Harm bittet um seine Rückversetzung zur Flugstaffel, weil er nach der gelungenen Augenoperation wieder fliegen möchte. Chegwidden will seinen besten Mann nur ungern gehen lassen, auch Jordan und Mac sind sehr enttäuscht. Da setzen bei Harriet plötzlich die Wehen ein, und zum Erstaunen aller gibt Chegwidden eine passable Hebamme ab ...
Quelle: kabel eins
With Harm's eyesight fixed, Harm decides to go ahead and submit a request to be transferred to a fighter squadron. When Lt.Cmdr Parker finds his written request, she is upset at the prospect of Harm being gone for months at a time.
Afterwards, Harm goes over to Mac's apartment who has Chloe spending the night with Mac before she is reunited with her real father. Harm informs Mac of the eye surgery and his plans. Mac is equally upset at the prospect of losing Harm. Mic shows up at Mac's apartment after Harm leaves attempting to court Mac's feelings. After Mic leaves, Chloe tells Mac that Brumby and Harm have a crush on her and begins teasing Mac: ""Harm & Mac, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.""
Admiral Chegwidden passes Harm's request to be transferred onto the SecNav. Not willing to do any favors for Harm, the SecNav is reluctant to intervene. But, when the SecNav considers that it will get Harm away from Washington and the Admiral will owe the SecNav a favor, he tells the Admira
Harm pense qu’il est temps qu’il se remette à voler maintenant qu’il a retrouvé sa vision nocturne. Mac et Jordan ne sont pas vraiment enthousiasmées par cette idée. Harriet est sur le point d’accoucher…
Cheggwidden admirális élete egyik percrÅ‘l a másikra alaposan felgyorsul.
A váratlan meglepetéseket Harmon Rabb kezdi azzal a beadvánnyal, amelyben kérelmezi: vezéreljék vissza régi szolgálatába, amelyet egészségügyi okból kénytelen volt megszakítani. Az admirális arra végképp nem számít, hogy ügyeletes bábaként, Henriett gyermekét kell a világra segítenie...
Il bambino di Harriett decide di nascere prima del tempo, mentre Bud è nel bel mezzo di un caso che riguarda una Sergente dei Marines incinta e Mac sente che il suo orologio biologico sta ticchettando quando saluta Chloe, la sua "sorellina". Ma quando sia Harriett sia la Sergente in contemporanea entrano in travaglio, è un lavoro che solo un SEAL può svolgere. Nel frattempo Harm convince l'Ammiraglio ad intercedere per lui nel cambiamento di destinazione per tornare ad essere pilota.
Harm vuelve a decirle al Almirante Chegwidden que ha decido que es hora de volar de nuevo. Chewidden habla de esta decisión a Jordan y a Mac para ver la reacción de ambos, pero no logra nada claro. Poco después Harm va a ver a Mac, pero ella lo despide con una excusa débil. Ya en el apartamento, Chloe le dice a Mac que no se preocupe, que ella sabe que Harm está enamorado de ella. Por otro lado, Harriet da a luz a su bebé.