantha Maiden to discuss energy policy, extending the life of NSW's largest coal-fired power station, nuclear power and a transition to renewables. Plus Israel and Palestine.

  • S2024E17 Murray Watt - Agriculture Minister (2/6/2024)

    • June 2, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins James Campbell, Karen Middleton and James Massola discuss a new ministerial directive on visa cancellations, pressure on the Immigration Minister, Senate Estimates, beef to China and Trump's guilty verdict.

  • S2024E18 David Coleman - Shadow Communications Minister (9/6/2024)

    • June 9, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers is joined by John Kehoe, Claudia Long and Clare Armstrong to discuss tensions over the war in Gaza spilling over in parliament, and the state of the Australian economy as GDP grew by just 1.1% over the past year.

  • S2024E19 Penny Wong - Foreign Minister (16/6/2024)

    • June 16, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Anna Henderson, Jennifer Hewett and Paul Sakkal to discuss Peter Dutton's decision to abandon Australia's 2030 climate targets, Chinese Premier Li Qiang's visit and SA's proposed ban on political donations.

  • S2024E20 Ted O'Brien - Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy (23/6/2024)

    • June 23, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Melissa Clarke, David Crowe and Ashleigh Raper to discuss reaction to the Opposition announcing seven locations for nuclear power plants, plus Australia-China relations and Chinese Premier Li Qiang's visit.

  • S2024E21 Richard Marles - Deputy Prime Minister (30/6/2024)

    • June 30, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers discusses the week in politics with Mark Kenny, Samantha Maiden and Tom Crowley, including Julian Assange returns to Australia, nuclear power, vaping restrictions, tax cuts and Fatima Payman crosses the floor.

  • S2024E22 Mehreen Faruqi - Deputy Greens Leader (7/7/2024)

    • July 7, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Phil Coorey, Amy Remeikis and Katina Curtis to discuss Senator Fatima Payman quits Labor to sit as an independent, protests, Labour wins the UK election plus the Coalition's supermarket divestiture policy.

  • S2024E23 Tony Burke - Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations (14/7/2024)

    • July 14, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    Patricia Karvelas joins John Paul Janke, Clare Armstrong and Anthony Galloway to discuss growing pressure on Joe Biden to step down as Democratic candidate in the US, plus NATO, NAIDOC Week, anti-semitism and Islamophobia.

  • S2024E24 Zoe Daniel - Independent Member for Goldstein (21/7/2024)

    • July 21, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers and the panel Raf Epstein, Karen Middleton and Shane Wright discuss growing momentum behind calls for President Biden to step down as Democratic nominee, crisis in the CFMEU, plus hydrogen and renewable energy.

  • S2024E25 Brendan O'Connor - Minister for Skills and Training (28/7/2024)

    • July 28, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers is joined by Niki Savva, Samantha Maiden and Jacob Greber to discuss the PM's ministerial reshuffle after Linda Burney and Brendan O'Connor decided to retire, plus Kamala Harris, Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel.

  • S2024E26 Anthony Albanese - Prime Minister of Australia (4/8/2024)

    • August 4, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers is joined by John Paul Janke, Carly Williams and Patricia Karvelas live from the Garma festival on Yolŋu country in northeast Arnhem Land. Plus special guest Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

  • S2024E27 Mike Burgess - Director-General of ASIO (11/8/2024)

    • August 11, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers is joined by David Crowe, Melissa Clarke and John Kehoe. Plus special guest Mike Burgess, the Director-General of ASIO.

  • S2024E28 David Littleproud - Nationals Leader (18/8/2024)

    • August 18, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers and the panel Jennifer Hewett, Charles Croucher and Anna Henderson discuss the week including visa security checks for people fleeing Gaza, gambling advertising reform, and the CFMEU bill blocked in the Senate.

  • S2024E29 Bill Shorten - NDIS Minister (25/8/2024)

    • August 25, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers discusses the week with Karen Middleton, Phil Coorey and Claudia Long including NDIS and aged care reform, new parliamentary standards, visas from Gaza, the CFMEU and a Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence plan.

  • S2024E30 Andrew Bragg - Shadow Minister for Home Ownership (1/9/2024)

    • September 1, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers is joined by Laura Tingle, Paul Sakkal and Mark Kenny to discuss the week including university caps on international students, CFMEU protests, a question on sexuality in the census, and the Pacific policing plan.

  • S2024E31 Jim Chalmers - Treasurer (8/9/2024)

    • September 8, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Annabel Crabb, James Massola and Katina Curtis to discuss the week including Australia records its weakest annual growth in years, Bill Shorten to retire from politics, and $4.7bn for frontline DV services.

  • S2024E32 Jane Hume - Shadow Minister For Finance (15/9/2024)

    • September 15, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Waleed Aly, Clare Armstrong and Jacob Greber to discuss the week in politics including a deal on aged care reform, plans to ban social media for kids and the Opposition refuse to support changes to the RBA.

  • S2024E33 Mark Butler - Health Minister (22/9/2024)

    • September 22, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

    David Speers joins Sam Maiden, David Crowe and Shalailah Medhora to discuss the week as the government failed to get support for its key housing legislation. Plus Quad leaders meet in the US, childcare and workplace policy.

  • S2024E34 29/9/2024

    • September 29, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2024E35 6/10/2024

    • October 6, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2024E36 13/10/2024

    • October 13, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2024E37 20/10/2024

    • October 20, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2024E38 27/10/2024

    • October 27, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2024E39 3/11/2024

    • November 3, 2024
    • ABC (AU)

  • S2024E40 10/11/2024

    • November 10, 2024
    • ABC (AU)