

Based on the children's books created by Ludwig Bemelmans, this animated series follows the adventures of little red-haired Madeline and her friends in their Paris school. Despite being the smallest girl in Miss Clavel's boarding school, Madeline manages to get herself into one predicament after another. She causes her friends and teachers no end of worry, although things always seem to work themselves out in the end.

  • The New Adventures of Madeline
Deutsch English español Português - Brasil Português - Portugal العربية
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials April 1988 November 1991 6
Season 1 September 1993 October 1994 20
Season 2 August 1995 January 2016 13
Season 3 September 2000 March 2001 26
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Unassigned Episodes 65
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 65

No actors for this record.

Name Number of Episodes Dates
Stephan Martinière 11 04/09/1988 - 11/28/1991
Cassandra Schafhausen 5 12/25/1990 - 11/28/1991
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Peter Landecker 5 12/25/1990 - 11/28/1991
Judy Rothman Rofé 1 04/09/1988

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All TV Series Seen in Full Throughout Life

1 203 WatchTillTandava

A comprehensive list of all TV series seen and experienced throughout my life from early childhood to the present day. Usually full completion including all seasons, but at least a mandatory minimum of one full season. Will include live action and Western animation/cartoons, but exclude anime, which is on a separate list.

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