Das Wintercamp neigt sich dem Ende zu und die Mädels genießen den nächsten Morgen bei einem zünftigen Frühstück. Zwar neigt sich das Jahr dem Ende zu, aber sie beschließen, auch im nächsten Jahr wieder viel campen zu gehen.
Nadeshiko tells the group what she expects them to be like in ten years when Rin returns. After bathing, the campers enjoy various movies and shows on a tablet Chiaki had brought along until they decide to call it a night. Under the stars, Rin and Nadeshiko talk about their plans for the new year before going to sleep. The next morning, the two cook breakfast and watch the Sun rise behind Mount Fuji. Rin returns to her job at a bookstore, while Nadeshiko continues pondering about getting one of her own to afford camping equipment. Ena texts her about a job opportunity delivering New Year's cards, which she accepts. In the epilogue, Nadeshiko returns to Motosuko to solo camp when she receives a message from Rin, who also happens to be doing the same. Nadeshiko proposes sending photos of their respective campsites to one another; after seeing herself in Rin's picture, she turns around and realizes they will be camping at the same location.
Le camping de Noël se poursuit dans la bonne humeur !
가스를 사러 갔던 린도 무사히 돌아오고 뒷정리와 샤워까지 마친 일행은, 다 같이 시마린 경단 머리를 하고 태블릿으로 영화도 보면서 즐거운 밤을 보낸다.
그리고, 마지막까지 깨어 있던 린과 나데시코는 별을 바라보며 캠핑에 대한 감상을 나눈다.
O dia amanhece e as meninas aproveitam um típico café da manhã japonês acampando com o Monte Fuji de paisagem.
تخيّم كافّة الفتيات معاً في يوم الكريسماس بعد أن انضمّت رين معهن أيضاً. يتناولن حساء ميسو ويستحممن ويتأمّلن السماء والنجوم ويقضين أجمل أوقات في التّخييم لتكون آخر رحلة تخييم لهذا العام متمنّيات المزيد والمزيد من رحلات التّخييم في العام الجديد.
Las chicas celebran su campamento de Navidad y hablan un poco sobre el futuro y sus aspiraciones.