Die Mädchen wollen ein tolles Abschlussalbum anfertigen. Da bietet sich ihnen die Gelegenheit, ihrer Klassenlehrerin einmal zu Hause einen unangekündigten Besuch abzustatten…
Set before episode 23, Nodoka arrives in the clubroom with a sample of the graduation yearbook. The yearbook needs to be checked by Sawako, who is sick with a cold. Curious about what her apartment looks like, the girls decide to pay her a visit. Whilst looking through the album, they find a mysterious hand in the group photo, which turns out to be Ritsu's. Despite Sawako's objection, the girls decide to help her out around the apartment. They briefly visit Azusa, who is busy rehearsing for her freshman reception with Ui and Jun.
En estos capítulos especiales veremos cómo las chicas hacen un vídeo para promocionar al Club de Música Ligera y Sawa-chan nos abrirá las puertas de su casa para recibirnos. Falta esperar qué sorpresas nos traerá la película.
Cet épisode est un spécial. Chronologiquement, l'histoire se situe entre les épisodes 22 et 23.
수업은 없지만 경음악부 3학년 멤버들은 동아리 방에 나와 차를 마신다. 유이는 오늘 중요한 물건이 도착한다며 어쩐지 들뜬 듯한 모습인데.. 그때, 동아리방에 노도카가 찾아 오고...