Young-Jae (Im Ji-Kyu) is an aspiring webtoon writer. He works part-time at a convenience store during the day. Young-Jae has been unable to sleep for 1 year.
Yoo-Jung (Im Se-Mi) is unemployed. She has been unable to sleep for 2 years. Young-Jae and Yoo-Jung live in the same neighborhood and they happen to meet. Due to their insomnia, they have similar routines and meet often. They become attracted to each other.
꿈을 이루지 못해 잠을 못 자는 여자와 꿈을 이루기 위해 잠을 못 자는 남자. 지독한 불면증에 걸린 두 남녀가 만나 서로에게 몸도 마음도 끌리지만, 사랑을 나누기엔 현실은 어쩐지 곤란하기만 하다.