The boys are upset that, at the girls' request, swimming classes are to not be co-ed. In keeping with Tenbi tradition, they propose to resolve the issue with a water cavalry battle. The girls agree, even though it means appearing in their swimsuits for the competition itself. No one seems to hold it against him when Takeru cheats, but with the arrival of Minerva Martha, the final member of Venus, he has no chance to enjoy his victory.
Os meninos estão chateados que, a pedido das meninas, as aulas de natação são para não ser co-ed. De acordo com a tradição Tenbi, se propõem a resolver o problema com uma batalha de cavalaria água. As meninas concordam, mesmo que isso signifique que aparece em seus trajes de banho para a competição em si. Ninguém parece ter contra ele engana quando Takeru, mas com a chegada de Minerva Martha, o último membro de Vênus, ele não tem oportunidade de desfrutar de sua vitória.
The boys are upset that, at the girls' request, swimming classes are to not be co-ed. In keeping with Tenbi tradition, they propose to resolve the issue with a water cavalry battle. The girls agree, even though it means appearing in their swimsuits for the competition itself. No one seems to hold it against him when Takeru cheats, but with the arrival of Minerva Martha, the final member of Venus, he has no chance to enjoy his victory.