Als Schlagzeuger ist man immer im Nachteil – man ist nie richtig zu sehen und steht nie im Rampenlicht. Ritsu hat die Nase voll, auch sie will endlich einmal richtig strahlen! Doch mit welchem Instrument?
After noticing how badly she shows up in videos of the band's performances, Ritsu decides she does not want to be the drummer anymore as she does not stand out enough. She tries playing the guitar but cannot get beyond the basics. She tries the keyboard next, but only goes as far as playing with all the sound effects. The next day, Yui tries coming up with various ways to make Ritsu stand out, with no such luck. Later that night, Ritsu recalls when she first started drumming and practicing every day. After watching a DVD of The Who, she realizes that even though she is not always in the spotlight, she loves playing the drums. The next day, Tsumugi shows off a new song that Ritsu helped her come up with.
Ritsu ha visto los dvd’s de los conciertos y ha descubierto que a ella no se la ve… Ella, que quiso tocar la batería para brillar con luz propia, siempre está entre las sombras. Así que decide dejar la batería y tocar cualquier otro instrumento.
Ritsu semble en pleine phase de doute. Elle commence à remettre en question sa place de batteuse, et souhaiterait être sur le devant de la scène.
Mais sans batteuse, que deviendra le groupe ?
신입부원(?)인 톤에 꿈 속에 나타난 경음악부. 평소와 다름없는 분위기 속에서 혼자서 노트를 보고 있던 리츠는 갑자기 소리를 지른다. 경음악부의 활동 보고 사진을 보고, 자신이 눈에 띄지 않는단 사실이 원인인듯 싶다.